As the Montana Rural Teacher Project (MRTP) comes to a close, we want to reflect on the grant's successes. In three cohorts, the MRTP was able to fund 47 graduates and as of today, 42 are teaching in Montana classrooms. Additionally, the grant continues to provide mentoring for the graduates during their first two years of teaching.
MRTP graduates shared stand out moments from their first years of teaching:
"I have students come into my classroom for lunch! This is special
because they truly enjoy my classroom and feel comfortable here."
"I had the opportunity to award a student from my 6th grade class for their positive habits and mindset. It boosted my spirits to pause and reflect on the good that has been going on."
"I took all my students to the community Powwow this year. It was a magnificent moment of learning and celebration with indigenous people across our community and state."
"We take our classes to a local sheep farm. It's so magical to tie all our different elements of curriculum together and bring them to life through nature for the kids."
The map below shows the current teaching locations of our 42 graduates in Montana schools.