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Dear Albert,

Happy 11th! There's a new lovable movie out there called If. I saw it at the Avalon Theater in Portland. I recommend it - it's great for all ages. Here's the trailer.

If Trailer

I cried my eyes out watching this movie. It's great for all ages.

And welcome to this month's Eleven. As I mentioned in my tweener - I've started a new newsletter - Best Laughs - A collection of the comedy highlights I find. You can automatically be added to this list and see edition #1 by clicking here.

I had a sweet visit to Philadelphia recently. 11 days of hoagies, family, extended family, and being the night guard for my 88-year-old Dad. This gave my Mom a chance to do a Road Scholar program with her Sister in Buffalo for 7 days. My visit was a humbling experience. My cousins from the Bennett side of the family all flew in and we had some fun times together. I even got out to the cabin for an afternoon with cousin Dan. Here are some pics.

My cousin, Danny, has been scanning our family photos - in case you're curious where I come from. They're not tagged, but you'll see some fun old pics.

I returned to Portland to the most delicious end of Spring/Beginning of Summer weather ever. I've been biking around a lot. And also enjoying some serious concert-going - Beatles show at ART; Strawberry party; Gemini Party - some great music making and just all around yeah!

Butt seriously: why you might be pooping wrong - and what to do about it

All things must pass! But there's a medical consensus about how much time a healthy person should spend on the commode

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On the Albertideation front, I sent out a newsletter yesterday that explains more about Best Laughs and also shares info about an event I have coming up on June 18th.

I continue to be interested in Alignable, but I also struggle with the increased use of AI by participants. There's a lot of great writing happening about our world these days - I love following Rebecca Solnit on Facebook - and here's her most recent article.

Trump, Covid, the climate crisis - we've had a hard few years. The wounds linger | Rebecca Solnit

Our catastrophes have wrought psychic devastation. It's worth acknowledging that and trying to be kind to one another

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Here is some of what I'm up to this Summer. Please join me if anything here calls you! And, if you are a last-minute person and live in Portland, join my Tag Along at the Last Minute list! I'm usually down for being invited out to do things, too! Try me!

I'd also love to play a backyard house concert this Summer - nothing booked yet!

5.17-27 - Jenkintown, PA Family Visit

6.9 - The Strawberry Party, Banks, OR

6.20-23 - Breitenbush Summer Solstice Healing Retreat (my 29th or 30th!)

6.28-30 - (if I have company...) Bodi Mojo Festival!

7.10-15 - Oregon Country Fair (see video below!)

7.18-21 - Shady Pines Campout

7.25-28 - Cascadia Songrise (very likely)

8.2-8.4 - Coastal thing - Heart Barn (ring me if you'd like to camp with me at this)

8.8 weekend - Subdued String Festival (long shot, but maybe)

8.23-25 - Garcia Birthday Band Festival - I went last year, no tix yet, but likely

8.25-30 - SAM Camp! (probably sold out)

This is worth a watch. Jon Stewart Tackles The Trump Conviction Fallout & Puts The Media on Trial 

Jon Stewart Tackles The Trump Conviction Fallout & Puts The Media on Trial

Here's to your health! I hope you're doing well - feel free to write back for any reason.

AND THANKS IF YOU HEARD THE CALL AND SENT ME A BIRTHDAY CARD! I got about 25 and it was such a treat!

See you next month!



Below: An article from my favorite thought leader (Mr. Money Mustache) on how to live a big life. The info might bother you, but if you follow it = longer, better life.

The Ultimate Life Coach

Almost nineteen years into early retirement now, I've come to realize that the complete freedom of this lifestyle can be a double-edged sword. You've already heard me raving plenty ab...

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Festival Eyes - seems appropriate for the season!

Festival Eyes - Lillie Mae