Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC & The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

Providing consulting and educational services to nonprofits, donors, and professional advisors related to impactful charitable giving


Charitable Giving Newsletter

02/01/24 Edition

In This Week's Issue:

"Pauline, I'm ready for my close-up..."

Weekly Tips for Nonprofits, Donors, and Professional Advisors

"Pauline, I'm ready for my close-up..."

Philanthropy is a relationship business. Yet, you can’t forge a relationship with someone until you know a few things about them, such as:

  • Who is this potential donor anyway?
  • What is interesting about them?
  • What are THEY most interested in?
  • Are they part of the community we serve?
  • Do they care about our nonprofit mission?
  • How likely are they to make a donation?
  • How much are they likely to give?
  • What are the factors that determine their willingness to give?
  • How much have they given to organizations like us in the past?
  • How much are they capable of giving?
  • And who might be able to make a warm introduction that would open the door to the first conversation?

Pauline Palkovic of Acorn Hill Associates arms the fundraiser with answers to those questions by assessing four main qualities:

  1. Affinity: How closely is the donor aligned with your organization’s mission?
  2. Propensity: How likely is this person to give?
  3. Capacity: How big of a gift is this person capable of making?
  4. Connection: How is this person connected to someone we already know?

Read about Pauline's specialized field below:

Pauline Palkovic: Prospect Researcher 

Pauline has been delivering strategic behind-the-scenes support to the nonprofit sector for nearly three decades. Her prospect and due diligence research fuels capital campaigns, new enterprises, and ethical decisions about global philanthropic partnerships. She utilizes scores of aggregated and primary sources to search out all kinds of fascinating pieces of public information for the purposes of #relationshipbuilding and #makingtheworldabetterplace. Click the yellow link below for more about Pauline:

Acorn Hill Associates

A Tip for Nonprofits: Did you know that more than 26 million individuals in the United States alone are eligible for matching gifts from the employer they work for? The site Double the Donation stores program details for each and every one of them, ensuring the highest possible coverage of match-eligible donors, with almost 25,000 companies listed. Gosh, what are you waiting for? Stop reading this and check it out by clicking this link: Database of Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Companies (

A Tip for Donors: Eighty-five (85) percent of affluent household charitable giving decisions were made or influenced by a woman, and significantly more women (42%) than men (33%) spent time volunteering in 2022. Guys, um, hello? Read more here via this 2023 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Charitable Giving by Affluent Households Above Pre-Pandemic Levels, Finds 2023 BofA Study of Philanthropy | Press Releases | Newsroom | Bank of America

A Tip for Professional Advisors: Does your new client intake form need an overhaul? Would you appreciate the "prompts" needed to ask the charitable giving questions that your clients want you to ask? Start afresh! This article gives you some nice questions to create your version 2.0: Talking To Your Clients About Giving – Princeton Area Community Foundation (

"If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent."

~Warren Buffett

Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC and The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

About Rick

228 Park View Drive

Belmont, NC 28012

+1 (603) 387-3897

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