Contact to sponsor Oneg or Flowers for Shabbat. | |
Friday Night Services for Behukkotai
May 31 at 7:30pm
On Zoom Only
Led by Rabbi Copeland and Danny Kodmur
Drash by Maggid Eli Andrew Ramer
Register Here for Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 886 7131 3838
Saturday Morning Service:
June 1 at 10:00am
Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person
Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.
To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.
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Get Ready for Pride with Sha'ar Zahav! | |
Rabbi Shua Brick is one of the very few out, gay Orthodox rabbis and we have the honor of learning with him about his story, his approach to Jewish texts, and vision for an inclusive broader Jewish community. A Wexner Graduate Fellow who received Rabbinic Ordination from Yeshiva University, Rabbi Brick serves Beth Jacob Congregation in Oakland. To read his coming out story in The Forward, click here.
Register here for in-person
Register here for Zoom
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Kick off Pride month with a dose of trans Jewish joy! Please join us for Trans Celebration Shabbat, honoring the memory of our member, Ray Bernstein z"l. Led by Rabbi Copeland and Alyss Weissglass. Rabbi Reuben Zellman will be drashing. People of all backgrounds and all genders are warmly welcome. Learning sessions will be fully hybrid; you can participate from the synagogue or from your computer. The Kabbalat Shabbat service will be available via Zoom as usual, using the usual link for Shabbat. Our teacher will be Rabbi Reuben Zellman of SZ's Welcome Home Project.
Register here for in-person
Register here for Zoom (please note this is not the link for Shabbat, just for the learning sessions)
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Androgenous Adam, Mordechai and Dinah transitioning, yeshiva students fooling around in the study hall, queer love poetry, gay magical amulets and more...Let's delve into some of the queerest texts in our tradition for Pride month! Taught by Rabbi Copeland.
Register here for in-person
Register here for Zoom
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Show your Queer Jewish Pride at our annual extravaganza Pride Shabbat! Do you know someone who could use a pride lift during this difficult time? Invite them! Led by Rabbi Copeland and Cantor Bernstein.
6:30pm (in-person only): Pre-Pride Party
7:30pm (Hybrid): Shabbat
Register here for the in-person Pre-Pride Party
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We will gather at Dolores Park (up the hill from where 19th Street intersects with Dolores) to share Shabbat ritual and a BYO picnic dinner before the march. Sponsored by Kehilla Community Synagogue and Sha’ar Zahav.
Click here for more information
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Walk or ride on our bus! For the second year, we are marching with a multifaith group of religious organizations, United in Spirit. Some of our members will also be marching or riding with the large Jewish contingent, headed by the JCCSF. In this difficult time within Jewish and Queer communities, it is important that we are present in both contingents, so let’s make a great showing! Our contingent organizer needs to know if you are coming. Please register!
Click here to register (if walking with United in Spirit)
Click here to register (if walking with JCCSF)
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Sha’ar Zahav Annual Meeting
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Hybrid via In-Person and Zoom Participation
Sha'ar Zahav Members only!
A light dinner will be provided at 5:45 pm in the Oneg Room. The meeting will take place in the Sanctuary, fully hybrid, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Please RSVP here for in-person (for both dinner and the meeting)
Please RSVP here for Zoom (Zoom will be open starting at 6pm for schmoozing)
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Shavuot: Community Wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Tuesday, June 11 - 6:00pm - 11:30pm
In-person with Zoom learning session option
We are thrilled to be co-hosting a community-WIDE celebration in collaboration with Sherith Israel, Temple Emanu El, Congregation Ner Tamid, Sha’ar Zahav, Congregation Am Tikvah, and the JCCSF. Join our community for learning, candle lighting, songs, and nosh.
More Info Here - Zoom and In-Person Registration Coming Soon
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Centering Our Response to The Opioid Crisis
Thursday, June 13, 7-8:30pm, on Zoom only
Please join us for an educational event to raise awareness of the current opioid crisis in the Bay Area, and how to center our response humanely and compassionately. This event is co-sponsored with Congregation Kol Shofar (Tiburon), in partnership with the Clinton Foundation.
Register here for Zoom
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Shul School - Prayer Practicum
Mondays, until June 17 (with some exceptions), 6-7pm
Primarily Zoom-only with possible occasional hybrid
A series of hands-on workshops taught by Cantor Sharon Bernstein designed to help people get more familiar with the prayers in synagogue services. Each session will focus on a different prayer, covering Hebrew pronunciation, melody, and meaning of the prayer, both literal and metaphorical, with a particular emphasis on each person finding their own understanding and practice. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is necessary! Each class is a one-off -- people can attend as they are able.
Register here
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Recurring Gatherings and Meetings | |
Theater & Movies Chavurah: Just for Us
Wednesday, June 19, 6:00-7:15pm on Zoom
Join the Movie and Theatre Chavurah for a discussion of “Alex Edelman’s “Just for Us." In the wake of anti-Semitic threats online, Edelman covertly attends a meeting of white nationalists and comes face-to-face with the people behind the keyboards. It’s available on HBO (7 day trial available if you don't subscribe).
Join us: Zoom Link
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SZ Book Group and Disability and Accessibility Committee
Loving Our Own Bones by Rabbi Julia Watts Belser
Tuesday, July 2, 7-8 PM on Zoom
People ask Rabbi Julia Watts Belser “What’s wrong with you?” Her answer - not her wheelchair, but exclusion, objectification, pity, and disdain. Loving Our Own Bones reimagines disability in the Bible and contemporary culture. If you’ve heard Rabbi Belser, you know she’s amazing. If not, you have a treat in store!
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Can you do a mitzvah for someone in our community?
Hineni, our caring community at SZ, is in great need of more volunteers (and in more Bay area regions!) to meet the caring needs of our community. If you can help by making a call, helping with an errand, making a home visit, or offering a ride; please contact Marla Allen, co-chair of Hineni.
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Caregiver's Group
1st Wednesday of the month, 7-8:30pm on Zoom
Are you a caregiver for someone in your life? A parent, relative, spouse? Christina Irving of the Family Caregiver Alliance leads our monthly Caring for the Caregivers group. If you are interested, please reach out to Rabbi Copeland. Find out more about the Alliance here.
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Disability and Accessibility Committee
If you identify as disabled, are exploring that identity or have a loved one with a disability and are interested in joining the Disability and Accessibility Committee, please reach out to the committee for more information. If you are interested in learning more about disability and how you can become a better ally, stay tuned for educational events to come!
Climate Action Committee
The Climate Action Committee is on hiatus. Our next meeting will be the 2nd Monday in August (8/12). If you have any questions or would like to get involved in greening SZ and other shared climate advocacy work, join us in August or contact Deborah Levy any time.
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Social Action Committee
The first Monday (unless a holiday) of the month
6:00pm on Zoom
On fair elections, welcoming the stranger, secure housing and food, ending gun violence, and more! Want to join us? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Neil Young.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Weekday Morning Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays
Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. Contact Cantor Bernstein.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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12-Step Meetings by and for SZ Members
Weekly on Thursdays
5:00-6:00pm on Zoom
Join CSZ's 12-step group at our new time for some pre-High Holiday reflection in the spirit of recovery! Meetings are open to everyone in our wider SZ community (and the Bay Area Jewish recovery community), and we welcome folks who are members of any 12-step fellowship (AA, NA, Alanon, CMA, etc.). Join us this Thursday at 5pm and use this zoom link. Questions? Email Erika Katske.
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L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors
Last Monday night of each month, 6pm
L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors is a Sha'ar Zahav working group that provides our members and community friends with support, knowledge, and dialogue skills that deepen our relationship with the land and peoples of Israel and Palestine, and to advance understanding and healing within our Jewish community. You do not need to come with any previous knowledge of the topics we may discuss or with any set viewpoints. In fact, we encourage all to come with open ears and a learner’s mindset. Led by Rachel Nilson-Ralston. Contact the office to add yourself to the listserv.
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Weekly Torah Study Group
Weekly on Wednesday
Lay leaders lead discussions about the weekly Torah reading. Drop-ins welcome, no experience with Torah necessary!
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Mussar Discussion Group
Bi-weekly on Thursdays
Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! Contact Mark Pressler.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Meditation Chavurah
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Hiking Chavurah
2nd Saturday of the month, 9:50am
Join other Sha’ar Zahavniks on monthly urban hikes – mostly in SF but we sometimes venture farther afield. This is a great way to get to know other SZ members while exploring the city and beyond. The hikes usually last about two hours. Email Karen Schiller and Ellen Murland.
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Elliott Sprehn 5/29
Jesse Brown 5/31
Donald Abrams 6/1
Sofia Herron Geller 6/1
Nina Wouk 6/2
Diane Desmond 6/2
Asa Eli DiGirolamo Klein 6/2
Gabriel Lampert 6/3
Hannah Klion 6/3
Ora Prochovnick 6/4
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While we strive for all our events to be mixed-access, this is not always possible. Some events are only in-person, and some are Zoom only. If you have any questions about a particular event, please contact the office, or the contact listed for the event. | |
Health and Safety Policies at 290 Dolores |
For the health and safety of our community, it is Sha’ar Zahav's expectation that all members and visitors who attend in-person services and events will be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. If you are unvaccinated, sick or experiencing any symptoms of illness, please enjoy services and events via Zoom.
Masks are no longer required at in-person services and events. But we are mask-friendly and fully supportive of visitors, members and service leaders who choose to wear masks for their own personal protection.
Sha’ar Zahav is a scent-free environment. Because keeping our synagogue safe for those with scent and chemical sensitivities is part of our commitment to accessibility, please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne or using other scented products.
For more information, email the Accessibility Committee.
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Thank You to Our Grantors | |
You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in Sha'ar Zahav. Be sure to add to your (email) contacts list so that our communications land in your inbox! All our events take place at Sha'ar Zahav 290 Dolores Street, unless noted otherwise. To unsubscribe, please click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this email. | | | | |