From the Provost's Desk

March 14, 2025

Dear Cathedral Community,

In Luke 13:31-35 this week, we witness Jesus' unwavering journey toward Jerusalem, knowing the challenges and suffering that lay ahead. Even as he faces rejection and danger, his heart remains open, longing to gather his people like a mother hen gathers her chicks—offering safety, love, and mercy.

It reminds me of a simple story. Years ago, I watched a child on a playground, reluctant to leave her game and come home. Her mother waited patiently, arms open, ready to gather her child in a warm embrace when she was ready to come. There was no force, only love, patience, and readiness to receive. When the child finally ran into her mother's arms, there was a moment of pure joy—of being gathered in and known.

In our spiritual lives, we, too, can be hesitant to return to God’s embrace. Yet God, whose glory is always to have mercy, waits patiently, longing to gather us back in love.

So we pray:

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

I am so thankful for the interest and the applications for the Search Committee, and for the extraordinary work of your Vestry. Your dedication is a true gift to the life of this Cathedral.

This week at service, we will hear briefly from our Property Chair. As some of you may have noticed, the seating in our beautiful Nave is in need of attention. We are grateful for the stewardship and care given to maintain our sacred spaces, and we invite you to join in the work of ensuring this place continues to be a welcoming home for all.

As we continue this season, may we return to the One who calls us home, trusting in God’s steadfast love and mercy.

In Christ’s peace,

The Rev. Timothy M. Kingsley 


Migration Ministries

Join us on Saturday, March 22, at 2 PM for prayers and a community forum on Migration with Dignity within The Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Church in Minnesota. We will gather in the Community Room.

If you have questions about our ministry with immigrant communities and our commitments as The Episcopal Church in Minnesota, this will be a valuable conversation.

The Rev. Rex McKee, Deacon at Saint John the Baptist, Minneapolis, and a member of the ECMN Immigrant Caucus and Episcopal Migration Ministries leadership team, will lead our discussion.

On Sunday, March 23, we will welcome The Rev. Daniel Romero as our guest preacher. Our Sunday the 23rd plate offering that day will be designated for the Bishop’s Appeal from March 2, supporting ministries across the diocese.

If you would like to contribute in advance, please make a notation on your check or online giving.


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