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The E-Pistle of Thursday

February 1st, 2024

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A Reflection from The Reverend George Stevens, Interim Dean

Dear Friends-


This Sunday, February 4th, we will gather following the 10:00 a.m. service for the annual meeting. 


Our bylaws require an annual meeting of the congregation as a whole to elect leadership to the Lesser Chapter (vestry) as well as representatives to Diocesan Convention. Annual meetings see the budget, even though they don’t act to approve it (that’s the Lesser Chapter’s job). The annual meeting receives reports from the Interim Dean, Wardens, Treasurer and all committees and organizations of the parish. Additionally, annual meetings can revise or adopt new bylaws, thus reconfiguring the congregation’s common life and moving it in new directions (we won’t be doing that this year). 


Over my years of service, each parish I’ve served has a different tradition for their annual meeting. Some are done within the service, with elections and reports fit within the liturgy of the day. Others gather either before, or after, services with a meal or fellowship as part of the gathering. In every case, this gathering represents a distinct part of our Episcopal polity that is central to the sharing of power between the clergy and laity of the parish. 


I look forward to being with you all on Sunday.



Community Announcements

Join us for the Annual Meeting This Sunday

The Cathedral’s Annual Meeting date has been set for this Sunday, February 4, 2024. 

There will be an election of three Vestry members for three-year terms, and election of one Vestry member for a two-year term. In addition, we will elect five Delegates for Diocesan Convention, plus alternates.

Biographies of nominees are available below.

Prior to the meeting lunch, coffee, and light refreshments will be available in Emmanuel Chapel.

To view the 2023 Annual Report please click the button below.

With any questions that you may have please contact The Rev. George Stevens or Senior Warden, Sam Allen

2023 Annual Report
Annual Meeting Livestream Link

Looking For Individuals to serve as Treasurer,

Junior Warden, and Clerk

In the upcoming months the cathedral is looking for individuals interested in serving in the positions of treasurer, junior warden, and clerk for the vestry.

If you are interested in serving in any of these positions please email The Rev. George Stevens or Senior Warden Sam Allen.

Vestry & Diocesan Delegate Nominations

Nominations are allowed from the floor. While the annual meeting will be live-streamed, parishioners will need to be present in order to vote.

(Votes are limited to parishioners in Good Standing, people of regular attendance who are pledging members or givers of record). 

Please see the biographies of vestry and Diocesan Convention nominees below.

Junior Warden: Welcoming Nominations for election at the Annual Meeting

Clerk: Welcoming Nominations for appointment by the Lesser Chapter

Treasurer: Welcoming Nominations for appointment by the Lesser Chapter

* Note that for all positions welcoming nominations, please email The Rev. George Stevens, Interim Dean or Sam Allen, Senior Warden

Vestry: (3 positions for 3-year-terms) & (1 position for 2-year-term)

Nominees: Randi Hogan, Linda Carleton, Stan Kuziel, Emma Flinn,

Eleanor Roberts, Catherine Hyde, Mary Linneman

Delegates to Convention: (Five positions Available)

Nominees: Sam Allen, Fred Fowler, Curtis Maurand, Jeri Edgar, Susan McCuller, Randi Hogan

Randi Hogan

-Nominated for Vestry & as Delegate to Diocesan Convention

I joined St. Luke's in 2021 and have had the privilege of serving as verger, chair of stewardship, and member of the finance committee. Earlier in life, I was active in my parish church and the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, serving in many lay leadership roles. I delight in the ways lay people can meaningfully engage throughout their lives in the governance and ministries of the Episcopal Church, as we grow in loving relationship with God, each other, and creation.

Professionally, I am a charitable giving consultant who helps individuals and families contribute to positive social and environmental change through joyful philanthropy. In my community, I serve as board president of the Eastern Trail Alliance and chair of the Scarborough Conservation Commission. I live in Scarborough with my husband, Jude, and the sweetest, long-haired miniature dachshund, Moxie.

I am honored to be nominated for Vestry. If elected, I would want to help plan the Cathedral’s path forward through our transition and cultivate a just, welcoming, and loving community.

Catherine Hyde

-Nominated for Vestry

This was my first year serving on the vestry. I have found it very rewarding. I would be

honored and grateful to continue being on the vestry during this time of transition.

We moved to Portland in 2016 from Texas. I quickly became involved with the food pantry and helping Chuck Sawyer when he was in charge of it. I then Co-chaired it with Nancy Brain and saw it flourish into what it is today. It brings me great joy in helping others and seeing the smile on their face.

Before moving back to Texas in 2009, I lived in Germany for 15 years. I studied at Texas

Christian University and received my MBA from the University of Hartford.

Shortly, after moving to Portland I started a small online business importing cashmere and wool clothing from Germany and Austria. I am also currently on the board of Cheverus High School.

Sam Allen

-Nominated as Delegate to Diocesan Convention

I retired in 2013 after a career of teaching, research, and administration at MIT as a

professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

My wife, the Rev.’d Anne Fowler, grew up in Portland and we both felt a strong pull to relocate

here after retiring.

We moved to Deering Highlands in 2013 and began to attend St. Luke’s early in 2014.

At St. Luke’s I served as Junior Warden from 2015–2019, and then as Senior Warden 2019–2021 and again as Senior Warden beginning in 2023.

I am also a member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the Finance Committee, the Endowment Committee, the Public Policy and Environmental Action Committee, co-leader of

Noon Zoom, and have served as a delegate to Diocesan Convention for several years.

Mary Linneman

-Nominated for Vestry

I’ve been a member of the Cathedral for almost 15 years, having been attracted to St. Luke’s Church by its worship, welcoming environment, community involvement, and of course the beauty of the cathedral and its music. Since that time, I’ve come to know and appreciate the diverse congregation and the role the Cathedral plays in the Episcopal community in Maine.

I retired four years ago after teaching for many years in the Portland Public Schools. Having more time has given me the opportunity to become more involved in Outreach opportunities at St. Luke’s. Working with the Food Pantry, St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry and Family Promise has given me the opportunity to get to know some of our neighbors. My involvement with Public Policy and Environmental Team (known as PPEAT) and the former Becoming Beloved Community has allowed me to join with other congregants to work toward effecting positive change on the local and state level. I’ve found that being at St. Luke’s is a pathway to help make a difference in our community. 

Joining the Vestry would allow me to continue to share my ideas and my commitment to our church, especially as St. Luke’s evolves in our quest for a new Dean. I’m optimistic that this process will benefit and strengthen our Cathedral, and I’d like to be part of it.

Stan Kuziel

-Nominated for Vestry

My name is Stan Kuziel and I am a candidate for St. Luke's Vestry. I am honored to have been nominated as a candidate and, if elected, serving St. Luke's to the best of my ability.

I have been an active member for the past two years, since retiring and permanently relocating to Portland from RI. I have been a volunteer for St. Luke's Food Pantry twice weekly, ushering at weekly services and special events, assisting on the Greening of the Cathedral team, Coffee Hour, and Holiday Fair.

My professional experience has included 40+ years of executive management and consultation services in not-for-profit and corporate settings. I have started new organizations focused on early childhood programming.Throughout my professional career "giving back" and community engagement has been essential to my personal, professional, and spiritual growth.

Lastly, I have a B.A degree, Tufts University, and an Ed.M degree, Harvard Graduate School of Education: concentration; Administration, Planning, & Social Policy.

Eleanor Roberts

-Nominated for Vestry

Hello, I’m Eleanor. I'm the head verger at St. Luke's, which means that I lead and coordinate the acolytes that help with our worship services. I am an (almost) cradle Episcopalian, and the vast majority of my worship history has been at St. Luke’s. My life outside of church is being a civil engineer, a singer, and a lover of art and nature.

As a member of the vestry, inclusivity is my main goal. I cherish the connections that I have at St. Luke's and I want this to be a space where everyone feels seen and supported. Another interest of mine is liturgy. The language that we use in prayer shapes how we think of God, each other, and even ourselves; I support efforts to modernize church language while still keeping the gravitas that's fitting for a Cathedral.

Jeri Edgar

-Nominated as a Delegate to Diocesan Convention

Jeri Edgar has been a St. Luke’s member since 2000.

She served on the Vestry for 3 yrs, ‘02-04.

Jeri was one of the leaders to start the Kneeler Guild Ministry which began in 2004, with the help of Interim Dean David Illingworth. He generously donated funds initially for us to buy kneeler supplies.

The ministry has almost completed the goal of having all Maine Episcopal Parishes to have a kneeler represented at the Cathedral of St. Luke’s.

It would be an honor to be a delegate to the convention

of the Diocese of Maine.

I want to do God’s will and bring success to the Episcopal Diocese of Maine.

Susan McCuller

-Nominated as Delegate to Diocesan Convention

I joined the Cathedral in June of 1974. I raised two daughters and now have a grandson who is serving as a crucifer.  I’ve been active in various positions for worship, including chair of the church fair, teacher in Sunday School, actor/singer in Liturgical Drama. My focus today is on ushering, lectoring, and lining up lectors for Sunday and Holy Day services. 

Linda Carleton

-Nominated for Vestry

My husband Peter and I moved to Maine in 2008 after spending most of our adult lives in Connecticut, where I taught history and comparative religions and was ordained by the U.C.C. to a ministry of refugee resettlement through the church.

After living on Chebeague Island for five years, we moved to Portland’s West End where I helped to found the Hope Acts English Language Program and fell in love with Saint Luke’s. I became a member of the Cathedral in 2013, and in the years since have worked at Saint Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center, played the piano for our Taizé service, chaired the Outreach Committee, offered a variety of adult programs, led the World Too Beautiful worship service, and participated in the Strategic Planning Committee.

I currently sing with the Cathedral choir, work at the Food Pantry, do research for the diocesan historical audit and serve on the vestry. In my spare time I still teach at HHELP, lead mandala workshops and paint rocks.

I’m the author of a recent memoir, All God, If God There Be.  If I were to be elected to serve on the vestry again, my greatest hope would be to help Saint Luke’s envision more ways to become a spiritual anchor in the trying times that lie ahead, not only for our members, but for the larger community in which we live.

Emma Flinn

-Nominated for Vestry

I am a life long member of the Episcopal Church. My grandfather was a bishop, my father and brother are both ordained in the church.

I have lived in Old Orchard Beach for 10 years.

I have two sons, one is a monk in a monastery and the other lives in East Haven, CT. I am a former news photographer in Boston and south Florida.

Curtis Maurand

-Nominated as Delegate for Diocesan Convention

I came to St. Luke’s in 1999 and was confirmed through St. Luke’s in 2000.

I have been a member of the choir since 2001.

I am always interested in sacred music and liturgy. I currently serve in a part time role as sexton at the cathedral.

I have been involved Native American and South American Spiritual groups in the past and have a special interest in the Diocesan efforts at reconciliation.

I was an information technology professional. I retired in 2019. I have interests in history, photography, cooking and baking.

Curtis's Website

Fred Fowler

-Nominated as Delegate for Diocesan Convention

Sixteen years ago, my wife, Pat and I moved to Maine permanently from Cazenovia, NY. Prior to our move our goal was to find a new church home. After visiting a number of Episcopal Churches during vacation trips to the Portland area, we connected with St. Luke’s as participants in the Tuesday 12:10 pm Eucharist service led by Fr. Webster. He was the first to make us feel at home and fed us spiritually. Immediately upon moving here we became active volunteers at the Cathedral finding it a way to meet new people with common interests.

As time progressed we became more active in leadership roles. I was raised up as Jr. Warden, working closely with Fr. Webster to learn all aspects of the building physical plant. After serving my terms as Jr. Warden I took on the role of senior warden. I found it rewarding and satisfying to serve God in this capacity. I took an interest in the governing structure of the Diocese and was elected the Diocesan Council for one term and then was chosen by Bishop Lane for a second term where I served on the Finance Committee.

I have served as an area representative on Diocesan Council and was invited to stay on as a lay representative on the Grant Committee. A couple of years ago I approached the Diocese with the idea to develop an advisory group for parishes to request guidance on building projects and issues that rise up. Working with Canon Martin, we recruited three other diocesan members, with specific skill sets to serve on the group and be available to address questions from parishes.

I am an active member of the Cathedral Finance, Endowment, and Buildings and Grounds. I am currently serving as junior warden.

I enjoy working with a variety of folks focused on doing God’s work through management of resources and making improvements to the building to better serve those who use it on a regular basis.

I continued my connections with the Diocese by offering oversight of property maintenance and repair. It is always a joy to attend Diocesan Convention and connect with folks from around the State and listen to their spiritual journey stories, struggles and successes that I can then bring back to our Cathedral.

One of our most rewarding volunteer activities is coordination of the 10:00 AM ecumenical morning prayer service each Tuesday at Piper Shores Retirement Community in Scarborough.

It continues to be a joy in providing access to worship opportunities for those who may no longer have a connection to a parish since moving to the facility. We are blessed to have been invited to participate in this ministry by Fr. Richard Ellis, a resident and member of St. Luke’s.

Choral Evensong This Sunday

Sung by the Cathedral Choir, this Sunday 4 February at 4PM.

Invite your neighbors, friends and relations!

Preces & responses, and evening canticles, by Herbert Sumsion; anthem by Ebenezer Prout.

For more information contact Christian Clough

Candlemas at 5:15 Service This Sunday

Candlemas, an ancient feast of light and hope, will be featured during this Sunday’s 5:15PM service in Emmanuel Chapel. While Candlemas is often called the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus, its coming between the December solstice and March equinox essentially marks winter’s halfway point.

Jon Radtke will lead us through a special liturgy marking the occasion and Tim Wilkins will offer a timely reflection about the Chapel itself. Please join us for this contemplative hour.

Join us for the Valentine’s Cookie Walk on February 11th

Join us in the upper hall following the 10:00AM service on February 11th for the Valentine’s Cookie Walk. We are excited to bring back this joyful event! 

This fundraiser will feature candy and cookies for purchase. A box of cookies/ candy of your choosing will be 8$/box (please note that plastic gloves will be available). Cash and Checks will be accepted.

All proceeds will benefit general support of the cathedral. 

Volunteers are invited to bring sweet treats of cookies, candy bars, etc. to the upper hall at 9:15 on the morning of February 11th or in days prior to be stored in refrigeration in the kitchen. Please ensure that all donations have ingredients labeled to be courteous of individuals with food allergies. 

Volunteers are also needed to set up displays of sweets on decorated tables before church. Decorations will be supplied by the kneeler guild and will feature red tablecloths, red plates, and hearts.  

To sign-up to volunteer please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the parish office or contact Jeri Edgar via phone (207)-303-8447 or by email at.

Thank you!

Join Luke’s Garden for our Next Meeting on February 11th

The next Luke's Garden meeting will be held on Sunday, February 11 at noon in the Lower Hall. We will be making LGBT+ valentines day cards as well as valentines day posters that will be hung up around Portland. Art supplies will be graciously provided by Linda Carleton. Thank you Linda!

For any questions you may have please contact Orion Williams.

Discussion with Greg Payne Regarding Affordable Housing in Maine on February 18th

Join us in the upper hall on February 18th following the 10:00AM service, for a discussion regarding affordable housing in Maine with Greg Payne, a representative from the Governor’s Office of Public Innovation and the Future (GOPIF).

To learn more about Greg Payne, read his biography here.

The St. Luke's Public Policy

and Environmental Action Team Meeting

We will meet Tuesday February 13 from 6-7 PM. All are welcome.

Join us via Zoom.

For more information please email Ruth Roemer.


Winter Eco-Tips from the

Public Policy &

Environmental Action Team

1. Nudge down the thermostat: Think of lowering the thermostat just 2 degrees lower than you usually do. For warmth, add extra layers of clothing

 Use throw blankets around the house. Also, drinking more hot beverages will help keep you warm. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it so  that your heater is not working hard when you are away at work.

2.Grow indoor plants: These can trap heat, humidify the air and beautify your space.

3. Open the oven door after cooking or baking. Of course, turn the oven off first. The heat will help warm your kitchen.

4. Carpool: this is sensible any time of year, but especially useful in winter, a season that is harsh on vehicles.

5. When buying a new winter jacket or coat shop for eco-friendly garments. Check second hand clothing stores, also, for these items.

Exploring Senior Spirituality: Revised Meeting Time 

This class will be an opportunity to explore the subject of our changing spiritual experiences as we journey through the final chapters of our lives. Using tools such as journaling and discussion we will explore topics including mortality, forgiveness and regret, legacies, preserving our stories, and meaning in life.

We will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 1-2:30pm, a total of seven classes spread out over 9 weeks. Class size will be limited to 10 people.

For more information or to register please contact Rev. Suzanne Roberts.


Coffee & Conversation

Each at 1 PM in the upper parish hall, join Deacon Rebecca Grant for an informal gathering - coffee and conversations.

There’s no book to read, no service commitment, simply an opportunity to gather and talk about what's happening in our lives. You could also help coach the deacon into retirement from her professional life! 

We’re planning this for a season - weekly opportunities where you can attend one, attend all, drop-in as it works for you. Bring your lunch, if you'd like. Topics range from “what's happening in your life” to “what brings you joy” and more.

You can email Rebecca or call at 207-441-7155.

Volunteer to Serve on the Altar Guild  

We love volunteering on the Altar Guild, and think you would too! Volunteering with Altar Guild is fun and rewarding.

Together, we can work to enable our congregation to engage in worship that is filled with order, beauty, peace, and tranquility.

For more information, contact Kate Leschey or Rita Siavelis.

Looking for Volunteers to Serve as Eucharistic Ministers

The Cathedral is seeking volunteers to serve as Eucharistic Ministers.

Have you ever felt a pull to be part of what happens in the course of our worship services?

If so, consider serving as a Eucharistic Minister (chalice bearer) during the worship services.

Training will be provided along with an alb. If you're interested or have questions, please contact Deacon Rebecca either in person or via email.

The Biblical Study Team

Welcome to the study of the New Testament. The class meets noon–1:30PM each Sunday.

Bob Hanson, Ph.D., STM, M. SC, BA, BDMA, guides the group to and through the essential statements of the faith, Jesus’ revelations of God’s character; to us and this creation.

The class is not a lecture, but rather an interaction. Questions are invited. It’s a joyous time in which all hopes and questions are invited.

Stewardship 2024

We are grateful for everyone in the Cathedral community who has made generous contributions and pledges for 2024.

We also want to extend a special welcome to the 23 households who have made their first pledge to St. Luke's!

If you wish to join in making a financial pledge to support the Cathedral's mission and ministry, please contact the office or pledge online.

Together our pledges will define the resources we will have to devote to our mission in 2024 as a community. We welcome and invite all contributions to support this effort!

Every gift is gratefully received and enriches our lives. Thank you.

With gratitude,

Randi Hogan

Stewardship Chair

St. Elizabeth’s Pantry

Thanks to everyone who donated coats and boots to the St E's coat drive over the past few months. Going forward our greatest need is for diapers in sizes 2 and 3, bedding of all kinds, and toothpaste and toothbrushes.  

The Healing Team Schedule

The Healing Team will be offering prayers during communion on the following Sundays:

February 4, 2024  Oscar Mokeme, Mary Strnad

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the healing team.

You may also contact Judd Hume by email or by phone at (207) 773 - 5611.

Last Week's Service

Click the attached link to view last week's Bulletin.

To watch the livestream of last Sunday's service, click here.

Click here to watch the sermon offered by The Reverend Christopher Worthley, Assisting Clergy

To View past services visit our Youtube Page or visit the archive page on our website to read past bulletins, sermons, and newsletters.

Ongoing Opportunities &

Community Resources

Coffee Hour

Please join us after the service for a time of fellowship in the upper hall through the doors to the left of the altar. Thank you to everyone that hosted a coffee hour in 2023. It is an important part of our parish life and provides us with a time for connection. 

Thank you to Liz Griffin and Gail Kesich for taking over the scheduling/organizing these past six months, I am so grateful. Hosting is fun and easy, it requires bringing in a baked good and brewing coffee the Sunday of your choosing. Please consider signing up, a lot of gratitude comes with the job. 

Thank you,

Meredith Cough.


Interested in hosting? Check this schedule by visiting the link here.  

Please email Meredith Cough with your date - <meredith.cough@gmail.com>

Help the Cathedral With Recycling

As Portland does not pick-up recycling for businesses we are looking for volunteers to take home the paper we gather in blue bins and add them to parishioner's recycling bins at their homes (We do however recycle cardboard and compost both of which have been a very successful campaigns). 

If you would like to help please contact Sarah Braik or Tim Wilkins. Thanks for your help.

Access Your Realm Profile

The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.

Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion. 

When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.

To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.

Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.

We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!

Clarification Regarding Pledging Using Realm

Thank you to all of our community members who have made a pledge gift using Realm.

Treasurer Tim Wilkins and Financial Administrator Nina Andersen wish to clarify the process of setting up a pledge through Realm.

In order for our team to have a record of your pledge for the year please complete and submit a pledge form. This informs us of your total amount to be pledged for the year before using Realm to enter a payment plan in Vanco for your 2024 pledge. We appreciate your understanding and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Please contact Tim Wilkins or Nina Andersen with any questions you may have.

Join the Young and The Restless

We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.

Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet each Tuesday at Maine Beer Company in Freeport, 6-8 PM for Trivia.

Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however trivia is a wonderful opportunity to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.

Join Luke's Garden


Luke's Garden is the cathedral's LGBTQIA+ group which meets every 2nd Sunday of the month following coffee hour.

All are welcome!

For additional information contact Orion Williams

The Kneeler Guild and

Prayer Shawl Knitters



The Upper Hall.

For additional information contact Jeri Edgar 207-303-8447 or Nancy MaWhinney 207-775-7500

Everyone is welcome, whether you are curious or want to begin. Kneeler kits cost $75, which include directions, yarn, needles & canvas. Novices are welcome; we will teach you as needed. Prayer Shawls: 26-29” by 60”; select your yarn & needles. Coffee & Tea available.

Events in the Wider Community

Portland String Quartet Concert This Saturday, February 3rd, in Emmanuel Chapel at 2PM

Join the Portland String Quartet for a concert featuring the works of Joseph Haydn, Kenji Bunch, Amy Beach, and Reena Esmail.

This concert was rescheduled from an earlier date due to complications with winter weather.

To learn more about the PSQ and to purchase tickets visit their website.

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom.

Click on the Episcopal Maine Logo above to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.




Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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