GCBO Bird of the Month

Canada Warbler

by Mike Williams


The Canada Warbler, (Wilsonia canadensis or Cardellina canadensis depending on which authority you support), was first described by C. H. Bonaparte in 1850 and is monotypic and grouped with Wilsons, Red, Red-faced and Pink-headed Warblers. Canada Warblers are migratory, breeding in the Northeast US and Eastern Canada wintering in Northern South America. It is found throughout the central and Eastern US during migration including here in Texas. Note it is a late migrant, being found in Texas in May.

It is found primarily in pine, spruce and fir forests at mid/high altitude in breeding season and winter but is found at lower elevations during migration.

Breeding season is short and runs from late May to July with only one brood being laid. The nest is a loose cup of pine needles, bark, and dead leaves lined with grasses and is on or low to the ground often by or under logs. Two to six eggs are laid and incubated for 12 days, chicks fledging 12-15 days later.

Canada Warblers feed almost entirely on insects gleaning them from tree bark in the forest mid-story. It will hover and feed in some situations.


Small warbler with yellow underparts, white under-tail coverts and slate gray upperparts. Face around eye and cap are dark gray to black with a distinctive white-yellow eye ring. The throat is yellow but note the black streaked necklace which is also diagnostic. Females are similar but duller.

The Canada Warbler’s song is very variable with many pauses but often described as “suy de swe ditchety”. Call is a simple chip.

Interesting Facts:

·      Canada Warbler numbers are declining strongly dropping up to 7% per year due to habitat loss

·      The necklaced warbler is a common nickname. Also note it has been found in Europe as a vagrant twice.

·      A group of warblers is know as a bouquet, confusion, fall or wrench.

To download Mike Williams's photo of this cool bird, click HERE

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