From the Desk of

The Produce Safety Team

June 24th 2024

Good Signage Teaches Visitors about Produce Safety

Morgan Anderson | Produce Safety Technician

Check out these examples of instructional signage for when visitors come to your farm!


Produce safety for U-pick farms

This episode features Barb Roth, owner of Red Barn Market in Lowell Michigan, and Mariel Borgman, Community Food Systems Educator with MSU Extension. They discuss various food safety risks on U-Pick farms and how you can mitigate them. Listen to Podcast


SCAAT on Produce Farms When Contaminants Spill

Phil Tocco | Michigan State University Extension Educator

Port-a-johns tip. Animals get loose. Contamination happens. it’s important to think through how to manage a contamination event. One way to think through how to handle contamination is through the mnemonic SCAAT. S, Stop harvest activities. C, Contain the contaminant. A, Alert the proper authorities. A, Assess crop exposure. T, Treat the area and affected crop. Read Article

FREE Resources and Low-Cost Training Opportunities

Request a FREE OFRR at your farm (Michigan Growers)

Online Produce Safety Supervisor Training ($100)

FREE Produce Safety Texts

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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