SRPC's Monthly Newsletter

July 5, 2024


Summer is here! In June, the SRPC team got its annual data collection rotation of traffic and bike-ped counts off the ground and forged full steam ahead on HOP and master plan projects. SRPC finished the month holding its Annual Meeting at the Three Chimneys Inn in Durham.

In July, we look forward to welcoming a brand-new staff member, wrapping up the current round of HOP projects, kicking off a parking study, and more field time! Stay cool out there!

Megan Taylor-Fetter

In this Issue

Staff News

Project Spotlight

Planning Events of Interest

Community Happenings

Thank you again to all who attended the Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 27!


Welcome Mike! On Monday, July 1, we welcomed our newest staff member to the SRPC team. Mike Polizzotti joins us as our Senior Economic Development Planner! Mike comes from UNH Extension where he served as a Community & Economic Field Specialist. He is passionate about supporting and empowering communities and regions as they work towards a more resilient and vibrant future. His background encompasses several areas including economic research, local and regional capacity building, and community development efforts. Prior to UNH Extension he was also a Policy Analyst with the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute.

Michael holds a Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Economics, both from the University of New Hampshire. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors and hiking, often exploring new trails and nature throughout New Hampshire. He also enjoys baking, traveling, and car projects. Welcome Aboard!


New Survey for Newmarket Master Plan Now Available

You may have completed the Housing & Open Space survey or attended a workshop this spring. The next phase of gathering community voices, including this survey, focuses the remaining chapters of the Master Plan update. Topics include transportation, recreation, community resources, energy, and more.

Click here to Take the Survey

Nottingham Hazard Mitigation Plan Now Available for Public Comment

The Nottingham Hazard Mitigation Plan has received its first major update since 2017 with the goal of reducing the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards before, during, and after an incident or disaster.

At this time, the Town invites residents, business owners, non-profit leaders, public officials, department staff, and all other stakeholders (in Nottingham and surrounding communities) to review the Draft Plan and provide comment. Please direct all comments to Principal Planner Blair Haney.


Pictured: Sample maps from the Data Snapshot online map viewer.

SRPC's 2024 Data Snapshot maps now available online

Senior GIS Planner Jackson Rand is thrilled to announce the completion of the online map viewer for this year's Data Snapshot. This year, Jackson has made additional functionality, including the ability to use bookmarks for each of the 18 municipalities and the coloring updates made to the main document. He has also created maps for some of the new metrics that were featured for the first time this year, such as commute times and FEMA risk assessments.

View our webmaps HERE.

Other Planning Events of Interest

 July 18, 2024, 8:30am to 4:00pm, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Greenland: 2024 Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) Climate Summit. More information and registration link at CAW's website here.

July 23, 9am to 3:30pm, virtual: Intro to ArcGIS Pro by UNH Extension.

July 24 and August 13, noon to 1pm, virtual: NHMA presents a pre-application orientation for the next round of HOP funds. Applications are due this September. Register at NHMA's website.

October 28 to 30, 2024: Stoweflake Resort, Stowe, Vermont:

Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) Annual Conference. More information at NNECAPA's website!



Fourth of July Happenings

Dover: Saturday 7/6 dusk at Garrison Hill Park

Exeter: Saturday 7/13 9pm at Swansey Parkway

Rochester: Saturday 7/13 9pm at Spaulding High School

Raymond: Saturday 7/13 at 9:30pm Town Common

Seacoast Eat Local Summer Farmers Markets in Dover, Durham, Exeter and Portsmouth are underway. Click here for information and upcoming markets.

July 10: SELT Watershed Walk at Thompson Forest, Durham

July 13: StrongTowns Seacoast Meetup, Dover

July 16: Physically Protecting Your Crops Workshop by the NH Food Alliance & UNH Extension, New London, NH

July 16: Bike Clinic hosted by Dover Public Library

Strafford Regional Planning Commission

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

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