May 23, 2024

Wishing everyone a safe and restful Memorial Day, as we remember and honor the ultimate sacrifice made by so many who have served in our armed forces!


2024 Legislative Session Concludes

The 2024 Legislative session wrapped up for the year on May 20, but not before a chaotic, screaming, and yelling conclusion. The Legislature cannot pass any legislation on the final day of the session, so all work had to be completed by midnight on May 19. Several omnibus bills were clearly not gong to pass as midnight approached, so the DFL majority decided that all remaining supplemental omnibus bills would be lumped into one very large bill - 2860 pages, to be exact. With less than an hour remaining before all work had to be completed, there was scant time for discussion, and the bill was passed without debate. To be fair, many of the bills in the larger bill had been debated at length but the heavy handedness of the conclusion definitely left some scars. The language of HF 5247can be found here.

Capital Investment: It seemed unlikely there would be a capital investment bill as the Legislature entered the last weekend and that turned out to be true. Negotiations never really seemed to solidify and yet another “bonding year” has come and gone without funding for the State’s infrastructure needs. There were immediate requests for the Governor to call a special session to pass a capital investment package but Governor Walz was quick to shoot that idea down.

Work Zone Safety: While it may seem like a small step forward, it was a welcome advancement of AGC’s efforts to have a camera-based traffic enforcement in work zones. There must be a minimum of 2 pilot sites, but no more than 4, by July 1 of 2025. This language was included with the red light camera legislation being pursued by the City of Minneapolis. The language for the pilot program can be found in HF 5247 starting on page 64, line 14.

Misclassification of Independent Contractors: The Omnibus bill also included the language from the Department of Labor and Industry to further tighten the criteria for classifying independent contractors. The language AGC negotiated with the House author was included in the bill but there is still a lot to work through in this legislation. A more detailed analysis will follow in the Legislative summary. You can find the language relating to misclassification in HF 5247 starting on page 180.

Paid Family Medical Leave: Also included in the Omnibus bill are changes to the 2023 Paid Family & Medical Leave program. The amendments to the law clarify different types of leave, exclusions for independent contractors and seasonal employees, maximum weeks of leave in a year, payment during the seven-day qualifying event, and establishes an appeal process. While many of the changes are technical and reflect recommendations from an actuarial analysis, the bill also lowers premiums for small employers and provides a formula for future premium rates based on benefits paid out. The original contribution rate was expected to be 0.70% of taxable wages (paid equally by the employee and employer); after reviewing the actuarial analysis the contribution rate left the program about $800 million short. So, the contribution rate is now expected to be around 0.78-0.83%. Premium tax collections begin in 2026. You can find the language for Paid Family & Medical Leave in HF 5247, Article 73 beginning on line 1379.21.

Earned Safe and Sick Time: The large Omnibus bill also includes modifications to the 2023 Earned Safe and Sick Time (ESST) law. The amendments include providing remedies as enforcement against an employer that does not follow the law, clarifies that ESST is paid at the employee’s base rate and defines base rate, expands the list of allowable circumstances to use ESST for employees, clarifies how ESST interacts with short-term and long-term disability benefits, and clarifies retention of ESST in certain circumstances. You can find the language for Earned Safe and Sick Time changed in HF 5247, Article 11 beginning on line 211.1.


Wage Allocations

Wage allocations sheets are posted for all trades except Cement Masons. We are still finalizing wages in a few zones with the union and hope to have those numbers posted next week.  If you are an AGC member and need login credentials, please contact Renee.


AGC Form Contracts

AGC’s Form Contracts have experiencing a hiccup with Microsoft. We have a ticket open with Microsoft and have made progress drilling down on the problem. If you are experiencing problems opening the documents, please check again next week and let Mike know.


Highway Heavy Construction Training Program

This week, Yolanda McIntosh presented on "What to Expect When You're New to the Industry" to participants at the Cement Masons/DEED/MnDOT Highway Heavy Construction Training Program.


Communication Credentials: A Mini Professional Development Series

An AGC Minnesota partnership with TruPerception, this series of four sessions will provide the attendee with up-to-the-minute communication techniques everyone can use. If you are an alumnus of the AGC Minnesota Leadership Blueprint, you will find the Communication Credentials an excellent refresher. If you have not experienced the Leadership Blueprint program, attend the Credentials, and learn more! All sessions are highly interactive.

Communication Credentials Session 1 Becoming the CEO of You: Negotiate Like the Pros

Thursday, June 13 | 8 am – 10 am | Mendakota Country Club

You don’t have to serve as an official CEO to become the CEO of You. Since it’s limiting to rely on just one job or one company to fuel your long-term livelihood, it’s necessary to master the art of negotiation and learn how to position yourself like the pros. By learning how to set hyper-specific goals and build an authentic personal brand, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to build the you that you’ve always aspired to be.

The session will feature:

  • Simple steps to negotiating without fear or guilt.
  • Discussion of the role of communication in building positive impressions and getting results.
  • Best-practice workplace negotiation tips.
  • How to develop a personalized messaging guide.
  • Communication strategies that can help position you and your team as credible in all circumstances.

Information on Sessions 2, 3 and 4 coming soon!

Highway Work Zone Study Results

Sixty-four percent of highway contractors report that motor vehicles crashed into their construction work zones during the past year, putting motorists and workers at risk, according to the results of a new highway work zone study conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America and HCSS. Association officials and construction workers urged drivers to slow down and be careful this summer while driving through construction zones and pushed public officials to enhance work zone safety laws.

Work zone crashes are also nearly three times as likely to result in fatalities to drivers or passengers as construction workers. Nine percent of contractors in the survey report that construction workers were killed in work zone crashes, while 24 percent of survey respondents report drivers or passengers were killed in those crashes.

The association also release two new public service videos urging drivers to be more careful in work zones. The work zone safety study was based on a nationwide survey of highway construction firms the association and HCSS conducted this April and May. Over 700 contractors completed the survey. Click here to view the survey results. 

Let's Talk Rental Agreements


We’re entering peak landscaping season. This brings a checklist of necessary items, particularly attachments. Renting equipment offers a smart solution for acquiring non-standard attachments, enabling you to tailor your machines to your project’s requirements. Our rental equipment boasts an extensive array of attachments, saving you from purchasing items you might rarely use. Read more

By Taylor Kelenic

Ninth District’s struggling construction industry shows some improvement

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis held a webinar this week, publicly releasing the results of their Spring Construction Survey.

The Fed also published a summary article of survey results.

Full-summer overweight permits start May 28 in the North frost zone

Full-summer overweight permits will start in the North frost zone Tuesday, May 28, at 12:01 a.m.

Seasonal load limit (frost) zones and restricted routes can be found on the MnDOT load limits map. Start and end dates and other load limit information are shown at


Registration is open for all of the following events.

Secure your sponsorship or registration before events are sold out!

Summer Networking Event - July 10

(Hoops Brewing Co. | Duluth)

Join the AGC Board of Directors and your industry colleagues for some informal networking!

Golf Tournament - August 2

(Keller Golf Course | Maplewood)

SOLD OUT for golfers, but sponsorship opportunities are still available!

St. Paul Saints Game - August 7

(CHS Field | St. Paul)

Join AGC and MBEX members for an afternoon of Minnesota Twins AAA baseball against the Columbus Clippers!

Sporting Clays Fundraiser - Sept 11

(Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club | Prior Lake)

Register your team of 5 to join us at the 25th Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser to benefit the AGC of Minnesota Foundation!

Fall Networking Event - October 10

(Somerby Golf Club | Byron)

Join the AGC Board of Directors and your industry colleagues for some informal networking!

Holiday Reception - December 4

(Minneapolis Event Center)

Raise a glass to another year in the industry together with your peers!

AGC Honors 2025 - February 18

(317 on Rice Park Event Center | St. Paul)

Join us as we honor award recipients!   


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


Thank You to our 2024 Annual Partners!


Don't Miss These Events!

Register now for these upcoming AGC events:

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Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103