CCEE (California Collaborative for Educational Excellence) helps coordinate the Statewide System of Support, of which Open Access is a valued component. Further, Open Access supports CCEE's UDL Advisory Group work and partners with CCEE for our UDL Implementation Learning Network.
Universal Design for Learning's focus on building capacity and context for expert learning aligns perfectly with CCEE's vision that every student be inspired and prepared to thrive. We have developed online, asynchronous resources to support UDL implementation at the classroom, school, and district level. We are always ready and eager to partner with folks in the field to enhance the capacity and coherence for UDL implementation across our state.
At CCEE, we have created The UDL Journey Guide as a resource for district leaders and teams to reference through the four phases of implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We have created two asynchronous e-learning options - one for teachers and another for administrators - to support personal implementation of UDL.