We are so glad that you chose to come to one of our services today. You could have been a lot of other places, but you chose to be with us, and for that we are truly grateful. If you are new here, and you have not already stopped by our welcome center on the way in, we would love for you to stop by. We have a gift for you and hopefully can answer any questions you might have about our church. We want you to know that we really hope you feel at home today at Grove City Alliance. We hope that you will be challenged and encouraged by the message and music. Again, thank you for joining us! |
Bulletin & eNews
Have our weekly Bulletin emailed to you and receive eNews event reminders by joining our mailing list HERE.
Text Announcements
Text "GCALLIANCE" to 797979 to sign up for important GCAC announcements over text.
Church App
Use the steps below as a guide to download the Church Center App!
1. Find the "Church Center App" on your device's app store or click HERE.
2. Select Get Started
3. Allow the app to use your location.
4. Select Grove City Alliance Church
5. Follow the prompts to sign in!
Contact Info
Follow Us @grovecityalliance on Instagram & Facebook.
| The Bible teaches us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and sacrificially, the mission of God advances, the gospel is preached, lives are touched, and the Church is strengthened. | |
Sunday, March 23
Sanctuary Venue
- Nursery available for Birth - Age 5
Sanctuary Venue | C.O.R.E. Venue | Livestream
- Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
- Preschool for Ages 3-5
- Kids Church for K-Grade 5
- The Well - College Ministry
Sanctuary Venue | C.O.R.E. Venue | Livestream
- Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
- Preschool for Ages 3-5
- Kids Groups for K-Grade 5
- Student Ministry
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Parenting Seminar
Saturday, March 29
9:00AM - 12:30PM
Grove City Alliance Church
We are committed to equipping parents with tools to assist you in your role as the primary faith influencer of your children. This spring, we are thrilled to welcome three experts in the field of discipleship and culture. Come out and be strengthened and encouraged in your parenting, catch some great takeaways, and walk with other parents seeking to honor the Lord in this highest of callings God has gifted to us.
Grandparents, you are key spiritual investors in the lives of your grandkids. Come and hear what is happening in youth culture today and glean insights that will help you point your grandkids to Jesus.
Registration Costs
$15 / Individual
$10 / Child for Childcare with $20 max / Family
After 2 Kids it's just $20
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Easter Worship Services
Easter is coming! Jesus is alive! Come as you are to worship the Risen King!
Sunday, April 20
8:00AM // 9:30AM // 11:00AM
9:30AM // 11:00AM
Kids Ministry
8:00AM - Ages 0-5 (Nursery)
9:30AM - Ages 0-5 (Nursery) & Grades K-5 (Children's Worship Center)
11:00 AM - Ages 0-5 (Nursery) & Grades K-5 (Children's Worship Center)
All other ages are invited to join us in our Easter worship services.
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Good Friday Walk Thru
Quiet your hearts leading up to Easter Sunday by experiencing the Good Friday Walk Thru. GFWT is a self-guided journey through the passion week of Christ. Explore the biblical narratives as you travel from room to room in the church. Get a sense of what Jesus tasted, saw, heard, touched, and felt, and in so doing, gain a greater appreciation for our Savior's sacrifice. Our GFWT booklet will lead you through times of reflection and give opportunities to respond to all the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
You'll travel at your own pace through the Good Friday Walk Thru, but plan for the encounter to take about an hour. We have created special family hours for parents and children to walk through the tour together at their own pace with opportunity for questions, explanation, and dialogue.
Thursday, April 17 | 6:00PM-9:00PM
Friday, April 18 | Noon-2:00PM
Open to anyone 12+. No Childcare.
Friday, April 18 | 3:00PM-6:00PM
Family Time - Open to anyone 12+ and children 1st - 5th grade accompanied by a parent. Childcare birth - K available.
Friday, April 18 | 7:00PM-9:00PM
Open to anyone 12+. Childcare birth - K available.
Saturday, April 19 | 9:00AM-Noon
Open to anyone 12+. Childcare birth - K available.
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AWANA | Special Game Night: Dodgeball
Wednesday, March 26
This month our Special Game Night theme is ... Dodgeball!
Our Awana program meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30PM for ages 3 through 6th grade. (Must be 3 by September and able to use the restroom independently)
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High School Ministry
Final Four
Sunday, March 23
You gotta get'ch, get'ch, get'cha, get'cha head in the game. Time to compete in the final four. Let's see who WINS!
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Middle School Ministry
Final Four
Thursday, March 27
You gotta get'ch, get'ch, get'cha, get'cha head in the game. Time to compete in the final four. Let's see who WINS!
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M&M Fundraiser
Our high school students will be passing out M&M tubes for a few weeks to supply you with a sweet treat and to raise money for their upcoming trip to the LIFE Conference! The idea is that when you are done with your M&M’s, you’d put quarters (about $14) or cash/check in the tube and return them to the church. Thank you, as always, for your support of our students!
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Spring 2025 Baptism
Sunday, April 27
8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM
Kids, Students, and College Interest Forms are due by Sunday, April 6.
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Child Dedication
Sunday, May 11
There will be a preparation class on Tuesday, April 24 at 6:30PM.
Click on the button below to register by Sunday, April 6.
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The Well
The Well meets on Sundays at 9:30AM.
Transportation is available:
GCC Students meet behind the PLC at 7:45AM, 9:10AM and 10:40AM in the yellow school bus.
SRU Students please text the number below if you need a ride.
Any questions, text 724-406-2295. See you then!
| | College students, connect with other GCC or SRU students that attend Grove City Alliance Church by clicking the corresponding button below! | |
The MomCo
Thursday, April 10 at 9:00AM
If you're a mother with children ages birth-Kindergarten or grade school ages, we would love to have you join us!
We meet the second Thursday from September - May, from 9:00-11:00AM.
Childcare is provided.
Cherishing Life
Forever Young: Adults 55+
Friday, April 11 at 6:30PM
Grove City Alliance Church
Sarah Bowen, Executive Director of Promise of Life Network, will be our guest speaker.
Promise of Life Network is dedicated to fostering a community that values life
from conception to natural death. Through free medical services, education, and compassionate support, Promise of Life Network empowers families, guides youth, and provides healing. All services are offered at no cost, creating a culture of life through Christ.
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Celebrate Recovery
In person - Every Saturday at 6:30PM at GCAC. Please enter through the door on the right side of the building.
Online - Friday at 9PM on Facebook.
Follow the new GCAC Celebrate Recovery page on Facebook for LIVE messages and encouragement every week.
Everyone struggles with a hurt, a hang-up, or a habit in some shape or form. In Mark 2:17, we see a beautiful reminder from Jesus:
"On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "
Our goal in Celebrate Recovery is to stop unhealthy behaviors that are destroying ourselves and others around us and help us live the purposeful life Christ died for us to live.
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Alliance Women Potluck with the Ruiz Family
Tuesday, April 1 at 6:00PM
Grove City Alliance Church - Children's Worship Center
The GCAC Alliance Women will be hosting the Ruiz family for a family-style potluck dinner on Tuesday, April 1 and we'd love for you to join us. The Ruiz family are currently working with Bob and Cheryl Fugate in Mexico and we can't wait to hear more about what God is doing.
Fried Chicken, water, and paper items/utensils will be provided. Please bring a friend and a dish to share.
GO Tennessee
May 12 - 19
Many organizations show up to help when a natural disaster occurs. As time goes on, those organizations leave the area. But there is often still work to be done. Join a team traveling to Tennessee to work with local partners in restoring and rebuilding the Elizabethton, Tennessee area. The focus will be on site restoration, like landscaping, but participants with specialized skills may be used to use those for other projects. The cost of the trip will be $575 per participant.
Click below for more information or to register.
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Outward Mission
Financial Update
Great Commission Fund
February 2025
Giving Goal.......................$15,833
Giving Total......................$14,879
Great Commission Fund
July 2024 - February 2025
Giving Goal.....................$126,667
Giving Total....................$107,958
Salt & Light Fund
February 2025
Giving Goal........................$4,583
Giving Total........................$9,468
Salt & Light Fund
July 2024 - February 2025
Giving Goal......................$36,667
Giving Total.......................$39,831
Emerging Adults Specials Fund
February 2025
Giving Goal........................$4,167
Giving Total.......................$2,990
Emerging Adults Specials Fund
July 2024 - February 2025
Giving Goal.......................$33,333
Giving Total......................$27,132
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Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
Did you know you can find our services directly on YouTube?
Search for GCAC Live Stream or click the button below the image.
Don't forget to click subscribe!
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Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook
Follow us @grovecityalliance!
Click on the buttons below to follow us!
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Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online
Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online
(Available on demand any time after)
Grove City Alliance Church
845 North Liberty Road
Grove City, PA 16127
724-458-8497 | gcac@grovecityalliance.org
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