Happy Frequency Friday!

The IRS has announced new penalty relief totaling around $1 billion to approximately 4.7 million individuals, businesses, and tax-exempt organizations.

This relief is aimed at those who did not receive automated collection reminder notices during the pandemic, which were temporarily suspended in February 2022 due to the COVID-19 crisis. The IRS will issue a special reminder letter in February 2024 to inform taxpayers of their liability, along with easy payment options and details on any applicable penalty relief.

The penalty relief was put into place to address concerns that taxpayers who hadn't heard from the IRS in a while might face larger tax bills when collection notices resume. Automatic for eligible taxpayers, the relief covers those with assessed tax under $100,000 for tax years 2020 and 2021. The IRS estimates that 5 million tax returns, filed by everyone from individuals to businesses and tax-exempt organizations, are eligible—with an estimated $206 per return in savings.

The penalty relief only applies to eligible taxpayers who were in the IRS collection notice process or received an initial balance due notice between Feb. 5, 2022, and Dec. 7, 2023. Taxpayers eligible for relief will still fall under the failure-to-pay penalty, though, which will resume on April 1, 2024. The relief also extends to taxpayers who have already paid their full balance; the IRS will issue refunds or credit payments toward other outstanding tax liabilities.

In terms of prioritization, the IRS has adjusted eligible individual accounts first. Business accounts are being adjusted into early January, with trusts, estates, and tax-exempt organizations to follow in late February to early March 2024.

Read the rest of the Article HERE!

Did you know February 2 (Groundhog’s Day) is exactly halfway between the first day of Winter (Equinox) and the first day of Spring (Solstice)? All of these events are determined relative to the movement of the earth around the Sun and have been observed for thousands of years.   

In ancient times (12,000 years ago Source: National Geographic) humans abandoned being nomadic hunters and gathers in favor of living in communities where life and living was linked to being supported by farming. With this change in lifestyle human survival became profoundly influenced by the weather. Consequently, tracking the energy of the Sun became profoundly important.

There, thus, emerged a need for a Sun God whose job it was to watch the movements of the Sun to gage when to plant and when to harvest. The ancient art of Astrology was thus born to have a very practical application. Astrology is all about paying attention to and reading signs. It, thus, encompasses paying attention to something as unusual as a groundhog’s shadow that is seemingly unrelated.

The legend is that the groundhog's shadow predicts the weather for the next six weeks, until the start of spring. A sunny day means the groundhog will see his shadow, a sign that the next six weeks will bring wintry weather. A cloudy day means the opposite. It may seem counterintuitive.  Therein, explains for the need of the watchful Sun God (the first ever astrologer) who was savvy about cosmic trends and could put things in perspective. It was important to not plant too early and risk losing everything to a late season freeze.  Alternatively, it would be helpful to know if there would be favorable conditions for early planting.  The counterintuitive insight was to guide people to understand to not get hopes up and act too quickly.

Astrology, as a Meaningful Aid to Navigating Current Financial Times

We are living in times of great change. On Sunday January 28, DiSalvo & Associates sponsored a talk by Christeen Skinner, world famous Financial Astrologer. Attendees had the unique opportunity to learn about what to expect in the coming years from a contemporary astrologer. She opened her talk by telling us that every day she consults a website that tracks the activity of the of the sun.  We have the opportunity to learn from a modern day Sun Goddess with a finely tuned perspective and gift for looking at and advising about finances.

A Big Cosmic Mojo Yeah!  

Our Contemporary Sun Goddess’s Wisdom Readily Available, (Much at No Charge), for All 

Christeen Skinner, is notably an astronomy savvy, scientifically-based, astrologer who deeply cares about our planet and the human condition. Her concluding remarks on Sunday advised that of paramount importance in the coming years, that promise to be quite challenging, is to be concerned about maintaining good health so that stress does not overwhelm us. For a regular dose of her insights she publishes a monthly New Moon Newsletter that she shares at no charge.  I can attest that it is full of helpful insights. Sign up for it at her website The site includes other helpful resources including, daily horoscopes.


Sunday 1/28/24 Christeen’s topic was “Navigating the Financial Universe.” She focused on talking to people who are not well acquainted with astrology. An hour-long YouTube video by the same name (with a bit more astrology focus and yet still understandable by non-astrologers can be found at: 


NOTE: In contrast to Christeen’s focused attention on finances and global trends in economies, I am a personal astrologer focusing on how the planets and cosmic influence life in all its many complexities. To relate it to the medical profession, I am a general practitioner and Christeen, a specialist. 

In Conclusion: Current Cosmic Mojo Updates of Note

Looking ahead: As of 1/30/24 Uranus, the only planet that has been retrograding in 2024, turned direct (forward moving). We now have two months (February and March) when all the planets are moving forward.  You can take advantage of this time to be full steam ahead. To further support effective action assertive Mars in is practical “get the job” done Capricorn until February 13, Fat Tuesday of Mardi Gras.  On that day Mars moves into Aquarius and hooks up with Pluto. This very powerful Aquarian (revolutionary) energy that is likely to inspire you and associates, in both your personal and business life, to be more open to adjust to the new Aquarian Age. If you want to introduce a new approach to some part of your life (invest in crypto, incorporate AI into your business, etc,) this will be a favorable time to do so.  There is, however, one caveat.  Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises. Expect the unexpected and for your peace of mind remember to stay flexible assuring yourself and others that the Universe is in perfect order.

Illuminate Your Soul

Time & Location:

Feb 18, 2024, 6:00 PM

Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Gardens, FL,

About the Event:

Join our very own Jenn Basing along with Angie, Dakota and Jenn Baez for a very special collaborative experience under the evening sky. This collective of vibrational healers will support you as you move through a journey of guided breathwork, healing energy and musical bliss. This experience will help clear out any blockages within the layers of your being, physically, mentally, creatively and energetically. We will be there to guide and support you in elevating your spirit with powerful healing frequencies, our vibrational instruments and our voices.

*Please bring a journal and anything you need to create a cozy nest for yourself. Yoga mat, blanket, pillows, water bottle, etc.

Reserve your Spot!

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This week learn about the Anahata, Heart, Chakra and different ways to connect to this energy center through Yoga practice, meditation, tea and crystals!

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With Love & Gratitude,


Jill & Team!

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