March 7, 2025

Worthy is the Lamb whose death makes me His own!

The Lamb is reigning on His throne!

Upcoming Events at St. Peter Lutheran

March 7-14: St. Peter Online Store Open

March 8: 5:00pm Worship Service

March 9: Daylight Savings Time (set clocks ahead 1 hour!)

March 9: 9:30am Worship Service

March 11: 4:30pm 2nd-4th Grade Basketball Game (girls play first)

March 12: 8:05am Chapel - Mr. Hagenow

March 12: 5:00pm Lenten Supper (church fellowship hall)

March 12: 6:30pm Lenten Worship Service

March 13: Spirit Day - Animal Print Day

March 13: Half Day of School (11:03am dismissal - no bussing at dismissal)

March 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 14: No School - Child Care Available

March 14: SCRIP Orders Due

March 14: 3:30-7:00pm St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry (more info below)

March 15: 10:00am TCLL Dodgeball Tournament @VLHS

March 15: 5:00pm Worship Service

March 16: 9:30am Worship Service - Cherub Choir Sings (grades 2-4)

March 16: 10:45am Special Voters' Meeting (details below)

March 20: 7th & 8th Grade Class Trip Fundraiser @ The Maple Grille (11am-8pm)

March 24-28: Spring Break - Child Care Available

More Upcoming Events

Devotion: Our Hymn of the Month for March is The Lamb (LSB 547). This is a wonderful hymn, especially during this Lenten season as we reflect upon our sinful condition and focus on what Jesus has done for us. Verse four describes what He did to save us:

He sighs, He dies, He takes my sin and wretchedness.

He lives, forgives, He gives me His own righteousness. 

Worthy is the Lamb whose death makes me His own!

The Lamb is reigning on His throne!

May we focus on the Lamb this Lenten season because He is the one who has taken away the sins of the world and has REDEEMED us! May God bless us during our Lenten journey.

Serving in Worship: The Cherub choir (grades 2-4) will be singing in church on Sunday, March 16. Please have your child(ren) in the music room and ready to warm up at 9:10am. The Cherub choir will also sing during our Lenten worship service on Wednesday, March 19. Please have your child in the music room, ready to warm up at 6:10pm. Thank you!

Special Voters' Meeting: There will be a special Voters' Meeting on Sunday, March 16 following the 9:30am worship service. This meeting is to discuss and approve the purchase of property next to the school.

Call Received: Please continue to keep Mrs. Kelley Fehn in your prayers as she deliberates her call to Peace, Saginaw. May the Holy Spirit guide her in her decision.

Call Extended: On Sunday, our congregation issued a call to Mrs. Alexandra Frisco to be our 5th grade teacher starting in the 25-26 school year. Mrs. Frisco did receive the call papers and she sent us the letter that will be read this weekend before our church services. Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers.

St. Peter Chapel Offerings

Third Quarter Chapel Offerings: Who serves on MOST Mission Trips? Individuals and groups form teams. “Organizational Teams” consist of people from the same organization such as a congregation, school, family, LWML district, small group, or other assembly. “Individual Teams” consist of people from different locations or several smaller groups.

Weekly Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu for the Week of March 10:

  • Monday, March 10: BBQ Riblet w/Bun, Tater Tots and Applesauce.
  • Tuesday, March 11: Mini Confetti Pancakes w/Omelettes, Hashbrown and Mandarin Oranges.
  • Wednesday, March 12: Cheese Pizza, Corn and Diced Peaches.
  • Thursday, March 13: Half Day - No Lunch
  • Friday, March 14: No School
Spectacular Students

Reading Month: We kicked off March Reading Month on Monday by having a hat day and a teacher swap read aloud. We had a great start to our reading month!

Flashlight Read: We had a special flashlight/candlelight read on Thursday in the gym for our celebration of Reading Month.

Third Grade Spirit Day: We thank our third graders for choosing our "Black Out" day today for their spirit day, and for choosing a delicious lunch menu.

St. Peter PTL: Parent Tip Line!

PTL Tip of the Week: From the book Simple Habits for Effective Parenting by Randall Schroeder, there is a section about how your expectations impact your child. "When you have high expectations for your child, your child will have high expectations for himself or herself, as well. Expect your child to be respectful, expect your child to do chores, expect your child to work hard at school, expect your child to use manners, expect you child to get dressed on his or her own, expect your child to pray with you, expect you child to go to church, etc. With high frequency, your child will live up to whatever expectations you have for the child."

March Reading Month

March Reading Month:

  • March 13: Animal Print Day: Wear Clothing with Animal Prints
  • March 17: Green Day!
  • March 18: Crazy Sock Day: Wear Crazy Socks
  • March 20: Theme Shirt Thursday
  • March 21: Wear as Many Colors as You Can
St. Peter Online Store

Online Store is Open: Our online store through Grasel Graphics is now open until March 14. There are a few new items in the spirit wear section. Items will be delivered in early April, just in time for our spring track season. Click anywhere in this article to view the store.

St. Peter News & Notes

No School: There will be no school this Friday, March 14. Child Care will be available to those who contact Mrs. Fehn by this Monday, March 10. Thank you for helping us staff appropriately.

25/26 Preschool Tuition: All students currently enrolled in preschool this school year have been billed for 5 days per week for the 25/26 school year. If you wish to attend less than 5 days per week, please contact the school office and we will adjust your tuition payments accordingly. Thank you!

7th/8th Grade Lenten Soup Supper: The 7th and 8th grade parents and students will be hosting the Lenten soup supper on Wednesday, March 19 at 5:00pm in the church fellowship hall. Proceeds from the free will offering for this supper will go to support their class trip to Washington D.C. next month.

Maple Grille Fundraiser: Come out to The Maple Grille on Thursday, March 20th and have a fantastic meal while helping to support our 7th and 8th graders trip to Washington D.C. in April. 25% of all food sales will go toward their class trip. Both dine in and take out will be available. Click anywhere in this article to view the flyer. We appreciate your continued support of our students!

Summer SPLASH 2025: It is time to think about Summer SPLASH again! Registration for our St. Peter families is now open. You can find the flyer and intended use form on our website and in the school office. Use the pulldown menu and click K-8, childcare, then Summer SPLASH. Punch cards are available for purchase in the office. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis and it will be open to the GENERAL PUBLIC on April 14th. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Fehn.

St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry: The St. Peter Men's Club will be hosting their annual fish fry in the school gym on Friday, March 14 from 3:30 - 7:00pm for dine in and 3:30-6:00pm for take out. The sit down meal will be all you can eat. Adult meals are $17, Kids ages 6-12 are $8 and 5 years and under are free.

Spring Break Child Care: The sign-up for child care during our Spring Break is open. Spring Break will be March 24-28. You MUST MUST sign up before March 15 in order to secure care. If you sign up and need to cancel, this must also be done before March 15. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Fehn.

Spring Break Child Care Sign-Up

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will take place this Thursday, March 13, in the afternoon and early evening for all parents with Preschool 8th grade students. Students in grades 5-8 are encouraged to attend these conferences with their parents, and younger students are discouraged from attending. Children cannot be left unsupervised in the hallways during conferences. Thank you for your help. In order to sign up for a PS-4th grade conference, follow the same procedures that we had in the fall:

1. Log into your FACTS Family Portal.

2. Go to the calendar tab on the left.

3. Click on the My Classrooms tab on the top.

4. Go to March 13, 2025 in the calendar.

5. Your child's conference sign up is there. If you have multiple children in different grades, there will be multiple sign ups. You will need to sign up for each child. Please note: If you select a 2:00pm appointment for one child, that time slot will not be blocked out on the other sign up. Additionally, if you have 2 children in one class, please contact the school office to block out a time for the second child's conference.

6. All conference time slots are 15 minutes. Thank you for helping us stay on schedule for the day by limiting your conference to 15 minutes.

7. The last time slot is scheduled for 6:15pm-6:30pm.

8. We will have a half-day of school on March 13 (child care is available in the afternoon). There is no school on March 14, but there will also be child care on this day for those who have scheduled in advance with Mrs. Fehn.

5th-8th Grade Parents: In order for parents to meet with their child's teachers (homeroom and non-homeroom teachers) Mrs. Hagenow, Mr. Neumeyer, and Mr. Hagenow will be available from 2:00-6:15pm. These conferences will be unscheduled as drop-in appointments. This will enable parents to meet with multiple teachers.

20th Annual PTL Auction

Tickets and Tables Are Now On Sale: Be sure to move quickly if you would like to reserve a table as they are moving fast! Here are the details:

  • Date: April 5, 2025. Doors open at 5:00pm with the auction beginning at 6:00pm.
  • Location: Swan Valley Banquet Center
  • Theme: Denim and Diamonds
  • Price: Tickets are $30 each and reserved tables are available for an additional $100. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
  • Bidding Info: The live auction will be done in-person, while the silent auction will be done online.
  • Dinner Menu: Chicken Parmesan, Buttered Noodles, California Mix, Tossed Salad, Rolls and Dessert.
Panther Athletics

2nd - 4th Grade Basketball: The 2nd-4th graders had another exciting game last night! They will play again this Tuesday, March 11 with the girls starting at 4:30pm. This will be the last game of the season.

Track: With the track season quickly approaching, please be aware that all athletes will need a current physical on file (if they haven't turned one in already this year). The sports fee is $30 and will be billed through FACTS once practices begin.

Parent Volunteers for All Sports 2024-2025
2nd-4th Grade Basketball Schedule)
All Athletic Schedules
Track Schedule
2024-2025 St. Peter Lutheran Theme Bible Verse
Contact Information & Worship Times for St. Peter Lutheran
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626
Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm

Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages on Sundays at 11:00am
Mission, Vision, & Core Values