July 2024 - Issue #111

Project Update: Lake and Watershed Assessment to Support Management Planning in the Lake Linganore Community, Maryland

Lake Linganore is a growing community of approximately 17,000 residents located in rural Frederick County, Maryland. The community and its four private lakes—Lake Linganore, Lake Merle, Lake Anita Louise, and Lake Marian—are managed by the Lake Linganore Association (LLA). While the lakes offer aesthetic enjoyment and many recreational opportunities to residents, they suffer from several problems that can limit community enjoyment and heighten risks to residents.

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CWPA Member Spotlight:

Davey Resource Group, Inc.

The Davey Resource Group was established in 1992 to nurture and protect natural resources and is a wholly-owned and incorporated subsidiary of The Davey Tree Expert Company, founded in 1880. As an industry leader in ecological restoration, arboriculture and horticulture, we remain responsible stewards of our planet’s natural resources. Rooted in research, the company’s vision is to achieve balance among people, progress, and the environment. With over 12,000 employees, we are one of the largest employee-owned companies in the U.S. and are headquartered in Kent, Ohio.

The Davey Tree Expert Company is currently working on expanding its corporate headquarters to include a specialized training and research facility on an almost 200- acre property. The Davey Tree SEED (Science, Employee Education, and Development) Campus will be the new home to specialized training and research facilities for The Davey Tree Expert Company. The science and learning campus is being designed to ensure that Davey continues to attract and retain the most qualified, well-trained, and engaged employees possible. Planned facilities include a 70,000- square-foot training center with two classrooms, laboratories, associated offices, event center, and a 10,700-square-foot indoor at-height climbing training center. Some of the other additions to the property include 10 spans of non-energized utility lines, greenhouses, a container nursery, an arboretum and multiple research plots and fields. Learn more about Davey here.

CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ

New content from CWP member, In-Situ: These fouling prevention strategies will protect the integrity of your data and the lifespan of your equipment over long deployments. Learn about the design and capabilities of the new Rugged Buoy, a lightweight and secure deployment housing for instrumentation and telemetry. And follow the development of salinity forecasting models to protect agricultural operations in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta from the effects of sea level rise.

CWP Staff Profile: Meet Sami Towsif Khan

Sami Towsif Khan is the Center's new Water Resources Engineer.

How did you get started working on watersheds?

I grew up in a country where street flooding during the monsoon season was very common, and I often found myself stuck on waterlogged roads. This experience inspired me to pursue a career in stormwater management

What is your favorite part about working for the Center?

My favorite part about working for the Center for Watershed Protection is contributing to impactful research and solutions that help mitigate urban flooding and improve water quality in communities.

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?

Best Buy

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?


What’s the strangest talent you have?

I can make very thin onion slices when I cook

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy is a surround sound system for all the rooms, synced to smart LED strip lights.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?

Visit Tomorrowland (both summer and the winter edition) in Belgium

CWP News

CWP Awarded Grants to Establish Stormwater Center of Excellence and National Stormwater Clearinghouse

CWP is excited to announce that we are one of four organizations selected by EPA to establish new regional Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control Infrastructure Technologies. CWP’s Center of Excellence will be a Coastal Stormwater Center focused on the Southeast region, from Virginia to Alabama. Our Coastal Stormwater Center partners include Auburn University Marine Extension, Clemson University, East Carolina University, North Carolina Coastal Federation, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Georgia Marine Extension and Sea Grant, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. CWP was also awarded funding to create a national electronic clearinghouse to house information about effective stormwater management technologies and approaches.

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CWP Awarded Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant

CWP is one of 13 organizations across the nation awarded an EPA Innovative Water Workforce Development Grant. This program supports expanding career opportunities in the drinking water and wastewater utility sector. In collaboration with partners Mid-America Regional Council, Groundwork Northeast Revitalization Group, Metropolitan Community College, and Bridging the Gap, CWP will develop a Kansas City Regional Water Workforce Initiative. This initiative will addressing water sector job vacancies through a comprehensive approach that includes community engagement, recruiting, technical training, coordination with employers to establish clear pathways to jobs, and creation of a regional certification.

Learn here!

Reducing Nutrient Loading to the Chesapeake Bay

CWP recently had an article published by the International Erosion Control Association. In the article, Amanda Pollack, PE, writes about CWP’s work to develop and coordinate implementation of the multi-jurisdictional Conowingo Watershed Implementation Plan.

Read here!

CWP is Looking for Biochar Implementation Partners

CWP is looking for partners interested in biochar amendments for their shovel-ready urban stormwater management projects to support runoff reduction and improved water quality across the Chesapeake Bay watershed in Virgina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, and Delaware.

Learn more here!

CWP Board News

Meet CWP's Newest Board Member, Alice Wu

Alice Wu is an investment analyst in the Fixed Income Division of T. Rowe Price Group. Alice earned a B.S. in economics from Northwestern University and an M.B.A from The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. She also has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. 

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?

I think it would be Costco, but my Costco credit card might automatically increase my credit limits.

What is your favorite river?

Mississippi river. I lived in Minnesota for several years, and visiting Mississippi River Headwaters is on my list of places to go!

Which sea creature is your favorite?

Dolphins. Did you know that dolphins sleep with only half of their brain? Dolphins can alternate which side of their brain is sleeping; one side alert for danger, the other for catching up on some rest.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

It used to be invisibility. Something like the Cloak of Invisibility from Harry Potter. However, I think it is almost impossible with my presence on social media platforms.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?

“And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today.’” – Syrio Forel

Funding Opportunities:

Upcoming Events

Local DMV Happy Hour

August 1st, 2024, 4:30 - 7:00 PM EST

Join us for a networking event! Stop by to say hi to us and other water professionals at The Board Room in Arlington

RSVP Here!

Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY):

Eric Seidl from Envirolok: August 22nd, 2024, 1:00PM EST

Xylem Presentation: September 12th, 2024, 1:00PM EST

Become a Member Here!

2024 Webcast 7: Behavior Change

September 18th, 2024, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Description: Humanity has six years left to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to prevent the worst effects of climate change. However, current narratives, steeped in despair and doom, are failing to motivate the masses. This talk presents a radical paradigm shift: A fusion of happiness science and climate science designed to ignite widespread climate action by tapping into the power of joy. This integrative approach focuses on the conjunction to identify high-impact actions to reduce carbon emissions, while also increasing individual happiness at the same time. Our lab has conducted a series of pre-registered experiments to demonstrate how to design climate action that also promotes happiness and how happiness benefits can increase the likelihood to take climate action. Emerging results suggest that this approach can not only address the climate crisis but also enhance individual happiness, leading to more impactful climate action.

Speakers: Jiaying Zhao, PhD and Jade Radke from the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia

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2025 IECA Annual Conference

February 25th - 28th, 2025

Richmond, VA

Register Here!

2025 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference

April 8th - 10th, 2025

Join us in Puerto Rico

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