Hey Friends
Lent has started, and at All Saints' we marked it with two amazing times together as a multi-generational community: the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and service and the Ash Wednesday service and light meal. Many words are associated with Lent, such as fasting, repentance, and sacrifice. The word that comes to mind for me every year during Lent is 'remember.' Growing up, I used to listen to a song called 'A Reminder,' and my favorite lyric from that song was 'Remember, my love is just a reminder, find your center.' This lyric always resonates with me during Lent, reminding me to keep God at the center of my life. Life can be chaotic, and we often get wrapped up in it, forgetting about God. Yet, God never forgets about us; He wants us to remember Him as we navigate through our days. What is God reminding us of this Lenten season?
Middle Schoolers we have some great news, the registration for New Beginnings is here! New Beginnings is an awesome weekend retreat filled with games, skits, community and a whole lot of fun! The dates are March 1st-3rd and the link for registration is found under the 'Middle School Corner'
Formation will continue as usual.
SNL this week we will not be meeting. Enjoy Presidents Day See you back on February 25!!