March 14, 2025 Weekly News

Hey, Golden Stars, calling all Irish and anyone who knows an Irish person. The University Club located on 200 E. Brandeis Avenue has cordially invited us back to have a Saint Paddy’s day lunch with them. The menu includes: Corned beef, Boiled potatoes. Shepherds Pie , Roasted parsnips and carrots, Cabbage, Bangers and gravy, Boxty bread.

Also Soup and salad bar and dessert available.

So come, Irish and all, on Monday, March 17 at 11:30 to celebrate Saint Paddy’s Day! Please RSVP to or              

502-641-1575 by Friday, March 14! Green is the color of the day!

Busy is the Enemy

of Holiness!!!

Where better to find your way past the distractions during Lent...


 And Be With Jesus…

Deacon Chris and Master Catechist Melani McDonell will walk with you through the Sacred Days of Holy Week and give you personal ways to encounter Jesus each day at Home ...


Come bury your old self and       

Rise with Easter Vision and Hope!


All Parish Retreat

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Between Masses

10:45- 11:45 AM

In Undercroft


There is a simple way to help raise funds for the Cathedral's daily lunch program if you are a Kroger shopper. Simply link your Kroger Card to their Community Rewards Program and select us as your designated organization. In the last quarter, 56 households raised $203 dollars! You can click here to get started. 

Come celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Let’s Dance Louisville that supports Feed My Neighbor, the daily lunch program at the Cathedral of the Assumption.

Meet Contestant Elle Smith!

Elle Smith is a Louisville native and a proud graduate of Sacred Heart Academy and the University of Louisville, where she was also a Ladybird. She is thrilled to come out of retirement for the 10-year celebration of Let’s Dance Louisville, a full-circle moment after cheering on her coach at this event a decade ago.


Elle began her career with Kroger in 2015 and has since taken on multiple leadership roles, including Assistant Store Leader, Special Assignments, Deli Field Specialist, and Chair of the African American Associate Resource Group in the Louisville Division. Her dedication and impact in the grocery industry earned her the 2023 Top Women in Grocery Award.

As Chair of the African American Associate Resource Group, Elle helped spearhead the first annual Bridging the Gap Book Drive, successfully collecting more than 10,000 books to support children's summer reading initiatives. 

In her spare time, Elle enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling, volunteering, and spending quality time with friends and family. Her greatest joy is being an "Auntie Mom" to her niece Wakely.

Cathedral Census 2025

We are asking all - from longtime parishioners to those who have just joined recently to those who wish to join – to help us update our parish rolls. We need to know who we are as a parish family.

Enroll online by clicking here!

Young Catholic Professionals Executive Speaker Series

Join Young Catholic Professionals of Louisville on March 25th at 6:30pm at 500 West Jefferson Street for our March Executive Speaker Series featuring a Catholic married couple: Dr. Kate Bulinksi and Deacon Ned Berghausen! Dr. Bulinski is an associate professor of geosciences in the Department of Environmental Studies at Bellarmine University. Deacon Berghausen is the theology chair at Assumption High School and a permanent deacon at St. Agnes Catholic Church.

The event is free and includes complimentary beer, wine and snacks. It is open to all young adults in any profession. Dress is business casual. We look forward to seeing you there!





TIME: 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM




The Annual Fourth and Walnut lecture will be given this year by James Finley on Tuesday 18th March at 7 pm in Bellarmine’s Frazier Hall.

“Being a Healing Presence in a

Wounded and Traumatized World”



James Finley Ph.D. lived as a monk at the cloistered Trappist monastery of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where the world-renowned monk and author, Thomas Merton, was his spiritual director.   

James Finley leads retreats and workshops throughout the United States and Canada, attracting men and women from all religious traditions who seek to live a contemplative way of life in the midst of today's busy world. He is also a clinical psychologist in private practice in Santa Monica, California.


James Finley is the author of: The Healing Path: A Memoir and an InvitationMerton's Palace of NowhereThe Contemplative Heart and Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God.


Free and open to the public.


P.S. If you missed Bishop John Stowe’s presentation, “Fratelli Tutti, Brothers and Sisters All: Pope Francis and Thomas Merton on Universal Fraternity,” last month you can listen to the audio at:


Please join St. Francis Xavier Mt. Washington

for a 2-night Lenten event.

Monday March 24 @ 6:30

“An Evening at the Well” followed by a Communal Penance Service.

Tuesday March 25 @ 7:00

 “An Evening with Sarah Hart”

See website for more info

Clikch here for: Link to Louisville Downtown Partnership March Newsletter.

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Parish App from your

apple or android phone. 


Simply download and choose your parish. You can access pertinent information from the palm of your hand. Be sure to subscribe to receive push notifications. And beyond Cathedral information, you can also look up other parishes throughout the United States who subscribe to the same platform.

Click here to make an online donation.