Rev. Joseph Fleshman
September 15, 1935 - May 7, 1939
Following the vote to dismiss Rev. Jesse Story on January 13, 1935, the church board received letters of interest from several ministers. Rev. David Worsdell, a student at Johnson Bible College, served as a "student minister"until the start of coursework in September. The Elders also met regularly to discuss ministerial candidates.
Rev. Joseph Fleshman, a Johnson Bible College graduate, then currently the pastor of Newton Christian Church, applied for the position and was reviewed by the church board and Decatur Christian Missionary Society. A "homecoming celebration" was held shortly after his arrival to encourage lapsed members to return.
The spiritual and financial conditions of the church improved during Rev. Fleshman's tenure. The Christian Comrades class planted trees in the boulevard across from the building and fundraised against church debts. Sunshine class held a candy fundraiser. The roof was replaced, and the mortgage was refinanced.
A board resolution was adopted on September 29, 1936, that "consider the sale of liquor a menace to any community, Christian or unChristian, and since we are at present, unable to abolish the said menace-we deem it our Christian duty to cast our vote in the election of October 13, 1936 against the opening of taverns on the Lord's Day."
Rev. Fleshman presented his resignation notice on March 5, 1939, and ended his pastorate on May 7, 1939. He died in 1979.