Volume 11, No. 7, July 30, 2024

Sharing news gathered during July

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based 501c3 non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

To receive One Health Happenings, add yourself to the OHC international One Health network

listserv of over 20,000 global One Health supporters.

Have One Health news to share with the world?

Submit it (100 words or less) here.

Contact the One Health Happenings Team

See other Resources provided by the One Health Commission

NOTES: In the GMAIL environment please scroll to the bottom of your message box and click

'View Entire Message' to see this full newsletter!!!!!!

Or find it as a pdf on the 'archives' webpage -

Helpful hint: From anywhere in the newsletter, type 'Control F' to jump to any term or section.

Quote of the Month

“We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place--or not to bother”.

Jane Goodall


Happy 15th Birthday

One Health Commission!!

Connect, Create, Educate!!

June 29, 2009, the One Health Commission (OHC) was officially incorporated as a 501c3 Non-Profit organization chartered in Washington, D.C. You can review its early history and an overview of its activities over the past 15 years. (Or listen to a presentation about the OHC - starts 3 minutes in)

Since 2014 the OHC has been headquartered in central North Carolina and has worked globally to ‘connect’ One Health stakeholders to ‘create’ strategic networks/teams/partnerships that work together across disciplines to ‘educate’ about One Health and One Health issues. 

To better ‘connect’ organizations, groups and individuals who are actively working to further the One Health concept, in 2014 the OHC began identifying and mapping Who’s Who in One Health Academic Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, For-Profit/Corporate Entities and Government/Intergovernmental Organizations. Its One Health Happenings Newsletters highlighting One Health news from around the world began in 2015. In 2016 the OHC spearheaded creation of an annual global One Health Day that is celebrating its 9th year in 2024. The OHC’s Working Groups provide opportunities for individuals from all over the world to get involved in advancing the One Health way of thinking and acting. To this day the OHC calls for better communications and coordination among players working in the international One Health movement.

So wish the OHC a Happy Birthday and come get involved to help us lead for One Health!


One Sustainable Health for All (OSHA) Foundation Now Under Aegis of Institut Pasteur

Created on September 1st, 2020, during the pandemic under the aegis of the Bullukian Foundation in Lyon, the OSHA Foundation joins the Pasteur Institute. The Forum brings together a wide variety of professional organizations for an operational transcription of the One Health/Planetary Health approach, in connection with the 2030 SDGs.


Virchow Prize for Global Health awarded to

Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström

For their pioneering contributions to the analysis and understanding of the importance of efficient health systems and the decisive role of climate and planetary boundaries to preserve the conditions for healthy lives on our planet earth. Hosted by the Virchow Foundation, the Virchow Prize is under High Patronage of the President of the German Bundestag endowed with €500,000 for significant contributions towards safeguarding human and planetary health. It directly addresses the relationship between medical, political, economic and social determinants of health, and aims to contribute sustainable and universal improvement of health outcomes. See a July 15, 2024 Video announcing the winners. The Award Ceremony will be on October 12 at Rotes Rathaus Berlin.


New “One Health” Project to Bolster Response to Infectious Disease and Pandemic Threats in Bangladesh

April 29, 2024

The U.S. Embassy Dhaka’s United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is launching its new USAID One Health Project to improve infectious disease prevention and control in Bangladesh. Working with the U.S. Congress, USAID will provide up to $26 million over five years and work closely with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock; and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change to coordinate prevention, detection, and response to infectious diseases among humans and animals, and mitigate other pandemic threats more effectively.


Internews Health Journalism Network’s (HJN)

One Health Toolkit for All Information Providers

The Internews Health Journalism Network is a community of media professionals who cover health and that is leading a Building Community Resilience through Emergency Communications and Preparedness project in the Eastern Caribbean islands of Barbados and Dominica. These islands increasingly face the devastating impacts of natural disasters. Their size and location render them vulnerable to climate change, while their information environments are generally weak and susceptible to mis- and dis-information, making it challenging for citizens to access good information necessary to make informed decisions, particularly during crises. HJN, with support from the Clara Lionel Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation is implementing this project to build community resilience to future climatic, health and environmental emergencies. One of the objectives is to mainstream knowledge and access to the One Health approach by producing a One Health Toolkit for all information providers.


One Health Workforce Development and Coordination for Pandemic Readiness, Pakistan

Under a Public Private Partnership arrangement, Pak One Health Alliance will work with the Health Services Academy/Ministry of Health of Pakistan on an ambitious two years ‘One Health Workforce Development’ project with following objectives: 

  • Build an intersectoral One Health workforce that has the skills and capabilities to prevent, detect and control health threats
  • Strengthen prevention of pandemics and health threats at the source 
  • Use One Health innovative approaches and technologies for One Health Promotion 

We are looking for professional collaboration with international/regional organizations in One Health Workforce Development. To collaborate or for more information, please reach out to Dr. Mursalin, CEO of Pak One Health Alliance, Islamabad Pakistan. Email:


May 20-21, 2024 Groundbreaking Event!! 

Global Wildlife Data Sharing Conference

An International Summit on Wildlife Data Harmonization for Enhanced One Health Security

Organized by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)'s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Driven One Health Security team with PAX sapiens and Western University of Health Sciences. Focused on obstacles prohibiting data sharing, this summit brought together international experts and stakeholders in wildlife health, One Health security, and data science to discuss the benefits and challenges of sharing and harmonizing diverse databases for wildlife biosurveillance, signal detection, and early warning for pandemic preparedness and on building relationships between potential data providers and consumers. Participants included diverse experts from academia, nongovernmental organizations, wildlife agencies, other government agencies, and national laboratories from Canada, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, and the United States. More information:

See also: and


Did You Know About???

COHERE, the Checklist for One Health Epidemiological Reporting of Evidence 

Created by University of Washington’s Center for One Health Research, this resource was designed to improve the quality of reporting of observational epidemiology studies integrating data on humans, animals and/or vectors, and their shared environments and promote the concept that One Health studies should integrate data from these three sectors.


Calling all One Health PhD students or PhDs working on One Health issues

Annual Dance Your Ph.D. contest - Plan for 2025

2025 will be the 17th year of the “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest run by AAAS and Science, and sponsored by the artificial intelligence and quantum technology company SandboxAQ. It could be used as an opportunity to teach the world about One Health and One Health issues. 


The Challenge: Explain ‘your’ One Health research through dance and dance your way to fame and fortune!

Prizes: Category winners receive $750. The overall winner receives an extra $2000 See the 2024 winner: KANGAROO TIME


One World, One Health:

Exploring the Connectability between Human, Animal and Environmental Health

November 1, 2023 Report from JPA Health

This report by JPA Health, a public relations, marketing & advocacy agency, reveals a concerning lack of communication and collaboration among influential global stakeholders in human, animal, and environmental health. In Sum:

  1. The One Health conversation is taking place in a bubble.
  2. Climate and conservation stakeholders are almost absent in One Health conversations and interactions. 
  3. Policymakers are disconnected from One Health.

The full report is available here.


The National 'Link' Coalition

(Legislation….Intervention….Networking….Knowledge to protect ALL vulnerable members of the family)

Human and animal well-being are inextricably intertwined and the prevention of family and community violence can best be achieved through partnerships representing multi-species perspectives. The National Link Coalition is a multidisciplinary 501c3 nonprofit collaborative network of individuals and organizations in human services and animal welfare who address the intersections between animal abuse, domestic violence, child maltreatment and elder abuse through research, public policy, programming and community awareness.


USAID’s BioDiversity Links' -

One Health Searchable Evidence Collection 

A curated set of resources that provides information on core topics of One Health including governance, disease, human well-being, and ecosystem health. This collection includes reports and published scientific literature to assist with your One Health decision making and programming.


Call for Papers

Bioscience Special Issue on One Health -

Spanning Earth’s Human, Wildlife, and Ecosystem Health Challenges

Editors Mary Ann Ottinger, Charles Fenster, Pim Martens, Katey Pelican, Paige Warren are envisioning very broad coverage so any topics that would be of interest to the wider One Health community are appropriate. Contacts:,, Submission deadline: 1 December, 2024. Publication date: Mid-2025


CABI One Health Special Issues currently open

for submissions:

Deadline 30th of November 2024.

Deadline 30th of November 2024.

Deadline 1st of September 2024.


Special Collection of BMC Global and Public Health

Beyond disciplinary silos: Intersectoral collaboration for One Health implementation   

This special collection invites the submission of Research, Comment, Review, and Opinion articles that highlight One Health approaches incorporating collaborative efforts between human, animal and/or environmental sectors. Taking an intersectoral approach, articles may tackle a broad range of issues and challenges. See more information here:


Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

Study Raises Questions About Key Features of H5N1 Infection in Cattle

— It may not always produce mild illness, and asymptomatic animals can harbor virus

July 26, 2024

Author: Kristina Fiore  In: MEDPAGE Today

Photo by Keith Weller

A new paper challenged two ideas about how the H5N1 bird flu behaves in cattle: that it always produces mild illness, and that asymptomatic animals don't spread disease. See the Scientific publication that this article is about: Caserta LC, et al "Spillover of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus to dairy cattle" Nature 2024;

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07849-4


One Health and the Social aspects of the H5N1 outbreak in U.S. Agriculture Sector

Cows, dairy workers, and America's struggle to track bird flu

July 24, 2024

Author : Madeline Halpert   In: BBC News, New York

“The only way you can long-term control this is to detect it,” he said. “We really don't know with summer coming on, with state fairs going on, with animals being moved around, that this isn't going to get worse before it gets better, unless we can control it.”


How decline of Indian vultures led to 500,000 human deaths

July 25, 2024

Author: Soutik Biswas  In: BBC News

The authors estimated that between 2000 and 2005, the loss of vultures caused around 100,000 additional human deaths annually, resulting in more than $69bn (£53bn) per year in mortality damages or the economic costs associated with premature deaths…These deaths were due to the spread of disease and bacteria that vultures would have otherwise removed from the environment.


In pandemic's shadow, risk of animal to human disease spread still high

July 21, 2024

Author: Karen Weintraub  In: USA TODAY

Harvard Law School and New York University found that not enough is being done to prevent an animal-borne virus from becoming the next pandemic. Researchers said preventive, rather than reactive policy, is needed to reduce the crossover risk and proposed a number of initiatives that could work. "We really need to recognize that by protecting our animals we protect our (own) health. And vice versa.…. By protecting our environment, we're also protecting human health and also animal health. They're almost inseparable."


Zoonotic Web Unravels Complexity of Transmission Chains

July 15, 2024 In: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnolgoy News by Mary Ann Liebert Publishers

A quantitative case study of zoonoses in Austria has introduced a zoonotic web that represents links between zoonotic agents, hosts, vectors, environments and food sources, "Simply studying the presence of a parasite in cat feces, like Toxoplasma, doesn't tell the whole story. Author Amelie Desvars-Larrive notes that the work could improve disease surveillance and shows that zoonotic spillover in Austria is most likely at human-cattle and human-food interfaces. The study was published in Nature Communications in the paper, A One Health framework for exploring zoonotic interactions demonstrated through a case study.


Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

An integrated inventory of One Health tools: Mapping and analysis of globally available tools to advance One Health, (2024) Behravesh CB, et al, CABI One Health,


Antimicrobial Resistance Among Clinically Significant Bacteria in Wildlife: An Overlooked One Health Concern, Li X, Mowlaboccus S, Jackson B, Cai C, Coombs GW, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2024, 107251, ISSN 0924-8579,

ESBL-Producing Enterobacterales at the Human-Domestic Animal-Wildlife Interface: A One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance in Piauí, Brazil. da SilvaSKSM, Fuentes-Castillo DA, Ewbank AC, Sarcristán C, Catão-Dias JL, Sevá P, Lincopan N, Deem SL, Feitosa LCS, Catenacci LS,. 2024. Veterinary Sciences. 11, 195.

Modeling transmission of avian influenza viruses at the human-animal-environment interface in Cuba. Montano Valle DdlN, Berezowski J, Delgado-Hernandez B, Hernandez AQ, Percedo-Abreu MI, Alfonso P, Carmo LP, Front. Vet. Sci. 11:1415559. July 2024, doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1415559 

One Health and sex and gender-related perspective in the ecosystem: Interactions among drivers involved in the risk of leptospirosis in Europe. A scoping review (Article), (Preprint) Cataldo C, Bellenghi M, Masella R, Busani L, One Health, Volume 19, December 2024, Article number 100841

The Sustainable One Health Index (SOHI) for Bottom-Up Use: For Countries, Regional Authorities, and Local Communities Based on Sustainable Development Goals (Original research), Laaser U, Wenzel H, Seifman R, Kaplan B, Bjegovic-Mikanovic V, JGPOH 2024, Journal of Global, Public and One Health, July 7, 2024, DOI: 10.61034/JGPOH-2024-16

See also:

Towards a global One Health index: a potential assessment tool for One Health performance, Zhang, XX., Liu, JS., Han, LF. et al.,  Infect Dis Poverty 11, 57 (2022).

One Health Index (OHI) applied to Curitiba, the ninth-largest metropolitan area of Brazil, with concomitant assessment of animal, environmental, and human health indicators

de Moura RR, Chiba de Castro WA, Farinhas JH, Pettan-Brewer C, et al., One Health. 2022 Jan 31;14:100373.

doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2022.100373.


Did You Miss It?

September 2023 

Universal Health coverage: expanding our ambition for health and well-being in a post-COVID world

The United Nations Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage recognized the value of a One Health approach (Itemss 41 and 98) and enhances cooperation by naming the local level first:

41. Recognize that a coherent approach to strengthen the global health architecture as well as health system resilience and universal health coverage are central for effective and sustainable prevention, preparedness, and response to pandemics and other public health emergencies, and recognize also the value of a One Health approach that fosters cooperation between the human health, animal health and plant health, as well as environmental and other relevant sectors and that strengthening early warning and response systems contribute to health system resilience

98. Enhance cooperation at the local, national, regional and global levels through a One Health approach, including through health system strengthening, capacity-building, including for research and regulatory capacity, and technical support and ensure equitable access to affordable, safe, effective and quality existing and new antimicrobial medicines, vaccines and diagnostics as well as effective and integrated stewardship and surveillance to improve the prevention, monitoring, detection, and control of zoonotic diseases and pathogens, threats to health and ecosystems, the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance, and future health emergencies, by fostering cooperation and a coordinated approach between human health, animal health and plant health, as well as environmental and other relevant sectors, and urge Member States to adopt an all-hazard, multisectoral and coordinated approach to prevention, preparedness and response for health emergencies, and encourage the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the United Nations Environment Programme, to build on and strengthen their existing cooperation;


Updates - Smithsonian Exhibit -

Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World

Washington, D.C., National Museum of Natural History 

3.3 million people viewed the OUTBREAK exhibit between its opening in March 2018 and closing in Oct 2022. Though the full physical exhibit has closed, you can see the Smithsonian’s own Do It Yourself (DiY) version installed indefinitely on the second floor of the Museum. It includes bilingual English-Spanish panels and audio-visual kiosks. The Smithsonian remains committed to educating about pandemic risks and One Health with its digital exhibit that remains accessible and updated. It also hosts multiple video webinar series. And the DiY ‘pop-up’ exhibit and media assets are still freely available for anyone to download with templates provided for creating translations of different languages in your region.

You can still bring this amazing exhibit to a library, shopping mall, hospital lobby or educational institution near you. Contact Kerri Dean at if interested or visit spread the word about this ongoing, impactful, cradle to grave, One Health educational opportunity for the general public.


One Health Issues in the News


this neglected tropical disease is spreading fast, and Europe is nowhere near prepared

July 23, 2024

Authors: Francisco Javier Moreno Nuncio, Christopher Fernandez-Prada In: The Conversation

“...transmitted by the bite of insects called phlebotomine sandflies…..Unlike other tropical infections, it is present in southern European countries as a zoonotic disease, meaning it is transmitted from animals to humans …a recent survey conducted by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) revealed that it is not mandatory to report cases of leishmaniasis in all countries with locally transmitted cases, and that few countries monitor or control infections in animals or humans…. A lack of preparation and reactive, rather than preventive, attitudes on the part of European governments have contributed significantly to the disease’s spread.”


One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

A working group of the One Health Commission founded in 2017

OHSS Member List: Call for Updates

To continue being informed about OHSS activities and keep this collective initiative lively and creative, please complete this shared document (see link below) that will in time replace the old email list.

OHSS memberlist_detailed - Google Sheets

Visit the OHSS Homepage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.

OHSS-Food Safety & Food Security (OHSS-FSFS)

Small Working Group



June 7, 2024 Webinar Series

Food Safety Day: Prepare for Unexpected

OHSS-FSFS celebrated Food Safety Day 2024 (June 7) with three different webinars at 3 different times across three different continents in three different languages sharing about One Health and Food Safety

August 5, 2024 Upcoming Food Safety Webinar (Spanish)

Que estamos haciendo en inocuidad alimentaria los Medicos Veterinarios? 

What are Veterinary Doctors doing in food safety?

10:00 AM (Peru GMT-5)

Hosted by OHSS-FSFS. Speaker Dr. Daphne Ramos, veterinary public health expert will explore the critical role of veterinarians in the Food Safety sector. Moderated by Professor Marcela Martin. Attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the session. Free but you must Register.

The OHSS-FSFS Team has joined FAO’s RENOFARM Initiative

The RENOFARM initiative will contribute toward countries' agrifood systems transformation by providing comprehensive support centered on the Farm 5Gs: Good Health Services, Good Production Practices, Good Incentives, Good Alternatives, and Good Connections.

Join the OHSS-FSFS Spanish WhatsApp group

Neglected One Health Issues

Not yet mainstream in the One Health Conversation Focus but urgently needed

Comparative Medicine and Translational Research

Breakthrough Cancer Vaccine For Dogs Is 'Truly Revolutionary', Scientist Says

29 March 2024

Author: David Nield In: Science Alert

Considering the similarities between dog cancer and human cancer, from genetic mutations and tumor behavior to treatment responses, the researchers suggest the vaccine will also help our understanding of cancers in humans.

Student News

International Student One Health Alliance



ISOHA LinkTree


For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.


August 17-21, 2024

One Health Conference (17-18) & ISOHA Assembly (19-21)

Fostering Global Collaboration for a Healthier Planet: International One Health Conference and ISOHA Assembly

Bangkok, Thailand. The International One Health Conference and ISOHA Assembly, organized by the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA), aim to create a dynamic platform for students and professionals across diverse disciplines to converge and explore the principles of One Health. Recognizing the intricate interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, the event seeks to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and inspire innovative solutions to address global health challenges. This five-day conference will comprise a two-day scientific program open to all participants, two days dedicated to the ISOHA Assembly exclusively for ISOHA members and students, and a final day featuring engaging tourist activities.


Upcoming Events

August 7, 2024

U.S. CDC Zoonosis and One Health Updates (ZOHU)

2:00 pm Eastern

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars hosted by the U.S. CDC One Health Office that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. The August 2024 call will include: 

  • Thinking About Thinking: A Metacognitive Framework for Antimicrobial Prescribing by Veterinarians
  • NOAA and One Health: Marine Animal Health, Environmental Intelligence, and Heat Resilience


August 30, 2024 Hybrid Event

Third Infectious Diseases and One Health Day

(IDOH Day) - One Health in Action: Ending Inequity for Achieving Integral Health

Tours, France, Université de Tours. Organised by alumni of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree programme in Infectious Diseases and One Health (IDOH), with the support of the Université de Tours, the Fédération de Recherche en Infectiologie (FéRI), L’Institut National de Recherche pour L’Agriculture, L’Alimentation et L’Environnement (INRAE) from the Centre Val-de-Loire region of France, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) and the University of Edinburgh (UoE). IDOH Day brings together students and professionals with top researchers and industry leaders that are developing and implementing integrated approaches to address global health problems. Flash talks and poster sessions promote international collaboration and scientific interdisciplinary exchanges with a program covering topics including antimicrobial resistance, the effects of climate change on disease, food safety and equity, how to optimise the future health of animals and people and next-generation tools to tackle wicked problems. Registration opens soon.


September 20-23, 2024 Conference

8th World One Health Congress (WOHC) 2024,

Cape Town South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa. Four day agenda includes parallel tracks addressing one health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, science policy interface, and more. This congress facilitates discussion of major One Health challenges and sharing of research data and policy developments. It provides an opportunity to look at global One Health science and policy through an African lens. Building on the success of the 7th World One Health Congress in 2022 in Singapore, WOHC 2024 brings together One Health stakeholders, from science researchers, policymakers, representatives of international institutions, civil society to the private sector from around the world.


September 22-25, 2024 Conference

MEDTROP 2024 Brazil

Tropical Medicine through a One Health Perspective 

São Paulo. Hosted by the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine. This event will be a milestone for One Health in Brazil, providing a platform to discuss major One Health challenges, share research data, and explore policy developments. Additional resources:

  • Following the six steps of the Quadripartite One Health Plan of Action, Brazilian and Latin American One Health Experts have presented six webinars
  • A One Health Pre-Workshop among all sectors (Universities, Associations, Ministries and MEDTROP members) has also been planned on Sept 21-22, 2024 on "Oficina: Saúde Única/Uma Só Saúde and Tema: Desafios para a implementação da Saúde Única/Uma Só Saúde em um cenário de mudanças climáticas " [Challenges for implementing One Health in a climate change scenario].


September 26, 2024

United Nations General Assembly:

High Level Meeting on AMR

9:00 AM to 6:00 PM GMT

New York, USA Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) will be addressed for the second time during a High-Level Meeting on the sidelines of the upcoming United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2024. It will be an opportunity to accelerate political action on AMR based on the One Health approach.


October 13, 2024 Conference and Training

Pathways Europe 2024 - Human Dimensions of Wildlife

Theme: Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting

9:00 CEST

Cordoba, Spain. Program now available. Co-hosted by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies - Spanish Research Council (IESA-CSIC), the University of Córdoba, and the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. The concept of “wild” often refers to elements of nature that remain untamed and unaltered by human intervention. Some argue that in today’s interconnected world, true wild, untouched by human influence, is exceedingly rare or perhaps even nonexistent. In this human-dominated, Anthropocene era, new challenges and new debates arise as to what is wild and what is natural.


October 13-15, 2024 

World Health Summit 2024 - Workshop and Side Event 

Workshop: Towards a World Network of One Sustainable Health Institutes

Side Event: One Digital Health

Berlin, Germany. The World Health Summit is the premier global event addressing all dimensions of Health - Human, Animal and Planetary/Environmental. The One Europe for Global Health Coalition, supported by the One Sustainable Health for All Foundation and the Virchow Foundation for Global Health, will be organising a workshop and a side event. During the workshop representatives of organisations from 5 world regions - Africa, China, Europe, Latin America & the Caribbean and North America, will discuss the operationalisation, vision and scope of this initiative to leverage local resources for a global impact, that has emerged from Civil Society. The side event brings together specialists in this area from around the world, addressing key issues influencing the implementation of Digital solutions to One Sustainable Health.


October 25-26-2024 Hybrid Conference

One Sustainable Health by All Conference

Dakar, Senegal. Hosted by the One Sustainable Health (OSH) for All Foundation and Galien Africa Association. As was the case last year in Lyon for the 1st edition, this international conference will bring together professionals from all countries in a transdisciplinary approach to address our health, environmental, and social challenges. It also provides an opportunity to share the operational priorities of the 9 International Working Groups of the OSH Forum:

  •     Environmental health and sustainability (IWG1)
  •     Sustainable food systems (IWG2)
  •     One Health and Urban Settings (IWG3)
  •     Equitable Health Service (IWG4)
  •     Financing for One Health (IWG5)
  •     Governance and Policy (IWG6)
  •     Education and Communication (IWG7)
  •     One Health Next Generation (IWG8)
  •     One Health in Humanitarian Settings (IWG9) Pre-registration available.


November 20-22, 2024

2nd International Congress on Antimicrobial Resistance with One Health Perspectives

Quito, Ecuador. Hosted by the Foodborne Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance Research Unit (UNIETAR) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry of the Central University of Ecuador. No link available.


December 3-6, 2024

20th International Congress on

Infectious Diseases (ICID)

Cape Town, South Africa. Hosted by the International Society for Infectious Diseases and stakeholder partners. The ICID 2024 is the premier meeting that goes far beyond clinical microbiology and the usual communicable diseases to encompass ALL fields pertaining to infection within a One Health context championing all practitioners from every corner of the globe. Every 2 years, the Congress is a place for our global industry and medical community to share groundbreaking solutions for prevention, management, and cutting edge treatments for all those impacted by infectious diseases.

Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)

These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!

Track the progress of One Health since 2001

Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's

Global One Health Events (since 2001) webpages.

Select a year and click 'VIEW'

July 25, 2024

The Animal Health Surveillance System Workshop

Hosted by the One Health Alliance Jordan, this webinar offered a comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge techniques and tools in animal health monitoring. Workshop was led by Professor Pankaj Dhaka, Assistant Professor at the Centre for One Health, GADVASU, India, renowned for his expertise in One Health approaches and animal health surveillance.


July 18, 2024 Webinar

Opportunities to foster the implementation of the One Health Priority Research Agenda on AMR

Hosted / Organizedby the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform in collaboration with the Global AMR R&D Hub. The Quadripartite organizations have developed the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) as a joint initiative to catalyze scientific interest and financial investments for AMR priority research across sectors for countries and funding bodies. The research agenda also serves as a guide to prevent and mitigate AMR within the One Health approach that will help policymakers, researchers, and a multidisciplinary scientific community to work together on solutions. For more information on Quadripartite work on AMR, visit, and for the Global AMR R&D Hub visit


July 11, 2024  U.S. FDA Grand Rounds Webinar

Salmonella and Escherichia coli:

Challenges Along the One Health Continuum

FDA Grand Rounds is a publicly available educational webcast hosted monthly to highlight cutting-edge research underway across the Agency and its impact on protecting and advancing public health. This presentation discussed the importance of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli as One Health-related pathogens and the challenges with antimicrobial resistance in these two pathogens. Speaker: Steven Foley, National Center for Toxicological Research. Learn more,

See also: FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Puts One Health into Practice: Protecting the Health of People and Animals in our Shared Environment Learn how FDA DCM uses a One Health approach.


July 10, 2024 Conference

One Health 2024: We Mean Business

Finding Commercial Solutions to Global Problems

Hosted by Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and its One Health Enterprise Network. Since 2019, Dorset LEP has hosted a national (UK) One Health Conference. It established the One Health Enterprise Network in 2023 to bring businesses together to find commercial solutions to global health challenges. Businesses that agree to incorporate the One Health Approach into their design and development processes can be said to be One Health Businesses and can be part of the One Health business cluster that the OHEN supports. See info on Dorset LEP and on past conferences.


July 5, 2024 In-Person One-Day Workshop

How can we better use Open Source Intelligence for the surveillance of biosecurity threats, with a One Health approach?

Cambridge, England. Hosted by a group at the University of Cambridge. The objective of this workshop was to co-write a perspective article on the stated topic. Invasive Non-Native Species were used as a case study. No informational link available.


June 10, 2024 OHSS Webinar

Exploring Zooeyia: The Benefits of Human-Animal Interaction and One Health

Zooeyia is a lesser known One Health term referring to the positive benefits for human health from interacting with animals. Speaker: Dr. Colleen Dell of the One Health & Wellness office at U Saskatchewan, Canada whose expertise stems from extensive experience working alongside therapy dogs, service animals and her own beloved pets. Participants learned about research & practice of the PAWSitve Connections Lab that Dr. Dell leads. The discussion introduced the concept of Zooeyia, understanding the environment from a social, built and ecological standpoint, and the role of animal welfare. Dr. Dell is Chairing a newly forming OHSS working group on One Health and the Human-Animal Bond. Anyone interested in participating please contact Recording is this webinar is available on the OHSS YouTube Channel.


May 1,2024

One Health Trivia Night and Networking Event

Hosted by Johns Hopkins University One Health Student Group


March 28, 2024 Webinar

One Health Seminar for National Farmworkers Week: Addressing Occupational Health Issues Among Farmworkers

Hosted by The Johns Hopkins POE Total Worker Health ® Center in Mental Health, the Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health, the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety.


Don’t forget!! You can view and also post your One Health-related Opportunities yourself directly to the Commission’s

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards

When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to

the bottom of the page

Summer Courses

August 12-16, 2024

Summer School on One Health Approaches to Study Climate Sensitive Infectious Diseases​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Rotterdam, Netherlands. Hosted by Erasmus University Medical Center, Pandemic and Preparedness Center, ID Alert and One Health Impact. Includes lectures, practical work, and self-study for a total of 1.5 ECTS credits. Registration  closes on May 15, 2024. Selected participants will receive a confirmation before June 1, 2024.


Research positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston


  • Research Associate II, Internal Medicine-Infectious Disease
  • Nurse Clinician II, Institute for Translational Science
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Internal Medicine-Infectious Disease
  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases

Contact: if you have any questions.

One Health Consultant with UNEP, 6 months

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) North America Office is seeking a One Health consultant to join our team in Washington, D.C. for a six-month assignment to play a crucial role in driving change and transformation to mitigate the impact of current and future health challenges at the human-animal-plant-environment interface. Application Deadline August 2, 2024. More information.

See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

New Books

Case Studies in Ecohealth:

Examining the Interaction between Animals and their Environment

Edited by Susan Cork and Doug P. Whiteside

A series of case studies to illustrate key concepts applicable to Eco Health, with a focus on taking an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems at the interface between animals and their environment.


Sustainable Development and Rural Public Health

From Fossil Fuels to Greener Futures

Editor: Michael Hendryx Published by Springer as part of the book series: Sustainable Development Goals Series (SDGS) This book offers strategies and solutions for rural communities dependent on fossil fuel economies to enable them to transition to sustainable development.


Coming in October

One Health and the Politics of COVID-19

By Laura Kahn

In this timely book, leading public health expert Laura H. Kahn uses the comprehensive One Health approach to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic. By comparing the history, science, and clinical presentations of three different coronaviruses—SARS-CoV-1, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)—Kahn uncovers insights with important repercussions for how to prepare for and avoid future pandemics.


No Time to Gamble: Leaders Must Unite to Prevent Pandemics

June 2024. 

Authors: Former Co-Chairs of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Rt Hon. Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia. This report calls out the limited progress and leadership's failure to take the measures necessary to transform pandemic preparedness and response. “Disease surveillance extends beyond people and a One Health approach, while more expensive, is essential. Veterinarians, farmers, forestry and wildlife professionals, hunters, and market managers and sellers need to be equipped with training and tools. Surveillance reporting and data systems must be linked up, and measures must be in place to cover loss of income.”



Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Biodiversity News Flash

Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

Colorado State One Health Institute

Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH)

Consortium of Universities for Global Health

Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health

FAO One Health Newsletter

Spotlight on Gender and One Health

Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Global Health Now

Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative Newsletter

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

North Carolina State University

Global One Health Academy (GOHA)

One Health Organization - Healthy Pet Gazette

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

Planetary Health Alliance

PREZODE - Preventing Zoonotic Disease Emergence Newsletters

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Newsletter



One World One Health Podcasts

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP). Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.

Click each image to listen to the podcast.

Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos
in the One Health Commission’s


Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.

Check out more Resources on the OHC website.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.

The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

See the OHC 2021 Annual Report.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Caitlin Holly, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Network.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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