In our Torah portion this week, Parashat Yitro, we find that Moshe seems to be a little bit overwhelmed. He is trying to do most everything all by himself. Not only is he the one who communicates with God and oversees the general well being of the children of Israel, he is also called upon to preside over any problems or disputes which arise amongst the people.  

According to a Midrash, or Jewish legend, there were literally hundreds of people lining up every day to ask Moshe for a legal decision or to seek his advice on a personal matter. He scarcely ever had a quiet moment or a break from his responsibilities.


And then his father in law, Yitro, came along, meeting up with Moshe and the children of Israel in the wilderness. Yitro, the father of Moshe's wife, Tziporah, witnessed what Moshe was experiencing and he felt that Moshe was taking on far too much responsibility. He needed to learn how to delegate. Yitro suggested that Moshe appoint other wise men, leaders and elders, to provide assistance. Moshe took the advice of Yitro, appointing God fearing and qualified leaders to watch over larger and smaller groups of the people so that, together, they could make sure everyone's needs were being attended to. 

The lesson here is clear. We should not allow ourselves to take on too much in our lives. We should not think that we can always handle everything without any help. Seeking assistance and delineating responsibility is not a sign of weakness or laziness. Rather, it is indicative of true leadership. Understanding our limitations and giving ourselves time to rest and recharge is helpful not only for each of us, but also for those around us. When we ask for help we empower others to feel that they are contributing to the betterment of society. Thus, we can achieve two purposes. One, to give ourselves more time and opportunity for rest and personal growth; two, to give others the chance to assist in ways they may not have realized they were capable of. 

The wisdom of Yitro is still so relevant today. We all need to work together, both leaders and followers. Only when working in cooperation can we all make the most out of our lives and our time here on this earth.


Shabbat Shalom!

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg

[email protected]


Temple Sholom observes the following Yahrzeits:

23rd Sh'vat - 29th Sh'vat

Zigmund Lederman

Jack Greenberg

Bessie Guber

Lucille Lipton

Yetta Hirschstein

Fay Benkel

Holli Hupart

Yom Huledet Sameach

(Happy Birthday)

Richard Apple

Richard Wasserman

     Laura & Mitchell Firestein

are thrilled to announce the

birth of their granddaughter


on January 9, 2024

Proud Parents

Helaine & Jared Dropkin


Sincere Condolences to

Ruth Leyden and family

on the loss of her sister Barbara Seidenstock

May G-d comfort them with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

Sincere Condolences to

the Walerstein family

on the loss of Harriet Walerstein.

May G-d comfort them with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

Temple Sholom Upcoming ZOOM Events

Please take a look and check the upcoming events for Temple Sholom.

Mark your calendars accordingly!


Adult Education

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 2nd

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00pm (on zoom only)

Saturday, February 3rd

Shabbat Service at 10:00am

(in person as well as zoom)

Junior Congregation at 10:30am-12:30pm

Sunday, February 4th

Shaharit at 10am (on zoom only)

Monday,February 5th

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Tuesday, February 6th

Wednesday, February 7th

Shaharit at 9:30am (on zoom only)

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Sisterhood Meeting at 7:30pm

Thursday, February 8th

Torah discussion at 12pm

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Friday, February 9th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00pm (on zoom only)

Family Shabbat Services at 6:30pm

(Dinner to follow)

For livestream click our website
Zoom Meeting ID # and connecting information for all services is as follows:

Meeting ID: 906 698 4216
Passcode: Shalom
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,9066984216#,0#,536917# US (New York)

Please remember to let us know in advance if you need a minyan for any particular time. We will make it happen for you!

Best wishes,

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg