CCI Trainers
Why, Who, and What do they do?

For 2024, our focus is on multiplication, based on Acts 6:7, which says that “the word of God continued to increase, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem.” Our strategy for multiplication is through equipping, empowering, and evangelizing. We equip men and women with biblical understanding, effective ministry skills, and character for fruitful labor through the Lord. We empower faithful men with the training, accountability, and resources to teach classes and oversee trainers and classes. Those who are equipped evangelize the unreached.
Last month, we focused on the Philippines. This month, our focus is on India. India is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.4 billion people. India is comprised of 38 states. There are 2,279 people groups who have their own language and culture. The majority of people are in 14 distinct language groups.

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all people groups (Gr. ta ethne). Many Bibles translate this as “all nations,” but a better translation is people groups. Two thousand forty-eight (2,048) of these people groups are considered unreached. This means there are not enough Christians and churches in their group to reach them. Most of them do not have a Bible or a church nearby to share the gospel with them in their own language. In some people groups, there are zero believers, zero churches, and no Bible nor gospel tract in their own language.
By God’s grace, the Lord opened the doors for us to India in 2010. Now, 14 years later, Vijay Kumar serves as the National Director with a team of three Area Coordinators and 30 trainers.

One of our trainers is Pastor Roy James. A CCI trainer has successfully attended the Teacher Training Workshop and has committed to the ministry philosophy, statement of faith, and training curriculums of CCI. This person is certified to teach the CCI curriculum, helps promote the CCI ministry, and is willing to travel and teach courses. He helps train more trainers. The name “Roy” means “King” in their culture. So here is King James! Here is his story.
CCI Trainer Spotlight
Pictured is the CCI India Team at the 2023 Global Conference. Roy James is centered in blue, holding the flag, and Vijay Kumar, the National Director, is far left.
“Being born into a pastor’s family, I was always connected to the church very intimately, involved in all the activities of the church from my childhood. I had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and his love for me very early in Sunday school.

However, it was my father, Rev. K. Jason Raj, who expounded to me the gospel in our family prayer about how Jesus died for my sins on the cross and was buried and rose again on the third day. I was deeply convicted about my sinful state and confessed to the Lord my sins, believed in Him, and accepted Him as the Lord and Savior of my Life. I got baptized by my father in our church on March 31st, 2002, at the end of high school.

Our church is Mount Hermon Baptist Church and was started by Canadian missionaries Rev. Dalton and Mrs. Margaret Crosby in the year 1964. It is a local Baptist Church standing on the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. My grandfather, the late Rev. K. Jacob Raj, was the senior pastor for many years. He stood for the church, and the Lord blessed his ministry.

My dad, Rev. K. Jason Raj, who is now the present senior pastor, was very instrumental in constructing the church building and seeing the progress of the church. I am currently assisting him in the ministry of the church. Presently, I serve as the associate pastor.

I have been serving with CCI for the past five years. Initially, I joined as a teacher and an office administrator for CCI India under Bro. Vijay Kumar, the Director of CCI India. He mentored me and explained the vision and mission of CCI, which has really inspired me.

As a teacher, I taught several classes in Hyderabad and traveled to many towns. It was a wonderful experience to see how the Lord worked through me as I taught these classes. Later, the Lord enabled me to start new classes in new places as I shared about CCI with many believers and pastors. I was amazed to see how the Lord led me to the right people at the right time.

Presently, I am teaching one class at Carmel Baptist Church Chilkanagar. I am also coordinating with new teachers to take classes in Hyderabad and Telangana. Working with CCI has enriched my spiritual life and is a great blessing to me.”
Please enjoy this ministry testimony from Roy James. Click on the video above. 
Through faithful men like Pastor Roy James, the work of CCI is expanding throughout India and other countries. The effectiveness of CCI is directly related to the Lord raising up faithful men like Roy to oversee classes and the Lord raising up faithful investors (supporters) to give for these men to serve Him.

Please prayerfully consider giving to Roy James and men like him so that people all throughout India may hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, believe in Him, and become worshippers of our great God! We have identified five new states in India to start new training classes for untrained pastors and leaders.

The 1.4 billion will not come to know Him and worship Him unless there is a faithful servant who tells them the good news. They will not go unless they are trained and sent. We come alongside local churches and help train their leaders so that they evangelize those who have never heard.

For $100 a month, you can support a CCI trainer in India so that Indians can hear the gospel and worship our great God. Click here to give towards the ministry needs of India.  

Grace, joy, and peace in Jesus!
David Nelson
President & Founder
Crossing Cultures International
From September 1 to October 7, David Nelson will be on a Fall Tour with three National Directors from Southeast Asia. They will be visiting churches and ministry partners in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, and Canada. If you are in these areas and are interested in a visit, please contact Amanda Boston at
In June 2025, CCI is co-leading an inspirational tour in Israel. We would love for you to come and join us. For more information, click here to go to our information page or click on the video above.
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