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Trivium Prep Spring Formal

for Seniors and Juniors

Saturday, April 12, 7-10 PM

The Vic at Verrado

(5325 N Verrado Way, Buckeye, AZ 85396)

$65 per person

Purchase Tickets by Monday, March 31

Tickets NOT Available at the Door

Click Here to Purchase Tickets

Guest Form due to Ms. Bradshaw by Friday, March 28

All guests (Trivium and non-Trivium) must present student ID at dance entrance.

Ticket purchase includes entrance to dance, dessert, drinks, and photos.

Deadline for guest forms: Friday, March 28 -- If you are bringing a guest from outside Trivium, you must print this form linked here, fill it out, and turn it in to Ms. Bradshaw for approval by March 28. Non-Trivium students will not be allowed entrance at the dance if they are not listed on the pre-approved guest list. We require a new guest form for each dance -- we do not keep guest forms on file from one dance to the next.


Rules and Etiquette: Spring Formal is a closed event -- students are not allowed to exit and re-enter the dance.

In the unlikely event a student commits a violation of the following, s/he will be immediately escorted from the event and parents will be notified at the number they provide during ticket purchase checkout.

  • offenses involving possession/use/intoxication of any drug, alcohol, vaping, or tobacco product
  • failure to follow chaperone instructions, or responding to such instructions with disrespect
  • failure to follow attendance protocol, dress code, or etiquette policies

Students are not allowed to bring any backpacks, bags, etc. larger than a small purse. Purses will be searched at entry.

No outside food or drink allowed.

Only 11th and 12th grade high school students are allowed to attend. If a 12th or 11th grade Trivium student wants to invite one 10th grade student, that is the only exception. 


DRESS CODE -- Spring Formal is a formal event.  


  • Formal gown that is just above the knee to floor length. 
  • Thin-strap, spaghetti-strap, and strapless gowns are permitted; however, gowns should not be "revealing" or low-cut. In front, gowns may be no lower than four closed-finger lengths below the collarbone; in back, gown must be no lower than mid-back. 
  • Bare midriffs and any other "holes" in the gown are not permitted. 
  • If you arrive at the Spring Formal in a dress that does not meet the above requirements, you may be turned away at the door. 


  • A formal tuxedo -- i.e., "black tie attire: -- is strongly encouraged; formal suits are acceptable as well
  • Tuxedos with waistcoats (vests) and tailcoats are acceptable
  • Ties, vests, and cummerbunds (if worn) may be colored, if desired, but black or white is strongly encouraged. 
  • Dress shoes are required. 
  • Suits must be formal and properly fitting. 
  • Dress shirt and tasteful tie are required 
  • If you arrive at the spring formal in a suit that does not meet the above requirements, you may be turned away at the door. 

Any student may be prohibited from dance attendance at the discretion of Trivium Prep Academy.