Weekly Newsletter 1/26/2024

Dear Parents,

We have been super busy this week. I had the pleasure of teaching Science Lab a couple of days this week. Orange Door students were learning about hot and cold so they came and made pretend snow. Our kindergarteners were learning about sinking and floating so they came in and tested several items. They learned that items like cork, wood, and foam floated and metals and some rubber sank.

I had the joy of doing 2 labs this week with our VPK kids...I will be meeting with them weekly to make up for 2023 when I was sick and missed some weeks. Last week they started learning about energy. Last week they tested items to see which were magnetic. This week on Monday they learned about sound energy and used a tuning fork to hear, see, and feel vibrations. On Wednesday they learned about light energy and experimented on light and reflection.

This week we also picked some humongous tomatoes in the garden. Brown Door students put them in order from smallest to largest and then counted them. After Miss Maria, our fabulous chef cut them up and served them for lunch. Gotta love a school with a farm-to-table garden program!

With Valentine's Day around the corner, please purchase or make Valentines for your child to exchange on February 14th. You can simply go to the Dollar Tree and get a box of cards or find other items to exchange that DO NOT include candy. I have seen lots of great ideas out there. Simply write or have your child write their name on the back of the cards. They will put one in every one of their classmate's bags. This is a favorite time for our students.  

The 100th Day Of School is around the corner on January 30th. Kids in VPK and our K-2 program will have a day filled with activities on that day. Please read your class letter for the specifics including decorating a shirt this weekend with your child and the trail mix activity. Lots of counting will take place on that day.

Finally, we are nearly full for the 2024-2025 school year. Midweek I sent out the photo in this message. From that, several parents called to enroll siblings. Please note, that for fall, our minimum age will be 2 years old. If you have friends or family looking for spaces, please let them know now as we will be closing enrollment at the end of February and will not enroll again til June 2025.

For all students who are currently enrolled, YOU ALREADY HAVE A SPACE FOR FALL. If you are moving, please let us know now.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Beth Rosenthal Davis, Ed.S, NBCT

              Green Door                   

Red Door

Yellow Door

Blue Door




Gold 1 Door

Gold 2 Door

Silver 1 & 2