April 26, 2024

Ready Cub Day at Base Camp

April 2024 camp at New England Base Camp was a fantastic opportunity for the Cub Scouts to learn about emergency preparedness through the Ready Cub program. Over sixty scouts completed the one-hour course while engaging in fun activities to learn about staying safe during disasters and emergencies. The course encouraged preparedness discussions with the scouts’ families and emphasized how even the young scouts can “be prepared, not scared” in emergencies. Prepared, Not Scared |

Ms. Arlene Magoon, a retired FEMA R1 Preparedness Officer, and active member of the Council's Preparedness Committee, teaches FEMA’s Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) curriculum. "STEP is truly a great tool that we have adapted to a Scout setting so that Cub Scout Leaders can readily boost their teaching in any of the selected required Adventures and earn the Ready Cub patch at the same time!" Linnea, a Tiger cub scout from Pack 160 Lexington, said that "finding safe rooms during a hurricane was the most interesting exercise we did". Ms. Magoon offered the cubs an opportunity to talk about emergencies and disasters in an interactive environment. She said of the cub scouts, “…. our students are very curious and fast learners".

Dr. Ronnie Andersson, the Council's Ready Cub captain, explains that "the outreach is very important to us, so we go where the Scouts are". The Ready Cub programs emphasis on outreach highlights the commitment to spreading these essential lessons beyond the camp. Dr. Andersson hopes his training team’s success at camps stimulates Spirit of Adventure Packs to offer Ready Cub in their own town or in collaboration with their schools and first responders.

Dr. Andersson expressed his gratitude to have successfully worked together with Mr. Nicholas Kerpan and his staff at the New England Base Camp to “graduate” more than 60 cubs into Ready Cub!

For pack leaders interested in participating in Ready Cub, visit the Scout Preparedness Program page at . The page is a great starting point to learn more and get involved!


Scout Shop News

New Performance Uniform shirts are available now in limited supply at the shop. There will also be new performance shorts coming soon. Every customer who buys one will be asked to scan a QR code and fill out a quick survey and give feedback about the shirt. Every time a customer fills out a survey they will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to the scout shop.

Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Day

Northern Essex Community College


On Friday April 19, 2024 members from Law Enforcement Exploring Post and Cadet programs from North Andover, Methuen, Winthrop and Westwood attended a Leadership Day co-sponsored by the Spirit of Adventure Council Exploring program, Northern Essex Community College (NECC) and Northern Essex Community College Police Academy.  All youth and adult participants were welcomed by Police Academy Director Joshua Stokel and NECC Vice President Michael McCarthy (a former Essex County Deputy Sheriff). The day consisted of tours of the college campus/facilities, observing members of the current academy class during physical training, participating in a recruit academy alumni panel, attending a law enforcement leadership session, hands on firearms simulator with scenario training and finally an overview on the Criminal Justice program at NECC.

The day long event gave all participants an opportunity to see a college setting and an active police academy.  Lunch was provided by the NECC Criminal Justice Department and all received a Certificate of Completion and an academy tee shirt.  For more information about Exploring, please contact Jennifer Erickson at

Bay Circuit Trail Hike-o-Ree

Join us for the first ever Mayflower Council BCT Hike-o-Ree! On May 18th units from across the state will take up the challenge to hike the entire Bay Circuit Path Trail in a single day. Together, the Mayflower Council and scouters from across the area will complete the 230 mile trek and become the first group to accomplish this feat. Sections of the trail vary in size/difficulty so we encourage units to read through all of the sections in the provided list ahead of time. The Maps used to create the section breakdown as well as additional information about the trail can be found at 

Each unit should register for the event here and order the number of commemorative patches you would like to purchase. Once your registration is complete, you will be sent a confirmation email that will include a link to the Signup Genius to choose the portion of the path that your unit will hike on 5/18. To view the open sections of the trail you may access the Signup Genius here but please do not select a section until you have completed the Blackpug registration here.

Sections of the trail vary in size/difficulty so we encourage units to read through all of the sections before deciding. The Maps used to create the section breakdown as well as additional information about the trail can be found at

Please note that smaller sections of the trail are encouraged for Cub Packs while the longer sections should be completed by Scouts, BSA or Venturing scouts.

SAVE THE DATE: June 9th 2024 Post Hike-o-Ree BBQ, Location to be announced shortly.

Questions? Reach out to"

2024 Crossover Camp

For Webelos Crossing Over and All Scouts Working Towards First Class. Friday, July 12th- Sunday, July 14th

Register Now

Council Recognition Dinner

We are thrilled to announce that we will be recognizing this year's Silver Beaver recipients and Veteran Award recipients of 25 plus years. Join us in celebrating these exceptional individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to our organization. This recognition is a testament to their hard work and dedication, and we are honored to have them as part of our community. Let's come together to congratulate and thank them for their contributions.

Calendar of Events

4/27 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/27 - NLD Chuck Wagon Derby - Newburyport, MA

4/30 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

5/1 - NLD Annual Dinner - West Newbury, MA

5/3-5 - WW/GE Spring Camporee - Barnstead, NH

5/3-4 - IOLS - West Newbury, MA

5/4-5 - IOLS - West Newbury, MA

5/4 - Cooking Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

5/4-5 - BALOO - West Newbury, MA

5/5 - NEBC Outdoor Conference

5/6 & 5/8 - Game Design Merit Badge Online

5/8 - Den Leader Training - Woburn, MA

5/9 - SOL District Program Kickoff

5/14 - GED Annual Dinner - Topsfield, MA

5/18 - Law Enforcement Explorer Day - Lynnfield, MA

5/21 & 5/28 - Communication Merit Badge Online

5/23 - WW District Annual Dinner - N. Chelmsford, MA

5/29 - Salesmanship Merit Badge Online

5/31 - COPE & Climbing Instructor Training - Milton, MA

6/8-9 - IOLS - Milton, MA

6/20 - Council Recognition Dinner - Woburn, MA

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004

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New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

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