Unitarian Universalist Village Church 

403 Barcelona Road

Hot Springs Village, AR 71909


Newsletter February 2024

Sanctuary by Rev. Mark Walz


Every Sunday morning, we set aside time to savor coffee or tea, and greet the day in conversations with friends and new acquaintances. It’s more than mere physical proximity; it is about actively engaging in creating joy, happiness, and the inclusion of others.


In an essay written for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette on January 21st, Gwen Faulkenberry, a friend of UUVC, who has spoken here on an Insight Sunday, reflected on her spiritual quest. She offers that what she craves first and foremost is great conversation, coffee, and the ease of being known and still loved. Still accepted and safe.


I believe her quest to be almost universal. I find it to be especially true for those of us who found a spiritual home here at our Unitarian and Universalist Village Church.


Who among us could wish for more than the ease of being known for our authentic self and still loved. To feel not only accepted and safe but included?


It is in these conversations where we find the shared values of courage, compassion, freedom, curiosity, integrity, and spirituality that can follow us from any previous religious tradition. These are the values of our spiritual aspirations.


Why does it feel like a corner of heaven here on earth? Because for many of us this is the only space where it consistently occurs. And finding it feels like Heaven.


Let us pledge to make this another wonderful year of providing Sanctuary where all who enter find peace for their unique and authentic self.


See you in Church.  

President's Message by John Swinburn

The messages from Reverend Walz’s UUVC’s worship services tend to be intensely thought-provoking. When I leave the church on those worship service Sundays, my mood often is contemplative and introspective, leading me to think about his messages and how they apply to the way I think, the way I act, and the way I engage with the wider world around me. Insight services, too, provoke me to think; they spur a deepening of my curiosity about this society—this world—in which we live. I wonder how other members of our congregation view their engagement with UUVC…do you experience the same provocations as do I…concepts that cause you to examine your own thought processes and your unique interests and concerns?

As important as the formal elements of our Sunday services are to me, their impacts often are equaled through my interactions, beforehand and afterward, with other members of the congregation. That is, to me, evidence of Reverend Walz’s regular assertions that our church comprises people to a much greater extent than it constitutes a building. We—the members of the congregation—are the church. Looking at our church as the face of its congregation, I feel an irrepressible sense of appreciation for my good fortune in being a part of it. I hope everyone who participates in any way feels the same.

Now, to shift gears just a bit…

Unappealing and unpredictable winter weather prompted us to cancel the worship service planned for January 21, responding to icy, perilous roads around the Village. We plan to move ahead with that service on February 4, though, including the installation of new members!

Please stay safe, be patient, and come to church whenever you can!

February Sunday Services

Theme: A World Without Walls

February 04 – Worship, Rev. Mark Walz, New Member Ceremony

February 11 – Insight, Marsalis Weatherspoon, NAACP

February 18 – Worship, Rev. Mark Walz, TBA

February 25 – Insight, Poetry and Prose by UUVC Writers

Special Announcement for Remote Attenders

Sunday services, Worship, Insight, and Music on Barcelona are now being streamed live on YouTube. The link will be active at 9:55 a.m., or earlier, on Sundays. On your computer or smart phone just go to YouTube. If the Live Stream doesn't pop up automatically, type "UUVC YouTube" in the YouTube search box and select "Live." The service will remain public until the following Tuesday and then will be available through the Church website.

I want to thank the members and friends who stepped forward get the training and helping out in the video booth to make this happen.

Dane Nielsen  

Book Report by Steve Rittenmeyer

You Can Help...

As most folks who read the “Book Reports’” know from months past, an inventory of the collection was done in late 2023. That inventory revealed more than fifty titles unaccounted for. A message was sent to the congregation and a subsequent inventory found that a good number of books had reappeared, which was good news and much appreciated. Still, more than thirty titles in the collection remain neither on the shelves nor checked out. So, the library staff sought additional guidance.


A discussion ensued at the latest Program Committee meeting. It was decided there that the library assistant would publish the titles of the books still missing and ask congregants to check further to see if any of the “missing” books are lying around, forgotten. If so, please, return the book(s) to the baskets so marked. There is one in the library and another in the Community Hall near the book display shelving.


In addition, if someone has a copy of one or more of the volumes listed below and wishes to donate it, he/she will earn our undying gratitude. If that is you, just place a note designating the book as a donation and deposit it in one of the baskets described above.

Thanking you in advance for your attention and cooperation. The first group of “missing” titles follows:

Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague, by Geraldine Brooks.

News of the World, by Paulette Jiles.

The Salt Path: The Uplifting True Story, by Raynor Winn.

Prophetic Sisterhood: Liberal Women Ministers of the Frontier (1880-1930), by Cynthia Grant Tucker.

Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow.

Making Sense of God: And Invitation to the Skeptical, by Timothy Keller.

Kierkegaard and Consciousness, by Ali Shmueli.

Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women, by Geraldine Brooks.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Taoism, by Brandon Torpor.

From Death Camp to Existentialism, by Viktor Emil Frankl.

Images of the World: Photography at the National Geographic.

How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships, by the Dalai Lama.

Surviving Serendipity, by Lawrence Enders.


Membership - Name Tags Rearranged by Debbie Bostick

For your convenience, the name tag lanyard hanging near the back door of the Community Hall have been rearranged in alphabetical order according to your last name. We hope this makes it easier to find. If you need a name tag contact Theresa Dybul or Debbie Bostick. We will be happy to make one for you.


Many people are curious as to what the different colors and types of lanyards mean.

It is simple: ORANGE lanyards are for returning visitors. Be sure to welcome those newcomers to our community.

All OTHER COLORS and TyPeS belong to Members or Friends of UUVC, Those with Blue name tags have been members for over 10 years.

Membership Milestones

Members for 10 years on Feb. 16, 2024:

Court Mathey

Jim Watson

Suzette Watson

Help Wanted: The Program Committee is looking for a person who is interested in assuming the Insight Coordinator role for inviting speakers

from outside the UUVC congregation. The person who is selected will

shadow Linda Ragsdale through June to learn the specifics of the responsibilities and assume the role in July 2024. If you are interested,

please contact Salli Forbes at [email protected]

Education by Susan Cockrell

Lots going on. Art classes with Kathy Guidry and UU101 with Salli Forbes and Steve Rittenmeyer both started this last week of January. The Art class is full but check with Kathy for a waiting list maybe. Check with Salli or Steve to join the UU101 class. The Reike Training that was to be held in February is being postponed.  

The continued course,THE MEANING OF LIFE, with facilitator Professor Dean Gayther, a retired educational consultant, begins Thursday Feb. 15 and continues weekly until April 18, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Room 2. You may take this class even if you were not involved last year. The first 30 minutes of each class is a video lecture from Great Courses, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. The course will explore the Bhagavad-Gita, Aristotle’s views, stoicism, and human finitude. Register by contacting Dean Gayther at [email protected]

We are considering a Women's Day Retreat on Saturday, March 16. Let me know if you want to help with planning or have presentation ideas or talents to share.

[email protected], 817-307-9350.

Time to Start Thinking About ACES by Becky Hamilton

Now that the holidays are behind us, it is time to start planning our biannual event, formally known as the Service Auction. I have chosen it refer to it as the ACES Auction, since it has grown to include art, culinary donations and experiences along with offers of services. Please consider which of these you could donate. 

We will hold the event in the Community Hall on April 19th, beginning at 5:00. The Finance Committee has decided we need to charge $10 per person to help defray the cost of the meal. Sign-up sheets will be provided in the next few weeks for reservations, donations for the auction, and volunteers to help with preparations, serving food, setting up tables, cleanup detail, etc.

Funds collected from the event will be earmarked for the Building Fund. Please be ready and willing to help in any way you can. I'm really looking forward to this and hope you are, too. Thanks in advance!

Trouble Locking Doors? by Susan Cockrell

Heads up for those who have the responsibility of unlocking or locking the doors. The mechanisms have been examined and are fine. You MUST push in the bar and hold it there whether you are locking or unlocking. If you have trouble turning the hex key, jiggle gently. Being forceful can damage it. If you are having trouble, see me or some of the Security people for a demonstration. Thanks.

The Green Team - Good Batteries by Deanna Tolliver

Have you ever put batteries in the recycling bin because you were unsure if they were working, or you thought they were old? Here’s a tip: invest a few dollars in a battery tester. One is listed on Amazon that is currently only $5.59.


I have one and find It is easy to use.It appears to be quite accurate. Most small batteries can be tested with it, including the small flat ones. This tester will tell you to keep a battery or recycle it. We find perfectly good batteries in the recycling bin at UUVC!


Susan Cockrell and Ronnie Zuege have volunteered to transport recycling at the church to the transfer station on Hwy 7. Thanks!

UU Computers 4 Kids+ by Bob McCleskey


UU-C4K+ is the subject of an article in the February edition of the HSV Life magazine. Robin Burns, a HSV Life reporter composed the article and was so impressed with the program she has volunteered to assist with C4K+ publicity in the future. Other good news is the fact that we met with the Executive Director of the Saline County Recycling and have been assured we will be able to obtain laptops and other computers submitted to their sites. But the best news is that Ralph Butler and John O’Brien has agreed to be responsible for the future operation and management of C4K+.

Social Justice by Alana Clegg

February is Black History Month. Linda Ragsdale presented the Uzuri Project as the February Share the Plate recipient. This program involves youth leadership training and Black history in Hot Springs.

UUVC is one of the 50 organization that are members of The Citizens First Congress (CFC), and we need more volunteers. This organization concentrates on state legislative affairs, such as Civil Rights and Election Reform. For more information go to www.citizensfirst.org

Thank You for Share by Karen Geiger

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) was the Unitarian Universalist Church's December Share the Plate Recipient. Suzanne Herron and Tiffany Barnes were presented a check for $3365.

Events - Past, Present and Future by Susan Johansson

Present: Chili Cook-Off February 17

Coordinator: Stephanie Hubbard

On Saturday February 17, at 5:00 p.m., in the Community Hall, UUVC will hold its annual Chili Cook-Off. Who will win bragging rights for the best recipe?

Please bring you favorite homemade chili, or bread or a dessert. You will be voting for the best chili. Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. We are asking for $5 per person to cover the cost of beverages, paper products, and prizes. There is a sign-up sheet and in the Community Hall. Please indicate what you are bringing and leave your cash or check in the envelope.


Coordinator: Sue Loberg

A total of 16 people attended this historical tour in Hot Springs on January 24. Our Guide was very knowledgeable and everyone enjoyed the tour of the museum. We had lunch together afterwards at Diablos on Central Avenue. A good time was had by all.

Future: TOGA PARTY - Friday, March 15

This party will be complete with Gyros, hummus, Caesar salad, and desserts. There will be a Toga contest, trivia game, and more. So get your Togas ready and come join the fun. Details to follow. Event Coordinator: Christine Hasbrouck

Fire Safety by Tom Tirrell

Our Safety and Security Committee has been operating with a vacancy in our Fire Safety Group since COVID began.This group checks on the fire prevention equipment that serves our church. They also keep inventory on equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm system, exit signs, emergency lights.

There are no scheduled meetings. They do have scheduled equipment tests - usually on a semi-annual basis. If you are available, we could sure use your help. We would provide the minimal training needed.

Email Tom Tirrell at [email protected] for further info

Interest Groups

UUVC Pickle Ball: UUVC Pickleball plays at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays AS WEATHER PERMITS at the DeSoto Courts. Contact Dane Nielsen at 501 915-4450.


Monday Golf: 18-hole Golf 8:00 - 2:00, 9-hole Golf 8:30 -12:30. AS WEATHER PERMITS Contact: Ron Nance, 870 267-4711


Mahjongg: Mondays at 1:00 in the Community Hall. Contact Dee Offerman at [email protected]


Sleeping Mat Group: First and Third Wednesdays of the month from 9:30 – 11:30. Contact Marilyn Matzek, 501-922-4909


Stitchers: Second Wednesday from 1:00 - 3:00 in the conference room. Contact Marjorie McCleskey, 501-915-0237


Men's Group: Thursdays 8:30 - 9:30 at Debra's Good Eats, 198 Carmona Rd. Contact Rev. Walz, 214-755-4315


Friday Golf: 18-Hole Golf 8:00 - 1:00. AS WEATHER PERMITS Contact Tom Tirrell, 501-915-2436


Sangha Meditation: Saturdays 10:00 -12:00 in the sanctuary. All UUVC members and friends are welcomed. No experience necessary. Contact Toby Hamilton 405-919-6253


Game Night: Second Saturday at 5:00. Bring a dish to share for a potluck meal. There are many kinds of games to enjoy after supper. Contact Cindy Nance, 337-278-4004.

Click this button to check the  Calendar for Details and for any Cancellations

UUA Proposed Revision to Article II

After considering any amendments submitted by the Feb. 1 deadline, the final proposed revision to Article II, which currently includes the seven principles, will be voted on by delegates to the UUA General Assembly in June, an online event. If you are interested in attending go to uua.org/ga/registration. UUVC will have three delegates selected by the Board.

(Graphic by Tanya Webster) 

Unitarian Universalist Village Church Newsletter February 2024

Editor: Meg Koziar [email protected]

Minister: Rev. Mark Walz [email protected]

President: John Swinburn [email protected]