Cole Pittman Golf Tourney
A Non-Profit by Longhorns for Longhorns
Horns Giving Back is a 501(c)3 started by Longhorns for Longhorns. The vision of Horns Giving BACK is to enlist as many Longhorn letterman, alumni and supporters to celebrate Cole Pittman’s life and legacy at the annual “Tee it up for Cole P. Golf Tournament”.
Pittman, a sophomore who had played on defense in 23 games in two seasons at Texas, was killed in 2001 in a tragic early morning car accident as he was returning to school from his family’s home in Shreveport, LA.
Registration fees are minimal to encourage as many participants as possible. Monies raised through sponsorships benefit the Brandon Cole Pittman Endowed Scholarship: providing scholarships to underprivileged athletes who are not on full athletic scholarship.
Cole Pittman Golf Tourney