


Be still and know that I am God ... (Psalm 46:10)

Hello Lovely Beloveds!

For many so many of us, old and young, this time of year there is the crush of graduation plans, traveling for weddings (or being in them—congratulations!), along with summer camps and children’s activities…. The beginning of summer has its own rush of activity. But maybe in the corners and slivers of moments in busy days, you’ll have (or take? There often has to be intent) moments to feel God’s breath in your body, to imagine the truth of the Holy Spirit surrounding you and holding you, to know the love of the Christ smiling on you, soothing your soul. That’s the joy of our being family with the Holy Trinity…we get to join in the dance. And even in you don’t have time to soak in that glorious reality, because you’re a caregiver for someone older, or have small ones who attach themselves to your every limb, or you work more hours than you’re given for rest, (or all of the above)…the Trinity comes to you. God the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer adores you, waits for you, and when you say ‘yes’ partners with you to love the world. Happy Trinity Sunday!

Peace and so much love,

Mo. Nikki+


What can I say that I have not said before?

So I’ll say it again.

The leaf has a song in it.

Stone is the face of patience.

Inside the river there is an unfinishable story

and you are somewhere in it

and it will never end until all ends.

Take your busy heart to the art museum and the

chamber of commerce

but take it also to the forest.

The song you heard singing in the leaf when you

were a child

is singing still.

I am of years lived, so far, seventy-four,

and the leaf is singing still.

~ “What Can I Say” from Swan by Mary Oliver ~

Note: Mo. Nikki+ is out of the office the week of 5/27 - 5/31, to do the work you so graciously allow her to do with the Episcopal Preaching Foundation every summer. She will be part of the faculty teaching preaching to seminarians from all over the US and Canada at PEP (Preaching Excellence Program) aka "Preach-Away Camp." 🤣  

If you, or someone in your family who is a member of St. Gregory's, has graduated from high school, college, graduate school, etc., please let us know so we may celebrate them on Sunday, June 16!

A message from Kate Avinger, Jenifer Borg, and Jenifer Marquardt. Kate is currently a

member of the Vestry; all three are very involved with the spiritual and physical welfare

of the children of St. Gregory the Great.

Capital Campaign Playground Improvements


The future of St. Gregory’s and the broader beloved community can be found in the

faces of our children. Families are an integral part of a thriving parish life. Our current

playground needs improvement, so that we can offer a safe and welcoming place for

our families with children.

A playground is a wonderful space to build relationships. Both children and parents can

bond when a playground provides safe areas for playing, supervising, and visiting with

one another. Hopefully, too, a safe and attractive play space will be a draw for families.

Our children dream big! Suggestions from children include a football field, basketball

court, and batting cage! We adults have the challenge of balancing our budgetary

constraints against our desire to give the children back some of the joy they bring to us.

Kate Avinger, Eddie Van Giesen, our shepherds, Sunday School teachers, and our

Vestry have researched and considered ways to make our children’s outdoor space

safer and more appealing, and we have tons of ideas. Depending on funds raised, here

are the needs that have been identified.

First, A Safe Playground Surface

Children can be brave explorers! Sometimes … too brave and too creative in how they

explore playground equipment. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety

Commission, most playground injuries occur when a child falls from the equipment onto

the ground. Did you know that grass and dirt are not officially considered safe landing

surfaces? An improved surface such as sand, rubberized tile playground flooring, or

rubberized, shock-absorbing mulch is needed to minimize injury risk.

A Surrounding Fence is a Must

In addition to providing fencing to fulfill a legal requirement to discourage unauthorized

use of the playground, fencing would safely separate the playground area from the

dangers of the parking lot and the street. A fence would also delineate what is play

space and what is not, both for the safety of our children and for the safety of

parishioners trying to navigate the adjacent sidewalk. Using high-latching gates would

also keep small children from leaving or entering on their own.

At present, many of our children feel completely safe moving from building to building

to patio to playground all on their own. Though it is wonderful that they feel safe here at

St. Gregory’s, a fence would facilitate easier supervision for the safety of our beloved


What The Children Really Want Is Improved Play Structures

The play tower we have now was designed and built with love by beloved members of

our own community and has served us for many years. On a shoestring budget of

about $20,000, we could both attend to safety concerns and do some things to make

our play tower more fun and reduce the risk of splinters. For example, we could add a

roof, replace the wooden side panels with cargo netting, replace the wooden handrails

with pvc, put little benches under the platform for a clubhouse feel, and add a rope or

net climbing feature. We could also shore it up with some more beams running from

ground to platform.

If we had more capital improvement funding, like the full $30,000 we’re requesting or

beyond, it would be nice to acquire one or more pieces of certified safe play equipment

which are specially designed to avoid a variety of hazards. Different pieces would offer

play opportunities for various skill levels, age groups, and interests. Climbing features,

a more appealing slide, and more swings would be fun for the children. A swing that

would work for any person with disabilities, child or adult, would be great!

We Would Like To Provide Shelter From The Sun And Inclement Weather

There are a number of advantages to shade structures. For instance:

- Children can play longer and at various times of the day without overheating

- Equipment will be cooler to the touch

- Users are protected from harmful ultraviolet rays which increase the risk of

cancer later in life

- We extend the life of the playground equipment itself

Some shade structures also provide protection from rain, allowing play during mild

weather conditions. While we are shading children from the sun, sheltered seating

would also be welcome for adults and others who supervise children.

Naturally, those of us who work most closely with the children long for an improved

playground to entertain, inspire, and give the children a place to build relationships and

make memories with one another. We hope that all members of our congregation see

that improving the playground is also an investment in St. Gregory’s that increases our

numbers and secures our place in the Athens community for future generations.

If improving the playground is important to you, the way to do it is through a donation to

the Capital Campaign. It’s one way to nourish our people so we can grow our church.

We do this by generating excitement about coming to church for our existing members

and making the church a more appealing place for those who are looking for a church

home. We’d like to be able to say, to even more families with children, “Welcome home."

Treasurer’s Note

Athens Master Chorale

The Athens Master Chorale (and friends) will have an open rehearsal/concert of the Mozart Requiem on Monday, May 27 at 7:30 pm here at St. Gregory. We are preparing for our concert in Carnegie Hall in New York on June 1. You are welcome to attend and bring friends to this free event.

Registration ends Wednesday May 29!

St Gregory’s children are invited to VBS at Emmanuel Episcopal Church! Compassion Camp will allow children 4 years through 5th grade to explore what all living things need to live- shelter, food, water, air, and community and how we can have compassion for the living Earth. Click picture below to register. Registration ends May 29.

Parish Offices will be closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. 

Mother Nikki will be out of the office the week of May 27-31, teaching at the Preaching Excellence Program (PEP) in Virginia.

There WILL be a Healing Service on Weds., May 29.

Building and Grounds would like to open up a Qualtrics survey so that parishioners may help us pinpoint areas of improvement around the church. This will aid us in developing Church workdays for families and individuals to participate in and help grow our sense of community and appreciation of our home.

Suggestions can be made anonymously or with names attached. Please click here for survey!

Coffee Hour Treats Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to bring treats for coffee hour! Please sign up on the sheet in the CE building!

Update on Blue Jean Sunday

After we had to postpone our spring work day, we began to realize there were no Sundays when our facilities weren’t in use after church until hot weather arrived! So, we’ll plan a Blue Jeans Sunday for when the weather cools (hopefully) this fall. What a great thing that we have so much going on at St. Gregory!

New sign-up sheet for the rest of 2024! We are currently seeking volunteers to work at the Athens Area Emergency FoodBank, 640 Barber St. on 3rd Mondays from 9AM-1PM. 2-3 volunteers are needed each month. A signup sheet is in the narthex.

New Usher Coordinator Needed!

After 3 years of coordinating ushers, Anna Hiers is stepping down effective August 1. Please prayerfully consider this ministry!

Gay Pride Parade

Athens 3rd annual Gay Pride Parade and Resource Festival will be held on Saturday, June 1. The downtown parade will start at 2 pm and the festival will follow. St. Gregory's will host a resource table under that shade of the Classic Center 440 Foundry Pavilion at 300 N. Thomas St., Athens. Please call or text Alice Mohor 706 207 4716 if you would like to help greet visitors between 3-5 pm.

Family Promise June 2-9

Thanks to your generosity, our commitment for Family Promise is almost covered. Still needed:

1. Be present at the First Baptist Day Center on Saturday, June 8, to help families as they do their laundry there, 1:00-5:00 p.m. We need one more person for this.  

2. Purchase hygiene supplies, including toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products. The families also need twin and queen sheets, which could be gently used. 

There will be one collection box in the narthex and one in the Parish Hall building. Please bring them to church the next two Sundays.

The Day Center is located in First Baptist Church downtown. Park behind the church and head toward the door marked Family Promise on the far right hand side of the building as you face it. 

Sign up here for tasks above. Questions? Email Annette Bates .


University of Georgia's Special Collections Libraries is hosting a screening of "Love Free or Die" on Tuesday, June 4th at Cine from 5:15pm-7:15pm. Bishop Gene Robinson (from the film) and director Macky Alston will be in attendance and will also be a part of a Q&A that will take place after the screening. It is going to be an incredible event!

Adult Sunday School

Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall) The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study meets at 9:15AM in the Parish Hall. We are currently discussing the Gospel of Mark led by Wayne Coppins. Please join us! 

Lectionary Class: (Library) The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions. 

Summer Break for Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School for our children will continue through May. But then our summer break begins! We will not hold Sunday School classes for our kindergarten through fifth graders during June, July, or August. The program will resume in September.

Children’s Church, occurring in conjunction with the 10:30 service, will continue as usual!

Orthodox Tours

In Oct 2022 Anthony Barkdoll went to Israel and Jordan on a tour with a group called Orthodox tours, with his in-laws who are Greek orthodox (his sister-in-law painted the icon in the sanctuary). The person that runs the Orthodox tours, Father Ilya Gotlinsky, is trying to fill up spots for a trip to England called "In the Footsteps of the Early English Saints" and asked if any parishioners at St Gregory would be interested. Here's the link for the tour.

Camp Mikell

The Episcopal Church offers Kid camp, Junior camp, Intermediate camp, and Youth camp experiences specifically tailored to each age group. There is also a Mini camp experience for young children to explore with a parent, as well as a performing arts camp.  Registration for summer 2024 camps is now open. Check out the website for more information!  

The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank needs salty snack foods, cold breakfast cereals, and hamburger helper! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!

love is love

a changing church

when i arrived

my path forward

was then revived


in worship with

new words to say

and fellowship

to find my way


in a circle

drawn wider still

for everyone

to know the thrill


of being loved

for who we are

all children made

to travel far

alice mohor

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

* Holy Eucharist and Healing Service Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 6PM in the sanctuary for eucharist and prayers for healing.

* Community Yoga Monday evenings January 8 - May 27 @ 5:30pm. ALL are welcome! Donations are accepted, a portion of which will go to Saint Gregory for use of the space. We do have a small supply of props but please bring a yoga mat.

* Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM and the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in the library @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer will take the months of June and July off. Starting back in August, we meet on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

Acolyte Sign-Up

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |