Your support is how we continue to reach more and more people each year in Nashville, Middle Tennessee, and beyond. Every April, we ask all Woodmont members to let us know what they are planning to give in the coming year so that we can strategically set our budget to have the maximum impact on the many communities we serve. If you missed Commitment Sunday, it's not too late! Simply click the button below to make your pledge quickly and conveniently online.

Make your pledge online

We want to hear from you!


Our visioning team has been working hard to plan for the future growth of our church. Where do we want to be in three years? In five years? What challenges do we currently face? What is God calling us to do? 


If you haven't already, please take a few moments and fill out this brief congregational survey so we can gather additional input from the church family about Woodmont’s future. It is important to the visioning committee that we hear from as many members as possible.

Take congregational survey
Read The Spire
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