Lenten Reflection: 16

“At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked her, ‘Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?’… Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (Teacher)”.  

(John 20:14-15, 16)

In the Garden

(UMC Hymnal #314)

There are two kinds of prayer: meditation and contemplation. Both aim to deepen our connection with God and help us grow in our relationship with God. In the hustle and bustle of life, getting closer to God takes some intentional effort. Meditation prayer involves focusing on Bible verses, pondering their meaning, and applying them to our lives. Contemplation prayer is about opening ourselves up to God's presence, being receptive, and drawing closer to God, like a lover gazing at the beloved.


Miles' hobby was photography, and he had managed to build his own "darkroom" for developing his film. His hobby was photography, and Miles had managed to build his own "darkroom" for developing his film. In March 1912, C. Austin Miles found inspiration while waiting for film to develop. His Bible fell open to John 20, where he read about Mary visiting Jesus's tomb. In his mind's eye, he joined Mary in the garden, witnessing the miraculous moment. When he snapped back to reality, he held his Bible tightly, realizing that this connection with God wasn't confined to ancient history. His muscles, according to his own recollection, were tense and vibrating. Reverently he thought, "This is not an experience limited to a happening almost 2,000 years ago. It is the daily companionship with the Lord that makes up the Christian's life."


This encounter birthed one of America's most beloved hymns, offering solace in dark times. Without exception, every family has chosen "In the Garden" as the hymn they want played at their loved one's funeral. Just as Jesus transformed Mary Magdalene's despair into joy by speaking her name, he wants to do the same for us. In our darkest hours, Jesus calls us, walks with us, and turns those moments into cherished times with him. Thanks be to God for this beautiful hymn!

Pastor Seok-Hwan


In the Garden

Click here to listen to the hymn

1. I come to the garden alone

while the dew is still on the roses,

and the voice I hear falling on my ear,

the Son of God discloses.

2. He speaks, and the sound of his voice

is so sweet the birds hush their singing,

and the melody that he gave to me

within my heart is ringing.

3. I'd stay in the garden with him

though the night around me be falling,

but he bids me go; thru the voice of woe

his voice to me is calling.


And he walks with me, and he talks with me,

and he tells me I am his own;

and the joy we share as we tarry there,

none other has ever known.

Text: C. Austin Miles

Music: C. Austin Miles
