Daily Lenten Offering

  At the entrance of the portals Wisdom cries out: I was with God, like an expert worker and was daily God’s delight, rejoicing together always, rejoicing in this inhabited world and delighting in the human race.

—Proverbs 8:30-31

O Wisdom, spark in me a boundless joy. Let me take pleasure in the mundane. Let me dance at the ridiculous and laugh until I am free to weep. Let the foolishness of your wisdom be my hope and healing. Amen.

The journey of faith discovery is not an internal inquiry alone. We learn when we listen to the stories, wisdom, and questions of others. Ask a family member, a neighbor, or (if you’re brave) a stranger:

  • What brings you joy?
  • Tell me the story of the last time you full-out, uncontrollably belly-laughed.
  • How do you overcome the fear that you might look silly? 
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