Upcoming Events
Wednesday, May 15th
May Crowning Mass -- Mass Dress
Friday, May 17th
Junior Class Retreat
May 20th through May 22nd
Senior Retreat - TLC
Monday, May 20th
Class and ASB Elections
Petitions to run are available in the office now.
Thursday, May 23rd
No Tobacco Day Presentation
Friday, May 24th
High School Science Kayaking Trip
Saturday, May 25th
Junior Senior Prom, Baywood Golf and Country Club
May 28th through May 30th
8th Grade Trip to TLC
Friday, May 31st
Move-Up Assembly
SB al Fine Concert, Doors open at 6:30, music starts at 7:00
Thursday, June 6th
Last Day of School
8th Grade Mass, St. Joseph's Church, 10:00
8th Grade Graduation, St. Bernard's Church, 6:00
Friday, June 7th
High School Baccalaureate Mass, Sacred Heart Church, 10:00
High School Graduation, St. Bernard's Gym, 1:00