A logo with the words 'FCN' in blue on the left 
a graphic of the state of Florida in yellow in the middle 
and the words 'FLORIDA CENTER FOR NURSING' in blue on the right.

Hello, and welcome to the March newsletter!

In this issue:

  • FCN Presents in Tallahassee
  • Florida Center for Nursing Education Symposium
  • Preceptor Strategies, Support, and Successes: Part 3
  • FCN Nursing Graduate Recognition Packets
  • Upcoming Events
  • FCN in the News

FCN Executive Director Presents Research in Tallahassee

A screenshot from Florida Center for Nursing Executive Director Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN’s, presentation in front of the House subcommittee. Dr. Letourneau speaks into a thin microphone with a few people sitting in blue seats behind her. She is wearing a floral jacket and gesturing as she presents. A blue rectangle with her name and information written in white letters is spread across the bottom of the image, with The Florida Channel logo on the right of that rectangle. The date and time sit above the logo in a black box. In the top right sits a red rectangle with the word “LIVE” written in white letters.

Dr. Letourneau presents to the Florida House of Representatives Health Professions & Programs Subcommittee

Florida Center for Nursing Executive Director Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, took Florida Center for Nursing research to Tallahassee in February.

February 12, Dr. Letourneau presented to the Florida Senate Appropriations Committee on Higher Education. The presentation included nursing workforce and nursing education data including a detailed analysis of Florida's 2024 NCLEX results from the FCN State of Nursing Education in Florida 2025 report.

Dr. Letourneau shared Florida's 2024 NCLEX results with the Florida House of Representatives Health Professions & Programs Subcommittee and answered questions from lawmakers on February 19.

While in Tallahassee, Dr. Letourneau also meet with the Office of Reimagining Education and Career Help (REACH) within the Executive Office of the Governor and provided an update on nursing workforce strategies and findings from the State of Nursing Education in Florida 2025 report at Florida Nurses Association Advocacy Days.

Florida Center for Nursing Education Symposium

A graphic promoting the Florida Center for Nursing Education Symposium: Leading Excellence and Innovation in Florida. The FCN logo and the UF College of Nursing logos are on the top above the title, with details of the event below. Light blue swipes are on the top and bottom as a background. On the right side is “In-person and virtual attendance options available,” along with details and the registration link. A QR code is on the bottom right, just above “The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.”

FCN Education Symposium

The Florida Center for Nursing Education Symposium: Leading Excellence and Innovation in Florida will take place March 7 from 10am-4pm at the Hilton UF Conference Center in Gainesville, Florida. This event is offered in collaboration with the University of Florida College of Nursing.

The symposium will feature sessions including

  • The State of Nursing Education in Florida: Data-Driven Perspectives 
  • Nursing Education in Florida: Overcoming Challenges, Creating Solutions 
  • The Future of Nursing: Implications for Practice, Research, and Education 

Continuing Education Credits will be offered for program content (4.5 hours total).

Visit or click the button below to register for in-person or virtual attendance.

Register Now

The Florida Center for Nursing State of Nursing Education in Florida 2025 report offers a preview of research that will be discussed at the symposium.

Two copies of The State of Nursing Education in Florida 2025 report are fanned out. The white cover features a graphic of Florida cut off at the bottom and colored in with light blue lines with darker blue threads running through it. The Florida Center for Nursing logo and the name of the report in dark blue are in the top center. “2025” in dark blue sits in the bottom left corner.

Visit to read the full report.

Preceptor Strategies, Support, and Successes: Part 3

The latest installment in the Florida Center for Nursing webinar series "Strategies to Combat Florida's Nursing Shortage" will take place March 24 at 11am.

The Preceptor Strategies, Support, and Successes: Part 3 webinar will focus on advanced practice providers and preceptors.

A graphic for “Preceptor Strategies, Support, and Successes: Part 3,” written in white letters on a dark blue background. The title is at the top center, with details below. Pictures of the presenters with names and titles are positioned in the middle of the graphic.

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to

  • describe the goal of a preceptor program to create a pathway to employment
  • identify the strategies and benefits of preceptor training
  • establish, coordinate and implement a preceptor program
  • discuss the roles and responsibilities of preceptors supporting advanced practice providers in a palliative care medicine fellowship

Panelists include

- Daniel Lajoie, MSN, FNP-C, ACHPN, Nurse Practitioner - Division of Palliative Care, Director of Nursing - Central Florida Division, AdventHealth

- Arlene Wright, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, FNAP, FAANP, LNC, Manager of Nursing Student Success, Florida SouthWestern State College

Visit or click the button below to register.

Register Here

Recognize Your Nurse Graduates

A white banner with the Florida Center for Nursing logo in the center. "Nursing Graduate Recognition" is written in blue cursive letters below, and blue, teal, and yellow confetti is sprinkled across the top and sides.

The Florida Center for Nursing is now offering Graduate Recognition Packets at no cost for pre- and post-licensure nursing education programs to recognize and reward cohorts preparing for graduation.

Representatives from nursing programs can request these packets sponsored by FCN for their nurse graduates. Click the button below or visit to complete the form, and FCN staff will send the packets to be distributed to your graduates.

Request Packet

Please allow at least two weeks before your graduation date for shipping.  

Upcoming Events

Florida Center for Nursing staff hopes to see you at these upcoming events.

An image with a column of upcoming events Florida Center for Nursing staff will attend in the month of March with "Upcoming Events" in yellow at the bottom left and a calendar page on the bottom right. The background of the photo is dark blue.

Upcoming FCN Events

Florida Center for Nursing Education Symposium: Leading Excellence and Innovation in Florida, March 7, Hilton UF Conference Center, Gainesville, FL

CareerSource Broward Worlds of Work Career Expo, March 11, Amerant Bank Arena, Sunrise, FL

  • FCN staff will connect with 9th and 10th graders at the FCN table

Pinellas Area Nurse Educators (PANE) Conference, March 28, St. Petersburg College Health Education Center, Pinellas Park, FL

  • FCN Director of Nursing Education and Professional Development Tammy Franquero, DNP, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CENP, will present

American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) Conference, March 30-April 2, Boston, MA

  • FCN Executive Director Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, will attend and connect with fellow nurse leaders

Several publications—print, television, and radio—covered the Florida Center for Nursing State of Nursing Education 2025 report, released last month. Below is a sample:

In addition, FCN and USF College of Nursing published the results of a study in Nurse Educator - Results of a 14-Day Challenge to Improve Dispositional Gratitude in an Academic Nursing Setting

This Month in Nursing History

An image of the handwritten original of the 1903 Nurse Practice Act with a description of the image below. The handwriting is cursive on a yellow piece of paper.

The handwritten bill of the 1903 Nurse Practice Act

via North Carolina Nursing History

On March 3, 1903, North Carolina became the first state to enact a nurse registration law.

According to North Carolina Nursing History, the North Carolina Nurse Practice Act established "standards of education and clinical expertise before a person could use the title 'Registered Nurse.' The Nurse Practice Act has been modified many times throughout its first century, generally becoming more 'nurse friendly' with each change."

Florida's first Nurse Practice Act was enacted in June 1913.

A white, open envelope outlined in blue with two white letters poking out. The letter in front has blue lines across it and an empty image box on the top right corner.

Thank you for reading! If you have suggestions, feedback, or comments, please email or click the button below.

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About the Florida Center for Nursing

The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse workforce resources. The vision of the FCN is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.

Click the button below to learn more about the Florida Center for Nursing.

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