The Newton Farmer

February 2024


Dear Farm Friends,

For those of you who listen to the groundhog, you know that spring is just around the corner. Many people are looking forward to the change of season. Spring is a time of renewal, growth, and beauty, as nature awakens. Spring brings many benefits and joys, but let's not forget that winter shares its own unique gifts with the world.

Winter is a season of contrasts and beauty. The earth is covered with a blanket of snow, the air is crisp and cold, and the nights are long and dark. It is a time to cozy up indoors, but it also a time to enjoy fun outdoor activities. Winter is a season that reminds us of the cycle of life, the power of nature, and the value of gratitude.

Here at the Farm, we are enjoying the season as we look forward to the year ahead. There is much to do in preparation for the upcoming springtime, and we are already hard at work planning our crops and events for the year. We know that spring will be here before we know it!

So, while spring is a season to look forward to, a symbol of renewal and hope, let us not to forget to appreciate the present moment and all it has to offer. Take a moment to enjoy each season's gifts. You will be the richer for it!

Allyson MacKenna

NCF Director

Eating Locally During the Winter


Eating local food may be more of a challenge here in New England during the winter, but if you are open-minded, you can still support local food producers no matter what the season. We challenge you to commit to the goal we presented last month to consume 30% of your food from local sources.

While many fruits and vegetables may be out of season here in New England, it can be a time to experiment with new foods and recipes you might not have tried before. When you are shopping, look for labels that show that the food came from a local source. Look for locally sourced winter vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, and others that can survive colder temperatures (with some help!). Buying local meat, fish, dairy, and eggs, which are available year-round at local farms and markets, are an easy way to provide quality protein in your diet. Shop with an open mind and you just might be surprised at the variety of local food that is available even during the winter months!

Remember the benefits of supporting the local food economy. Fresh food just tastes better, and the less your food has to travel the fresher it is! Local food supports the local economy. You will be helping the planet by reducing your carbon footprint, since there is less transportation and less packaging waste. And let's not forget the sense of community and pride that you will feel knowing you are eating food that is produced by your neighbors!

Summer CSA Sign-Up

Don't miss out!

Enroll in our 2024 Summer CSA Program!  

Enjoy fresh, delicious vegetables while reaching your goal of eating at least 30% of your food from local producers by joining our Summer CSA program! Traditionally, our CSA sharers receive significantly more value for their money than buying from the grocery store.

Registration opens February 5 for Newton residents and February 26 for the general public.

At the beginning of each growing season, CSA sharers purchase a “share” of the upcoming produce, which helps the farm cover a substantial portion of the costs of our agricultural operations. In return, NCF provides sharers with a supply of sustainably grown, fresh vegetables and herbs each week throughout the farm season.

We have the equivalent of 80 weekly shares available. Some of our sharers enroll for an alternate-week share, which means they pick up produce every other week. Other sharers enroll for a weekly share for their family or else they split their share with another friend or family (or two!). Details about the application process, program structure, and produce can be found on our website. Our enrollment form can be found here.


Russian Beet Salad

This wonderful, tasty recipe will inspire you to eat local!


- 4 medium sized beets, boiled and skin peeled

-3–4 garlic cloves, minced or grated (quantity to taste, can add more if desired)

- 2–3 tbsp mayo 

- 1/2 cup sweet peas (can use canned or frozen)

 - salt and pepper to taste


Chop the beets into small, diced pieces. You can also grate the beets instead if you'd like a smoother texture to the salad. Add in garlic, mayo, peas, salt and pepper, and mix until thoroughly combined. This is an easy side to many meals and is a great way to boost your intake of fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamin C! 

Thanks to Inna Kagan, local Registered Dietician and Nutritionist, for providing this recipe, a favorite in her family!

Save the Dates

Come learn all about owls!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Annual Seedling Sale!

Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, 2024

Thank You!

Thank you to our recent donors listed below and to those who wish to remain anonymous. Apologies in advance for any names we inadvertently left off this list. (Please let us know if we made any errors.) We appreciate your support!

Sam Fogel* Sally Millar* Patricia Rand* Dan Brody* Pat Sheehan* Eric Friedman* Patrick Costello* Victoria Danburg* Jennifer Craddock* Dina Weber* Robert Gaudes* Gerard Caron* Sera Miller* Michele Steinberg* Susan Stanley* Ellie Starr* Victor Polk* Nyssa Patten* Julie Tishler* Elisabeth Gilbert* Karen Bray* Adam Milne* Gloria Plottel* Margaret Richards* Stacy DeBroff* Audrey Cohen* Alyssa Gusenoff* Rachel King* Silvana MacArthur-Sawaya* Lorel Zar-Kessler* Brenda Baker* David Scott* Pam Adelstein* Susan Tornheim*

Nancy Israel* Linda Huang and Paul Garrity* Alyssa Danielle* Juliet Schor* William Shad and Viktoria Shad* Joyce Pollock* Anne Drowns* Craig Bouchard* Jenny Reed* Marie Fredrick*Jenifer Nesin* Jennifer Hughes* Rachael Rosner* Julia Harmatz* Ginny Friedman* Ruby Kang* Ly Lori Yarvis* Jessica Brooks* Tia Sutliff* Claire Caine and Family* Eileen Chodos* Tracy Soehle* Olga Goldberger* Meredith Miller

Click Here to Support the Farm!

Newton Community Farm is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, EIN #20-2482452. If you would prefer to donate by mail, please send a check payable to Newton Community Farm at the address below. Please also check with your employer if matching funds are available.


303 Nahanton Street

Newton, MA 02459


[email protected]

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