We just LOVE February!

There are so many reasons to LOVE this month!

Stamps, for one.

Leap year month, for another.

Super Bowl, for yet another.

Wait, what about Presidents' Day?

Black History Month, and Ash Wednesday, too?


Robert Indiana, a pop artist of the 1960s, designed the first Love stamp in 1973 (shown above). It was based on his painting Love, commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art for its 1965 Christmas card. The red, green, and blue stamp stacks the word “love” onto itself with the O set on a slant.

Robert Indiana, born Robert Earl Clark, was an American contemporary artist whose work drew inspiration from signs, billboards, and commercial logos. He is best known for his series of LOVE paintings, which employed bold and colorful letterforms to spell out the word “love.” “Oddly enough, I wasn't thinking at all about anticipating the love generation and hippies,” he once explained. “It was a spiritual concept. It isn't a sculpture of love any longer.

It's become the very theme of love itself.”




As these 2 teams prepare to battle it out in Las Vegas,

let's take a look at some stamps hailing from their home states...

Issued on October 29, 1971 in San Diego, California.

This stamp was issued as part of a block of four commemorating the historic preservation movement in the United States. Showcased on these stamps are: a cable car which still operates on ten miles of track; a 19th century whaling vessel anchored in Mystic, Connecticut; the San Xavier del Bac Mission, which has been in existence since 1797; and Decatur House, built in 1819, which is now a house museum.

Issued on February 14, 2022

in San Francisco, California as part of the American Landmarks series - to cover the $26.95 Express Mail Rate.

This stamp features a digital illustration of the Palace of Fine Arts by longtime stamp artist Dan Cosgrove. The image resembles a vintage travel poster. During the Panama-Pacific Exposition of 1915, a number of impressive buildings were constructed. The designer intended them to slowly degrade and resemble ancient Rome by the end of the exposition as he believed every big city should have some ruins. However, one building still exists today (though it has been renovated and rebuilt several times) – the Palace of Fine Arts, designed by Bernard Maybeck.

Issued on June 3, 1950 in

Kansas City, Missouri

On August 10, 1821, President James Monroe signed legislation adding Missouri to the Union as the 24th state. The first European explorers in Missouri found various tribes living in the region. French explorers Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet discovered the point where the Missouri joins the Mississippi River in 1673. René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, sailed down the Mississippi in 1682 and claimed the entire river valley for France. He named it Louisiana, in honor of King Louis XIV. Soon after, Frenchmen involved with the fur-trading business began to settle in the region, founding trading posts along the river. Around 1700, Jesuit missionaries founded the first European settlement in Missouri, the Mission of St. Francis Xavier, near today’s St. Louis. When the U.S. took ownership of Missouri, most of the land had already been explored. Missouri was made a part of Upper Louisiana; then, in 1812, the Missouri Territory was organized.

Missouri's 150 Anniversary Stamp, issued May 8, 1971 in Independence, Missouri.

Commemorating the 150th anniversary of statehood, this stamp was issued on the 87th birthday of President Harry Truman, in Truman's hometown of Independence. The stamp depicts a Pawnee Indian facing a hunter-trapper and settlers. The image is based on a mural by Thomas Hart Benton that is displayed in the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.


All Ages Welcome! Free for Members

Saturday, February 10

10:00 AM - 12 Noon

Valentine's Day Event

Create your own Valentines, learn how to make your own envelope 

Free admission! 

Saturday, March 2

11:00 AM - Noon

Sheryl Faye as Queen Elizabeth II

$10 for non members

Saturday, April 13

11:00 AM - Noon

Joys of Nature - Live Animal Presentation

$10 for non members

Want to attend? RSVP or ask us any questions!

Happy February Birthday!

Presidents, Entrepreneurs, Inventors and a Beatle!

Ronald Reagan - February 6, 1911

Thomas Edison - February 11, 1847

Abraham Lincoln - February 12, 1809

Charles Darwin - February 12, 1809

Galileo Galilei - February 15, 1564

George Washington -February 22, 1732

Frédéric Chopin - Februrary 22, 1810

Steve Jobs -February 24, 1955

George Harrison -February 25, 1943

Johnny Cash - February 26, 1930

Galileo Galilei, above


Some little known facts....

1. He did not graduate from college.

His father was a lute player and music theorist in Pisa, Italy. As a pre-teen, Galileo began studying at a monastery near Florence and considered becoming a monk; however, his father wasn’t in favor of his son pursuing a religious life and eventually removed him from school. When he was 16, Galileo enrolled at the University of Pisa to study medicine, at his father’s urging. Instead, he became interested in mathematics and shifted his focus then left the school in 1585 without earning a degree. He continued his mathematics studies on his own and earned money by giving private lessons before returning to the University of Pisa in 1589 to teach math.

2. He didn’t invent the telescope.

Galileo didn’t invent the telescope—Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey did—but Galileo was the first person to use it to study the heavens. In 1609, Galileo learned about the device and developed one of his own, significantly improving its design. He then pointed it at the moon and discovered it had craters and mountains, debunking the common belief that the moon’s surface was smooth. He soon went on to make other findings with his telescope, including that there were four moons orbiting Jupiter and that Venus went through a complete set of phases (indicating the planet traveled around the sun).

3. His 3 daughters were nuns.

In 1613, he placed his daughters in a convent near Florence, where they remained for the rest of their lives.

6. His middle finger is on display in a museum. Really?

After Galileo died, he was buried in a side chapel in Florence. In 1737, as the scientist’s remains were being transferred to a burial place of honor in the Santa Croce basilica, three of his fingers, along with a vertebra and a tooth, were removed from his corpse. Two of his fingers, along with his tooth, were kept by one of his admirers. The items were thought to be lost sometime in the early 1900s. However, in 2009, the two fingers and tooth appeared at an auction and were snapped up by a private collector; using historical documentation, experts later concluded the items were Galileo’s. Meanwhile, the third finger taken from Galileo’s remains—the middle finger of his right hand—has been housed at various museums in Italy since at least the first half of the 1800s.

7. NASA named a spacecraft for him.

In 1989, NASA and a team from Germany launched a spacecraft named "Galileo" from the cargo bay of the space shuttle Atlantis. After arriving at Jupiter in 1995, the Galileo spacecraft became the first to study the planet and its moons for an extended time. The spacecraft found evidence of saltwater below the surface of three of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede, and provided information about volcanic activity on another one of the planet’s moons, Io. (The four moons were discovered by the real-life Galileo in 1610 with a telescope.) 

Galileo Jupiter Spacecraft

NASA launched the large Jupiter spacecraft Galileo with the space shuttle Atlantis in 1989. It reached its destination in December 1995 and carried out the most extensive exploration of the Jupiter system until March of 2003. In December of 1995, an atmospheric probe descended into the atmosphere of the gas planet. The mission ended in 2003.

Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating Black history. The Black History Month 2024 theme, African Americans and the Arts, explores the key influence African Americans have had in the fields of visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression.

The first U.S. stamp to honor an African American was the ten-cent Booker T. Washington stamp, issued in 1940. In 1978, the Postal Service initiated the Black Heritage stamp series, to recognize the achievements of individual African Americans (below).

NobleSpirit is the Spellman Museum's proud 2024 events sponsor and valued resource

Evaluations The Spellman Museum team can direct you to a highly qualified stamp dealer or independent appraiser.

Have a collection to donator or appraise?


The Spellman Museum is a

treasured resource, locally and nationally, and beyond!

As a 501(c)3 support-driven entity, we appreciate all forms of support.

If you have a collection to be evaluated, feel free to call or email Joseph Mullin, Public Affairs Director, to arrange the visit.

He can be reached at 781-768-8367.

If you'd like to support the museum with a donation, please visit

If you'd like to visit the Museum, simply stop by Thursdays - Sundays, noon - 5pm.

Or, feel free to call to schedule a private tour.

We joyfully welcome all!

Plus we are really fun!




The Museum continues to offer a complimentary, one-year membership for children. Youth members receive a monthly packet of topical stamps, worksheets and philatelic information, a discount in the Museum store, a monthly stamp calendar plus free admission for themselves and the family. For more information, contact Jessica Leuschner.

Our seniors are a treasured segment of our membership. Established last year, this $25 membership offers those individuals all of the benefits and joys of membership. Contact us for more information!

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