Celebrate our community as together we mobilize to end gender-based violence:

Catherine Booth and Michael Kirk make a transformational gift to The Redwood!

United Way Greater Toronto supports The Redwood’s Women in Trades: HVAC Technician!

The Redwood and OAITH host a presidential delegation from the Slovak Republic!

Will YOU celebrate International Women’s Day by joining our community of Safe Haven Monthly Donors?

Catherine Booth and Michael Kirk make a transformational gift to The Redwood!

Catherine and Michael first connected with The Redwood in December 2017, surprising us with a very generous gift to our Holiday appeal. This was followed by many other kind gifts – including a set of large-format nature photographs taken by Catherine on travels around the world that bring beauty and serenity to the shelter space. 

As Catherine and Michael came to know our work on a deeper level, they deepened their commitment. And in March 2020, they visited the shelter to make an extraordinary contribution - $360,000 to fund three crucial initiatives over the next three years:  

iDetermine.ca, our 24/7 digital helpline has provided access to a crisis responder to thousands of service users since its launch just weeks after pandemic lockdowns made life so much more dangerous for those trapped at home with the person doing them harm.

“The First and Last Fund” has assisted women leaving the shelter to secure a market rate rental by providing them with funds needed to cover their “first and last” months deposit. 

Catherine and Michael have brightened the lives of children and youth living in the shelter, helping us to expand and make much-needed renovations to the Children’s Activity Room” during the outbreak. Their gift allowed us to launch Redwood Bike Club which has grown to become the centrepiece of the children’s summer activities. And they have sent 15 children living in the shelter to “Overnight Camp” in Northern Ontario! 

Now, The Redwood is so very grateful to share that Catherine and Michael have renewed their commitment to helping women and children who have experienced gender-based violence, with a transformational gift of $450,000.

For the next three years their donation will sustain “Safety and Recovery for Children and Youth living in the emergency shelter”, our tailor-made services designed to give children opportunities to heal from the trauma they have experienced. At the core of the work are two Child and Youth workers. These specially trained, compassionate women advocate for our youngest residents from the moment they arrive at the shelter until they leave - and beyond, should children wish to stay in touch.  

Catherine and Michael will continue to assist women as they move back into the community through the Market Rate Rental Fund”, and they will send 5 children to “Overnight Camp” each summer – giving them an experience they will treasure for the rest of their lives.   

"The work that The Redwood does is so important, and the need to provide women and children with a safe haven from abuse has never been greater. 


Our partnership with the Redwood has been so gratifying as we work together to make a positive difference in the lives of women and children at risk."

Thank you, Catherine and Michael for your generosity and for the extraordinary actions you have taken to contribute to our shared goal of keeping women and children safer from abuse, homelessness and poverty.   

United Way Greater Toronto supports The Redwood’s Women in Trades:  HVAC Technician! 

The United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) believes that every person in every community deserves the opportunities, access, and connections they need to build a good life.  


To achieve this goal, UWGT sustains and supports a network of local agencies that deliver essential services and programs to move people out of poverty – including The Redwood’s Women in Trades: HVAC Technician program.  

UWGT’s generous funding is helping The Redwood provide women and gender-diverse community members who have been affected by domestic violence, intimate partner violence or gender-based violence, with a pathway to economic self-sufficiency - and safety - through employment in the Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation (HVAC) trade. 

Now in its third year, the program provides survivors with tuition-free training in the Gas Fitter program at George Brown College as well as financial supports for textbooks, childcare, transportation, and workwear. Study groups, peer support, and our own caseworkers provide encouragement when the going gets tough. And perhaps most importantly, survivors are provided with grocery store gift cards to help put food on the table for themselves and their children while they are training and preparing for their certification exams. 


Once survivors are certified as Gas Fitters, caseworkers connect them to employment opportunities through our network of 27 community partners in the HVAC trade including businesses and unions. 


In February, a new cohort of 8 survivors began their training – and their journey to a better life! We are grateful to UWGT and to all of you who donate to this important organization for making our community happier, healthier, and safer for everyone!

The Redwood and OAITH host a presidential delegation from the Slovak Republic!

Left to right: Lauren Hancock (OAITH), Abi Ajibolade (OAITH/The Redwood), Jarmila Lajcakova (Slovak Republic), Jyoti Singh (OAITH/Nellie's), Lucia Duranova (Slovak Republic)

The Redwood was grateful to be able to host the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) meeting with Jarmila Lajcakova, Advisor for Human and Minority Rights, and Lucia Duranova, Domestic Affairs Officer from the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic.

Representatives from OAITH, Nellie’s, Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, WomenatthecentrE, White Ribbon, Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF), and The Redwood came together to reflect on intentional, practical steps to end gender-based violence in our communities.

Will you celebrate International Women’s Day by joining our community of Safe Haven Monthly Donors?

Safe Haven Monthly Donors support survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence and gender-based violence, 365 days of the year. Their faithful generosity brings to mind the call to action expressed by American activist Angela Davis, that we at The Redwood turn to for inspiration in our work:  

“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”

Will you celebrate International Women’s Day by joining our community of Safe Haven Monthly Donors, creating a long-lasting impact that will assist survivors in our community?

Click here to become a monthly donor today!

You can also connect with Marie Colucci at 416-533-9372 ext. 249 or mcolucci@theredwood.com.

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