Thursday, January 11, 2024

Celebrating 35 Years of Ministry: 1989 - 2024

January 29 marks three years since Erich and I lost our first daughter. The first year was filled with shattering grief and figuring out how to survive when getting out of bed took everything I had in me. In the second year the tears were less frequent and I was able to go hours without being caught off guard by something that reminded me of what we lost. Now facing the third year of grief, pregnant with our second daughter, my grief is still present but it's more like a chronic pain rather than a open wound. 

But as those of you who are living with deep grief know, the stages of grief don’t happen neatly or necessarily in order. And the idea of time healing the wound isn’t quite accurate. It’s more like you grow around the wound and learn to live with it, but it’s forever part of you. An ache just below the skin, just below your conscious awareness that throbs. Sometimes hard enough to force you to stop and catch your breath. Other times as a tingling reminder of the person you loved, but always there.

After we lost Teigen several people gave me books to read about grief and child loss. They were all helpful in their own ways, but the one I’ve returned to again and again was sent to me by my seminary buddy and fellow minister Taylor. Pastors have this habit of wanting to give people things to read all the time, but particularly in moments of high emotion. We all do it! And when I opened the package from Taylor in the weeks following Teigen’s loss I laughed because he’d sent me a book. And it was one I already owned!

 But then I cried because what this dear friend sent me is exactly what I would have sent him in the same situation. The same book I’ve given others in times of grief. A book of blessings by one of my favorite writers, Jan Richardson. 

The title of the book is The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief and was written after Richardson lost her husband. The blessings in it are all beautiful and hit on the myriad of ways and forms grief takes. I’ve read both my copies over and over again finding myself in Richardson’s words time after time. Now, almost three years after losing Teigen, the blessings for early grief don’t hold the same sting and the ones about living with grief long-term are resonating in a new way. That strikes me as perhaps true for all of us as our world continues to be plagued by illness and fear that takes and changes things, not least of them our ability to have control. With that in mind, I’d like to share a specific blessing with you that’s my current heartsong. I hope it will bless you as it does me.

Blessing for the Dailiness of Grief

Sorry I am to say it, but it is here, mostly likely, you will know the rending most deeply. 

It will take your breath away, how the grieving wait for you in the most ordinary moments.

It will wake with your waking.

It will sit itself down with you at the table, inhabiting the precise shape of the emptiness across from you.

It will walk down the street with you in the form of no hand reaching out to take yours.

It will stand alongside you in every conversation. Nearly unbearable in its silence that fairly screams.

It will brush its teeth with you at night and climb into bed with you when finally you let go of this day.

Even as it goes always with you, it will still manage to startle you with its presence, causing you to weep when you enter the empty kitchen in the morning, when you spread fresh sheets on the bed you shared, when you walk out through the door alone and pass back through it likewise.

It is here. 

You will know it best - In the moments that made up the rhythm of your days, that fashioned the litany of your life, the togethering you will never know in the same way again.

But I will tell you it is here, too, that your solace lies. It will wait for you in those same moments that stun you with their sorrow.

I cannot tell you how, but it will not cease to carry you in the cadence that has forever altered but whose echo will persist with a stubbornness that will surprise you, bearing you along, breathing with you still through the terrible and exquisite ordinary days. 

-Jan Richardson

Join Us for Worship

Sunday, January 14 at 10:45 am

Rev. Jillian Hankamer preaching

Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, and Luke 2:41-51

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Our Worship in Song

Opening Hymn: I Sing the Praise of Love Almighty Gerhard Tersteegen was an 18th century hymnwriter and mystic, nurtured in the German Reformed Church. The four stanzas were drawn from a longer poem and became popular in this form when published by pastor Johannes Evangelist Gossner in his Choralbuch of 1825.

Middle Hymn: O Word of God Incarnate William How, author and hymnwriter, is remembered especially for his work among the poor of London's East End. Felix Mendelsohn harmonized this German hymn tune , which appeared with a different text for his oratorio Elijah.

Anthem: I Dream a World by Andre Thomas and text by Langston Hughes.

The Communion Anthem: Precious Lord Take My Hand by George Allen, arranged by Roy Ringwald. Text by Joyce Merman.

Closing Hymn: Lift Every Voice and Sing Poet James Weldon Johnson was the first African-American to pass the bar exam in the state of Florida, and served as U.S. consul in Venezuela and Nicaragua. He collaborated with his composer brother, John Rosamond Johnson, to write Broadway operettas and edit song collections. John appeared in vaudeville, directed London musicals, and headed the Music School Settlement in New York.

Our Concerns and Celebrations

Family of Joe Caskey (husband of Peggy Caskey)

Pat Cohn Cluck

Tracy & Mary Sandow

Elvis Stelly

Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel, in Ciego de Avila, Cuba.

Maddyn Thomas, infant granddaughter of Rodney and Paula Thomas

Lillie Windham, mother of Mark Windham

Nora Kay Meredith great granddaughter of Kay Southern

Doug O'Neal brother of Debbie O'Neal

Rahn Family, (pancreatic cancer), friends of Shelby Sheppard

We Celebrate with...

Lowery Thompson (11th)

Renee Decker (12th)

Chloe Capel (13th)

Luna Grassi (14th)

Ralph Webb (15th)

Pam Abadie (17th)

Mary Delancy (18th)

as they celebrate their birthdays


We are grateful to Haik Humble Eye Center for providing glasses for a young woman in Cuba. Carmen is a member of our partner church and the daughter of the church secretary. Her most recent examination by a specialist in Cuba indicated she needs lenses that are almost impossible to obtain in Cuba. Of course it was possible to make the lenses here.

We are also grateful to Mary Sue Jacka, the former office manager at Haik Humble, for facilitating our request and to Amy Edwards at Haik Humble for making the lenses. Amy said that the prescription sent by the Cuban doctor provided all of the information she needed including information to help fit the glasses properly. Amy also took pictures of various frames so that Carmen could choose the “look” she wants!

We will be taking Carmen’s new glasses with us when we leave for Cuba on January 25. Obviously we will take pictures to share of Carmen with her new glasses. Thank you Haik Humble, Mary Sue and Amy for this wonderful gift to Carmen of better sight.

Children & Youth

Youth Group Meals
Our youth meet every Sunday at 5:00. We would like to offer them a light meal. If you would like to help provide a meal click the link to sign up. They love easy meals. Some suggestions are tacos, spaghetti, chili, sandwiches and pizza! 
Please review the available slots by clicking on the button to sign up. Dates will be added as planning continues. Thank you! We typically have between 10-15 youth and adults. Please call or text Laura (318-387-4446) with any questions!

Church Life

Join us this coming Sunday, January 14th for a free screening of the documentary,

1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted the Culture

From the documentary's website: "It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.   While other documentaries have been successful in their attempt to treat the symptom of homophobia in the church, 1946 is working to diagnose and treat the disease - Biblical Literalism."

Doors open at 5:30 PM

Documentary begins at 6 PM

Youth will not meet this Sunday


If you would like to make a monetary donation to our Cuba friends, please do so prior to January 21 and make checks payable to Northminster Church with the memo line "Cuba". You may also do this through our Paypal account by scanning the QR code, and be sure to note "Cuba" in the comments.


Thursday, January 18 at 7pm at The Fat Pelican!


If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Lola Wheeler (318-816-1341) or the church office for details.

Mission Opportunities


The current economic situation in Cuba is quite dire with shortages of almost everything. Seven Northminster members and friends will be traveling to Cuba on January 25 to celebrate with Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel our beautiful partnership of 30 years. Obviously we are limited to what we can take in our luggage, but we can take a few things. Here are the items they suggest we can easily carry and are much needed there:

Disposable razors

Gelatin of different flavors

Powdered soups of different flavors

Powdered chocolate milk

Different flavors of tea

Light jackets for women (all sizes)

Boxer briefs for men (all sizes, lightweight fabric for quick drying)

We will be collecting these items through January 21st We are using the mission trunk in the narthex for you to deposit items. During this season of giving please be generous and help make the lives of our Cuban sisters and brothers just a little bit better. It also helps them to know that during these difficult economic times for them they are not forgotten. Thanks for anything you can do!




Ouachita Parish Animal Shelter (kill shelter) 417 Well Road, W. Monroe. This shelter needs everything listed.

Human Society, 920 Freight Dr., Monroe This shelter does not need cat items.

River Cities Humane Society for Cats, 5302 DeSiard, Monroe They need everything listed EXCEPT dog food)

Trunk Needs: Dog treats (such as Milkbones). Please no rawhides, Puppy and Kitten food (canned or dry), Dog and Cat food (canned or dry), Cat litter, Puppy pads, all sizes, all stock livestock food, hay and shelled corn, Animal carriers, BLEACH, BIRKON, scrub brushes, Disposable gloves all sizes, Paper Towels, Tall Kitchen Bags. Laundry Detergent, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Dawn dishwashing liquid, First Aid supplies (like antiseptic spray), Old bath towels, t-shirts, sheets, blankets, etc...that can be placed in cages. Most of these rescues have Amazon Wish Lists you may search for and order directly for them.

Coming Up

This Sunday

9:00 am - Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Preludes

11:00 am - Worship Service

Noon: Northminster Fellowship

5:00 pm - Youth Group (cancelled 1/14)


6:30 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Upcoming Events

Sunday, Jan 14 at 6pm: Documentary Film 1946. Youth willnote meet

Thursday, Jan. 18 at 7pm: Pub Theology at The Fat Pelican

Sunday, Jan. 21 at 6pm: Potluck

Sunday, Jan. 21 at 7pm: Business Meeting

The Floral Offering Last Sunday

The floral offering was given to the Glory of God

And in loving memory of

Bill Kight

Arrangement by Peggy Burns

If you would like to give flowers one Sunday in honor or in memory of someone special, please contact the church office. Approximate cost is $125-$150

Of Interest in the Community

Marjorie Stricklin Emerging Artists Finalist Competition

This is an annual event established by the Monroe Symphony League and the Monroe Symphony Orchestra to promote and encourage excellence in musical performance. Two divisions, Youth and Young Adult, are judged in four categories: piano, strings, vocals, and winds/brass/percussion. This competition will take place Saturday, January 13 at 7pm in the Biedenharn Recital Hall on the campus of ULM. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door.

Giving to Northminster

If you have found a space of community, or healing, or hope at Northminster and believe in the work we are doing, please consider supporting us financially so that we will be able to continue creating spaces like this in all the days to come. Just click here, or scan the QR code with the camera on your phone.

Find Us

Northminster Church is located at:

2701 Lamy Lane

Monroe, LA 71201


Church Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday 9am to 4 pm

Closed Friday

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Vocal Vibes

by Dr. Deborah Chandler,

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