Quarterly News and Updates

June 2024

Spring is a time of new beginnings and CPH-NEW is celebrating the successes of many students whom we have mentored and who have served vital roles in our work. Please join us in wishing them continued success as they complete their studies and move into the next phases of their lives.

The Center continues to engage workers in Total Worker Health® efforts. This spring our team members served as guest speakers for the Mining Community, the American Industrial Hygienist Association, as well as the International Commission on Occupational Health and the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.

The Total Teacher Health project continues to help educators address workplace stress; SHIFT project is finalizing activities to support mental health workers with a sustainable TWH program; the TWH Employer Crisis Preparedness project has launched a NEW online course, HITEC continues to expand its reach with more correctional facilities engaging in the intervention design process; and our Outreach Core has developed a series of case studies on the implementation of the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program.

Why Safety Is Never First and What To Do About It

Peter Hasle, PhD, Professor, University of Southern Denmark

“Safety First” is a popular slogan that no one can disagree with. However, it is not realistic. All workplaces serve a specific purpose for society, whether it is manufacturing foodstuffs or treating patients. The workplace needs to deliver with acceptable quality and cost to secure access to resources to survive and in that quest, health, and safety are not the first priority. Yet, realizing this fact does not downgrade occupational health and safety (OHS), but rather it points toward important implications. Continue reading here.

CPH-NEW News & Views

CPH-NEW Continuing Education and Training 

NEW! Total Worker Health (TWH) Employer Crisis Preparedness: A new, free online course is now available to help employers safeguard employee health, safety and wellbeing in the face of a wide range of disasters. From storms to cybersecurity attacks, the course provides essential and flexible tools that can catalyze organizational change to institutionalize a culture of preparedness. The self-paced Total Worker Health® Employer Crisis Preparedness course contains 10 short modules on a range of topics, including overcoming obstacles to preparedness, vulnerability assessment, emergency action plans, crisis leadership, human resources issues, mental health resilience, and training. To access the course, visit this link or register directly here. For more information, contact the course instructor, Dr. Cora Roelofs

Total Worker Health (TWH) for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Professionals: A Continuing Education Course for Occupational Health Professionals is a self-paced online course that provides a foundational introduction to TWH concepts and how they apply to OSH professional practice.

Continuing Education & Training Page


June 20, 2024 11AM MT: Health Links presents: Antiracism in the Workplace: 2024. The systemic racism we have been grappling with in our national dialogue is not new. Join Health Links, along with national and local experts, to learn more about how to build an antiracist workplace today and for the future.

June 26, 2024 12 PM PT: California Labor Lab presents: Workplace Mistreatment: Evidence of Prevalence, Antecedents, Impacts, and Intervention. This presentation will introduce the concept of workplace mistreatment, its multiple forms in the workplaces, and research findings on its prevalence, antecedents, and impact.

August 29, 2024 11 AM MT: Health Links presents: Recovery Friendly Workplaces. A Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) is an organization that is willing to work intentionally with people in recovery because it recognizes recovery from addiction as an individual strength. Join Health Links®, along with local and national experts, for an important discussion on creating positive change for individuals affected by addiction

Events Page

New Publications

Cherniack, M., et al. (2024).  A 16-Year Chronicle of Developing a Healthy Workplace Participatory Program for Total Worker Health® in the Connecticut Department of Correction: The Health Improvement through Employee Control (HITEC) Program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Cavallari, J., et al. (2024). Life Satisfaction and Job and Personal Resources Among Public Workers With Non-Standard Work Schedules. BMC Public Health

Nobrega S., et al. (2024). Development and psychometric evaluation of a Total Worker Health® practice scale. Ann Work Expo Health

Publications & Articles

Listen, Read, Watch

The Center for Healthy Work at the University of Chicago has created an easy to read brief "Why Don’t Employees Participate in Well-being Programs? A Research-Informed Systems-Based Model". They have also created In a Year’s Work™ , an educational game that demonstrates how different workers within the same organization experience the social determinants of health.

The Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest at the University of Iowa has created Toolbox Talks, handy guides to help professionals have workplace safety conversations. Topics include: stress, hazard mapping, chemical hazards and more!

Awards and Announcements

Congratulations to CPH-NEW Co-Director and Co-Founder, Laura Punnett, ScD, who retired and will serve as associate center director. Please join us in thanking Laura for her tireless leadership at CPH-NEW and in the broader fields of Occupational Safety and Health and Total Worker Health.

We are proud to announce that Suzanne Nobrega, PhD, has assumed the role of center co-director. Suzanne previously served as CPH-NEW associate center director and outreach director. Please help us welcome Suzanne to her new role.

CPH-NEW investigator Yuan Zhang, PhD RN is the 2024 recipient of the American Nurses Association Massachusetts Excellence in Nursing Research award! Dr. Zhang is also a recipient of the University of Massachusetts Lowell Solomont School of Nursing Teaching Excellence award!

CPH-NEW Research Assistant Sundus Siddique, ScD, MBBS, MPH successfully defended her dissertation and obtained her doctorate in Public Health. She has been instrumental in evaluating burnout in healthcare workers during her time at CPH-NEW. Dr. Siddique plans to work as an occupational epidemiology researcher.

Total Worker Health® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participation by CPH-NEW does not imply endorsement by HHS, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This publication was supported by Grant Number 1 U19 OH012299. Its contents are solely the responsibility of CPH-NEW and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIOSH.

CPH-NEW is a NIOSH TWH Center of Excellence
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