UUFF eNews - Week of March 6, 2025

Sunday 11am Service

Sunday, March 9th, 11am: "Everyone is Welcome at Our Table." When it feels like oppression has a chokehold on freedom and diversity, that’s when we must stand up, center marginalized voices, and make visible those told to be invisible by people in power. Join Ben and Rev. Renée as we welcome everyone to the UUFF table. We will also introduce and officially welcome UUFF's newest members with a special ceremony led by Rev. Renée, Charlotte, Kate, and Edith!

REMINDER: Daylight Savings Time Begins this weekend. We will "Spring Forward" an hour for Sunday morning.

You can attend service in person at the fellowship building or view it remotely online via Facebook Live Stream. To attend live via Facebook, wait until 11am Central Standard Time (CST) and go to and click on "Watch Live Video. A Facebook account is not required for viewing.

Special Note: UUFF is seeking, for immediate hire, an additional Childcare Assistant to help care for our precious little ones on Sunday mornings! Anyone interested learning more about this opportunity can contact the office (!

UUFF's Sunday Nursery and Childcare

Please contact UUFF's Childcare Coordinator, Elizabeth ("Liz") Rathburn (, if you have questions about our Nursery/Childcare Program.

CLICK HERE to print and fill out the registration form in advance. All participants must be officially registered.

The Nursery is for babies/children 0-5 years old and is open from 9:50am-12:10pm. Parents/Guardians are responsible for dropping off and picking up their children in a timely manner.

The "Kid's Playroom" (former nursery room downstairs) is available for kids ages 5-10 during the 11am Service, as they will take part in CRE during the 10am hour. Parents/Guardians are responsible for dropping off and picking up their children in a timely manner.

If the child is 5 years old, the parents/guardians may choose CRE or Nursery care based on the child's individual needs.

Sunday 10AM Religious Exploration Classes &

9AM Meditation Group

9am Zoom Meditation Group - each Sunday morning

If you'd like to attend or just to know more, please contact UUFF's Operation Manager, Christina Maples, at

All are welcome!

10am Mindful Discussions Group for Adults - Downstairs Common Area

Topic this Sunday: "The Concept of God." Many people have questioned whether any concept of God can be meaningful in a modern, scientific world. Others, however, find the idea of God to be profoundly meaningful. Among Unitarian Universalists (UUs) and other religious liberals, conceptions range across a wide spectrum. Some reject God altogether and hold a strictly atheistic view of the universe. Others may use the term God to convey very different ideas, such as the creative power of evolution in the universe, or the power that makes transformation possible in our lives, or the ongoing power of love, or simply the ultimate mystery within which we all must live. What do you think?

10am Children's and Youth Religious Exploration Classes

We are excited to welcome children and youth ages 5+ to participate in Religious Exploration at UUFF! Classrooms are downstairs and have signs to direct participants.

Children's RE is offered for ages 5-11. If you have questions or want more information, reach out to CRE Teacher Melly Coffin at

Youth RE is offered for ages 12-18. YRE Teacher, Joseph Armendariz, can be reached at

CLICK HERE to print and fill out the registration form in advance. *Bring completed form to hand to the CRE/YRE teacher when you drop off your child/youth.*

UUFF Cares Update

UUFF Members and Staff with birthdays coming up in MARCH:

Amanda Bancroft

Dick Bennett

Marquette Bruce

Valerie Disney

Sarah Faitak

Leanda Gavin

Jacob Hook

Tim Hudson

Bill Nichols

If you would like to send these folks a card or note and are unable to access the online directory, you may contact Fawn at and ask for the address.

UUFF Events, Announcements & Opportunities

UUFF's Web of Life Nature-Based Spirituality Group Monthly Meeting is this Sunday, March 9th, starting at 12:30pm in the UUFF Sanctuary!

This month, we will continue our conversation about ritual and dive into the topic of altars. We'll discuss: What purpose do altars serve in our practice? How do I get started with an altar? Let's make this a show-and-tell meeting where we bring our favorite item from our altar (if we have one) to discuss with the group.

Anyone who is interested in Nature-Based Spirituality is welcome to attend!

UUFF Young to Young-ish Adults - Let's Get Together!

Young to young-ish adults (older Gen Z, Millennials, and younger Gen X) are invited to gather at UUFF on Friday, March 21st, from 6-9pm, for a potluck style meal, meaningful conversations, and some kind of group activity. In a world where we are all strapped for time and isolated from one another, our goal is to unify and solidify communal bonds through friendship and meaningful experiences.

For the potluck meal, please bring an entrée, side dish, or dessert to share. Also bring your own tableware and plan to clean up after yourself.

If you have suggestions or ideas for group activities, please let Dustin know ( We are thinking of things like board games, movie screenings, craft or art projects, dancing, etc.

These gatherings will be ongoing, with plans to meet from 6-9pm on the first Monday and third Friday of each month. This is an excellent opportunity to enjoy one another's company and build deep friendships with fellow UUFFers!

UUFF's Grounds Weekly Work Days will resume on Thursday, March 20th!

Spring is in the air, and the UUFF Grounds Crew is ready to "spring" back into action after a restful winter hiatus. Starting on March 20th, the Grounds Team will resume weekly Thursday 10am-12pm work days. If you enjoy good company, being outside, and getting your hands dirty for a worthy cause, we enthusiastically invite you to take part in a grounds work day whenever you are able!

Questions? Feel free to contact Laura at

Calendar of UUFF Events for March 6th - 13th

TODAY, 03/06 - 1pm - Women Rowing North Discussion Group - BTV Lodge

Saturday, 03/08 - 9am-12pm - UUFF Leadership Gathering - Sanctuary

Sunday, 03/09 - 9am - Sunday Meditation Group - Zoom

Sunday, 03/09 - 10am - Adult RE Mindful Discussions - Downstairs Common Area

Sunday, 03/09 - 10am - Children's and Youth Religious Explorations Classes - Downstairs Classrooms

Sunday, 03/09 - 11am - Main Sunday Service - UUFF Sanctuary/Facebook Live Stream

Sunday, 03/09 - 12:30pm - Web of Life Nature-Based Spirituality Group Monthly Meeting - Sanctuary

Monday, 03/10 - 6pm - Covenant Group Meeting (Edith) - Sanctuary

Monday, 03/10 - 6pm - Restorative Yoga w/Shari - Downstairs common area

UUFF Main Contact Info (for Fawn):

Office Phone: 479-521-8422

Administrator Email: or

Mailing Address: 901 W. Cleveland St. / Fayetteville, AR 72701

*UUFF's Minister/Music Director, Rev. Renée Janski does not have set office hours, so if you would like to meet with her, please email to schedule an appointment.

* UUFF's Operations Manager ("OM"), Christina Maples, can be contacted by emailing

UUFF's Weekday Office Hours are Monday - Friday from 10am-2pm! Disclaimer: Hours are subject to change based on OM/Admin vacation, inclement weather, work errands, personal appointments, illness, holidays, etc.

Please refer to our website - - for the latest UUFF news and updates.

Non-UUFF Events & Opportunities

Visit UUFF's Website
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville | 479-521-8422 ||
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