It’s May and a great time to be in Scouting (well every day is a great time). The District just celebrated a recognition dinner for a number of scouters who have dedicated their time to helping the District and its Scouts. 

Congratulations, but the recognition dinner could not have happened without the efforts from Kevin Mellan, Vince Lauricella, and Janet Boris. Thank you for all you did to make this happen. The dinner and award ceremony was well organized.

This is going to be a crazy month with AdventureCon that will provide 2024-2025 planning information for you and your unit, I hope that you will take some time to attend and if you cannot go, please send someone from your unit, so follow the Boy Scout Motto and Be Prepared!

The event is at Bucks County Community College. It runs from 6PM to 8:30PM, but it is like an open house where you can come and go as you please.  

On another note, I encourage you to help out our District by thinking of people who could help our District grow to its fullest potential to fully support our Scouts and Scouters to meet the BSA Mission and Vision.

And for our Eagle Scouts, you are invited to attend the 2024 Mercer Area District Career Readiness Event on 1 June at the Trenton Thunder Ballpark on 1 Thunder Road, Trenton, NJ from 9AM – 12noon. Looking to get help with Resumes? Or how to interview? Other business questions? Attending this will help. Remember – Be Prepared.  

Register at

[Note: As of 14 May, Life Scouts in grades 10 to 12 have been invited as well.]

Lastly, if you have not heard, starting 8 February 2025, the BSA will be known as Scouting America. You can read it on the Scouting newsroom website at

While there is a name change, the District task does not change, we still provide service and support to all the Scouting units in our District.

I hope to see you at AdventureCon!

Yours in Scouting,

Victor Vergara

Chairman, Mercer Area District


Congratulations once again to the 2024 Mercer Area District

District Award of Merit Recipients:

Deborah Vivona

Rob Herb

Luis Valcarcel

Also, congratulations to the Troop 5700 Scouts and Scoutmaster recognized for saving someone's life. Troop 5700 also served as color guard for the district dinner.

ADVENTURE CON: For Packs, Troops, Crews, and Ships!

Be sure to check out the Everest-themed Mercer Area District Booth!

Units can scale to new heights with proper planning.

All units will want to send a representative to join WCC for an expo of Scouting and local activities that you'll want to include in your unit's program plan! May 21, 2024 at Bucks County Community College. Booths are open from 6PM to 8:30PM. Arrive anytime!

RSVP for Adventure Con

All Eagles Scouts (from 2021 to 2024) and Life Scouts currently in 10th to 12th grade have been invited to the Career Readiness Event being held June 1, 2024 in the executive suites of the Trenton Thunder Stadium. Registration is required. Please register by May 23rd. Questions: Email Janet L. Boris

Career Readiness Event


Roundtables are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Gathering is at 7:00PM and the meeting begins at 7:30PM.

Meeting are in-person unless otherwise noted.

Our Lady of Sorrows

East State Street, Mercerville, NJ 08619

(Meetings are held in the basement of the building that is to your right as you turn into the parking lot.)

June 12

No meeting in July

SUMMER PROGRAMS: Cub Scout Day Camp and Cub Resident Camp 2024

Space: Out of this World!

Blast off for space exploration this summer at Cub Scout Day Camp. Make new friends while participating in archery, fishing, STEM, and Scout skills. Join us for an “out of this world” experience.

June 24-28:

Core Creek Park, Langhorne, PA*                                

June 24-28:

Mercer Park County Park East, West Windsor, NJ

July 8-12:

Rosedale Park, Pennington, NJ

Aug 5-9:

Ockanickon Scout Reservation, Pipersville, PA             

Day Camp Registration

Cub Scout Adventure Camp at

Ockanickon Scout Reservation


Session #1   July 28–July 30

Session #2   July 31–August 2


The Cub Adventure Camp will be run by the Ockanickon Summer Camp Staff… and they are excited to bring their enthusiasm to Cub Scouts through this new program. This is absolutely going to be a great time for cubs as they interact with the seventy plus staff that make scouting magic happen year after year.


Packs will camp in tents provided by the camp and all meals will be served in the camp dining hall.

Cub Adventure Camp Information

State of Scouting Address

On Monday, May 20, 2024, five Scouts represented Washington Crossing Council at the State Capitol to deliver the State of Scouting address. Thank you to:

Dominic A.

Ella E.

Kaitlyn H.

Lana K.

Grace W.

Lana K. delivered an inspiring speech. The event exemplified the amazing youth who participate in Scouting.

Thank you to the Scouts and parents who participated.

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