I will serve joyfully, lead confidently, and inspire others through my faith in Jesus. | | Greetings From Mr. Estes... |
Dear SASEAS Families,
I hope you are all well and continuing to grow in faith and trust in the Lord during this Lenten season. For many years my personal experience was primarily focused on what I would be “giving up” for Lent. I devoted little time and thought to what I was actually gaining through this process; honestly, there was too much focus on my sacrifice. When in fact, the true purpose of this time in our church calendar is to help us more purposefully direct our attention to Jesus’ sacrifice for us, to nurture our relationship with Him to better understand His will for our lives. I still struggle at times but I find that the Lenten season, and the rest of my year as well, is much more fruitful when I make a deliberate effort to see the impact of devoting a little extra time to things that strengthen my connection with Christ.
Congratulations once again to our students who participated in the Regional Science fair this past weekend at The University of Cincinnati. We are still waiting to see exact scores but all of the students received an EXCELLENT rating from the judges. It really is exceptional to have all six of our students score in this range in such a challenging academic competition. Thank you to all of the parents for your support, and a special thank you to Mrs. Kilbane for guiding and supporting our students through this process.
Congratulations as well to the following SASEAS wrestlers who will be competing in state tournaments this weekend. Best of luck to Anthony Cionni, JP Caito, Patrick Caito, Will Ryan, Jack Ryan, Henry Vonbusch, and Reid Vonbusch; your hard work and sacrifice is paying off. I’m sure you will represent our school community well and I look forward to hearing about your experience.
Please see the reminder section for details concerning upcoming events.
Make it a great week!
Paul Estes
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- Friday, March 21 - Passport out of uniform day
Tuesday, March 25 - Spring picture day (K-8)
- Wednesday, March 26 - School mass 8:45am; all are welcome to attend
- Thursday, March 27 - Stations of the Cross, 8:45am; all are welcome to attend (in church)
- Wednesday, April 2 - School mass 8:45am; all are welcome to attend
- Thursday, April 3 - Third trimester midterm
- Friday, April 4 - Midterms distributed to grs. 4 -8
- Friday, April 4 - Early dismissal, 1:00pm
- Friday, April 4 - Spirit Day, out of uniform (spiritwear top, uniform bottoms)
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 8 - Grade 6 field trip to Art Museum
- Tuesday, April 8 - Grade 8 Washington DC parent meeting, 6:00pm - cafeteria
- Wednesday, April 9 - School mass 8:45am; all are welcome to attend
Friday, April 11 - Muffins with Mom; 7:15am - 8:15am
- Tuesday, April 15 - Kindergarten signing, 6:30pm
- Wednesday, April 16 - School mass 8:45am; all are welcome to attend
- Wednesday, April 16 - Shadow Stations of the Cross 2:30pm in the cafeteria
- Thursday, April 17 - Holy Thursday; Spring break begins, no school
- Friday, April 18 - Good Friday. no school
- Sunday, April 20 - Easter
- Monday, April 28 - Classes resume
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Ohio Regional Science Day
Our 6 Junior High students who participated in the Ohio Regional Science Day at The University of Cincinnati Saturday did very well!
They all received an “Excellent” rating on their projects, placing them among the top half of the students who participated from our region!
Well done and congratulations!
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Spring Flower Sale....
The online store closes at midnight Wednesday, March 26!
This fundraiser helps our 5th-7th grade students start raising money for their 8th grade Washington DC trip.
Delivery is Tuesday, April 29.
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Registration for Vacation Bible School is now open for both participants and volunteers!
To register, scan the QR code.
You may also sign up for homework club on our website!
| | | Picture day for K-8 students is Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Students may dress out of uniform for picture day. Order now for early Picture Day pricing on mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTJMF3CB | | | SASEAS 2025-2026 Registration Information | |
- Thursday, March 20 - Dutch waffle & sausage
- Friday, March 21 - Grilled cheese & tomato soup
- Monday, March 24 - Pizza dippers
- Tuesday, March 25 - Beef soft taco
- Wednesday, March 19 - Papa John's pizza
Sign up for a spot today and give it a try!
It's fairly light work, but is needed and very much appreciated. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to Melissa Mosteller at melissamosteller@yahoo.com
One Safe Parish trained parent, grandparent, or relative volunteer per day is needed in the cafeteria each day to assist with service.
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Our preschoolers are “marching” into spring, but the temperature can go up and down during these last couple of weeks in March. Please send your child with appropriate outerwear. We will try to get outside for recess as much as possible.
This week our three-year-old classes are discovering the types of weather in the spring. Mrs. Christina’s classes are learning about warm sunshine and rain showers. They will talk about stormy weather too, and practice their tornado drills.
Mrs. Sheila’s class is learning about the types of spring weather as well. They are making rainbows out of tissue paper and cotton balls. In religion they are learning about Noah’s Ark.
Our four-year-old preschool classes are learning about spring weather and rainbows. They will discover that rain and sun make rainbows and they will explore windy and cloudy days. In art they are making rainbows with streamers and in science they are making a rainbow in a jar. The religion lesson this week is about Noah’s Ark.
Our five-year-old class is learning about Lent and the Four Seasons. They will learn what a Meteorologist does and watch a weather forecast on the Smartboard. They will finish writing the sentence “Sometimes the weather can be _____.” They will also talk about what weather they can expect during each of the four seasons and how to dress for it. Their religion lesson this week is about the Good Samaritan. They are learning that Jesus teaches us to be kind and fair.
For your advanced planning, we are looking forward to meeting with parents on March 27 and 28 during our Spring Conferences. Please remember there is no school for preschoolers on these conference days.
Have a great week!
Aimee Limberg
| | Preschool Upcoming Events | |
Parent Teacher Conferences
Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 27th, and Friday March 28th. This is a change from the calendar that was sent out at the beginning of the school year, so please make a note of the dates. (We will have school as usual on March 20-21).
Your preschool teacher will reach out with a sign up in the next few weeks. Because we have conferences scheduled all day and into the evening on Thursday and during the school day on Friday, we will not have school for the preschool children on March 27 and 28.
Please share this information with caregivers who may not be aware that there is no school on conference days.
| | Please RSVP by April 8th. | |
Calling all SASEAS moms!
In need of a relaxing night out? Want to meet fellow SASEAS moms? Join us for Moms’ Night Out on Tuesday, March 25th at 7pm at 50 West.
Please contact Betsy Pippenger (513) 376-3224 or Trishia Current (513) 265-2113 with questions. We hope to see you there
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We’re kicking off summer break with our fourth annual SASEAS Golf Classic on Thursday, May 22, 2025 at Hickory Woods Golf Course.
This has become a wonderful yearly event which raises a large amount of money for our school.
For it to be a continued success we need your help.
Please consider getting involved and join us for a Planning Meeting Thursday, March 20 at 7:00pm in 4th grade classroom. No golfing experience necessary and any amount of time you can give is valuable.
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