Streams of Awareness

Merry Christmas

December 25, 2023

Here we are on Christmas Day; celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ 

just short of 2000 years ago.  We know the story, have heard the songs, but do we really embrace what was done for us that Christmas night. A baby boy was born who would grow to be an eternal gift of love, forgiveness and grace for all of those who believed in his name.

That mighty and remarkable gift was showered on many so long ago and yet still today it is a gift that remains constant and active that is embedded in the very depth of our being. For Christ is a “need” for every heart that beats. But so often we take pride in trying to accomplish what we think will make us good enough, or smart enough or giving enough to merit that gift of love that God has offered through his son.  God’s love is not measured one by one or deed by deed, it is given full strength to any of us who faithfully believe in him.     

God is the light and his light is there to shine in our darkest times as well as our joyful ones.  Christ wants to be trusted, and depended upon and his promises of strength, presence, guidance, comfort and wisdom are just a few of many blessings that he pours out unto those who have seek his help and listen for his  answers as he whispers in our conscience.  We have a choice each day to invite Christ to come along side of us, and allow him to be a faithful friend.  Nothing is too broken, no sin is too big, no habit is too addicting and there is no darkness that cannot be brought to the light of Christ.  

Christmas is a time of giving but also one of receiving.  If you have not given Christ a chance to walk along side you and help guide your way, or comfort your heart, or help you overcome obstacles that have detoured your path, or lightened your burdens, or strengthened you in times of weakness…..try sending up a simple little prayer today, and accept the gift of love and acceptance that only Christ can give without conditions or boundaries.  

I love the Lord with all my heart and have seen how he continually is transforming me to be more trusting, and more aware of the treasures he leaves along my path.  Christ will show you the way in the crooked world and help you to find peace  in the midst of chaos, and love in the midst of indifference, and a joy that transcends the pleasures that the world offers. Christ came to this earth to be the light in the midst of darkness. 

And I too believe there are angels that God has sent among us to reflect the light with others that he has put in us.   As the lyrics of the song “Angels Among Us” by Alabama:

 …”there are angels among us… They come to you and me in our darkest hours ..To show us how to live, to teach us how to give and to guide us with the light of love”.. 

You just might be one of God’s  angels when you come along someone who needs a friend or  a helping hand or maybe God has sent you an angel to help you when you  have needed a little “light”. Be a light  in the life of someone else for that very light is a reflection of the Light God has put in you.  

Merry Christmas to you all.  I hope your day is filled with joy and love and fun along the way.    

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!


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