In this issue:
  • GEM Graduates
  • 27th Annual Kimberly-Clark Golf Tournament
  • Days of Caring Success
Women United Grow a Strong GEM Program
Girls EMpowered (GEM) is United Way of Henderson County’s signature after-school program for girls designed to increase self-esteem and school success. GEM sessions focus on career planning, inner beauty and self-confidence, friendships and conflict resolution, education options, and future dreams. At the end of each session the participating girls each receive a bag of supplies to help get them ready for the next school year. 
With thanks to the commitment and leadership from our Women United affinity group and local grant funding, this impactful community program has taken flight and is growing and expanding to serve more schools and more young leaders. 
The Women United backpack stuffing tradition continues! A team of Women United members got together to fill bags with school supplies for our spring GEM graduates: 48 backpacks for rising 6th graders and 13 satchels for rising 9th graders.
GEM girls finished the school year with a slew of exciting activities! They learned about career paths from EMTs, elected officials, veterinary professionals, librarians, business leaders, fundraisers, and performers.
Each participant was recognized during a GEM graduation celebration. The original two GEM elementary schools -- Upward and Hillandale -- enjoyed a joint graduation at Flat Rock Middle School where the girls will all start 6th grade together in the Fall. Sugarloaf Elementary hosted their first ever GEM graduation, and Hendersonville Middle rounded out graduation season in style.
Hillandale & Upward
Hendersonville Middle
27th Annual Kimberly-Clark Golf Tournament
Benefitting United Way of Henderson County
Join us for a round of golf with friends.

The 27th Annual Kimberly-Clark Golf Tournament is scheduled for July 26th at Cummings Cove Golf and Country Club. The annual event is popular with friends and colleagues and welcomes up to 25 teams.

The morning starts at 7:30 am with registration and a light breakfast and 9:00 am is the Shotgun start. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and beverages. Master packs available and all golfers may participate in the raffle.
Days of Caring and Food Drive
Share Success
On Friday, May 10th, over 300 community volunteers came together to work on 31 projects at 24 Henderson County nonprofit agencies as part of United Way of Henderson County’s 11th annual Days of Caring. Volunteers tackled a variety of projects that benefitted nonprofits including gardening, landscaping, construction, cleaning, and painting.
On Saturday May 11th, volunteers gathered at the US Postal Annex to participate in the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive – the largest one-day food drive in the country. "Contributions to the food drive this year were incredible, nearly doubling the donations from 2023,” commented Denise Cumbee Long, Executive Director of United Way. “We collected and packed for distribution over 36,000 pounds of food – all given by Henderson County residents and all to be shared with Henderson County residents experiencing food insecurity. This is a testament to the kindness of our community.”
Thank you to our Days of Caring Sponsors

Aeroflow Medical
Carolina Village
Dunlap Construction
Hendersonville / Mills River Family Dental
Pepsi of Hickory
Sky Top Orchard
United Community