Weekly eNews
May 24, 2024
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Summer Schedule &
Outdoor Parish Picnic
This Sunday
This Sunday, we transition to our summer schedule. Worship remains at 8:00 and 10:30 AM followed by coffee hour, but the Nursery hours shift to 10:15 - noon. Children's chapel will continue all summer during the 10:30 AM service, and "Education for All" at 9:15 will resume in September. Our first Outdoor Worship Service and Parish Picnic is this Sunday. Join for the 10:30 AM service outdoors, bring a chair, and stay for fellowship and food. We'll be getting various meat and non-meat options from Dog Haus. (Suggested donation $5 per person / $20 per family.) No RSVP is needed to attend, but we could still use a couple of volunteers to assist with clean up, so please click below if you can help.
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Summer Faith Bags
Assemble Yours This Sunday
How will you explore, grow, and deepen your faith this summer? St. Michael's has an assortment of items - prayer crosses, sunglasses, seed packets, bracelets, and of course a "little Jesus" and more - to assist you on your summer faith journey. Look for the materials in the Gathering Space and build yours this Sunday.
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Summer Choir
Begins This Sunday - Sept. 1
10:30 AM Services
All are welcome to join the Summer Choir to help lead hymns and sing an easy offertory anthem during the 10:30 AM Sunday services this summer. No need to make a weekly commitment - come when you can! To sing on a particular Sunday, simply meet in the Choir Room at 10:00 AM for a brief rehearsal. Questions? Contact Amalia Dobbins at amalia@stmikeschurch.com.
First VBS Build Day
This Saturday, 10:00 AM - Noon
It takes many hands to transform the Multipurpose Room into a Vacation Bible School wonderland! We are having four "build days" leading up to VBS, and the first one is THIS Saturday, May 25. Please consider helping turn our space into an immersive LEGO VBS experience. Click below to sign up for Saturday or one of our future dates (June 2, 15, or 23).
Creating Space
This Saturday, 9:00 - Noon
Creating Space will meet this Saturday, May 25. B.Y.O.P.....Bring Your Own Project and maybe a snack to share. We will have table space and friendly conversation. All are welcome to drop in and stay for whatever time your schedule permits.
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Memorial Day, May 27
Church Office Closed
The church offices will be closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day. On this Memorial Day, we give you thanks, O Lord, for all who have died that we may live, for all who endured pain that we might know joy, for all who made sacrifices that we might have plenty, for all who suffered imprisonment that we might know freedom. Turn our deep feeling now into determination, and our determination into deed, that as men and women died for peace, we may live for peace for the sake of the Prince of Peace. Amen.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, May 26
First Sunday After Pentecost
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Outdoor Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM No Sunday Forum or Education for the summer months
Parish Picnic following the 10:30 Service.
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour after each service.
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Opportunities to Serve Within & Beyond Our Walls | |
Summer Children's Chapel
Sundays in late June - August
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Owen is still looking for some helpers for Children's Chapel this summer. Most Sundays now have a leader designated and only an assistant is needed. Please consider participating in this staple children's program that allows both our children and their parents to have a more meaningful worship experience.
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Outdoor Parish Work Day
Saturday, June 1
8:00 - 12:00 AM
Our recent winds and rains have definitely left us with debris to be picked up, weeds to be pulled, shrubs to be trimmed, etc. Please join for whatever time you can on the morning of June 1 to help us prepare our grounds for all of our outdoor events! There are projects for all skill and adventure levels, and this is a great opportunity for youth to earn service hours.
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Adopt-a-Trail Clean-up
Choose Your Date
Over the winter, did you promise yourself once the weather improved, you would get outside and be more active? Well, the Creation Care ministry has a deal for you! About a year ago, St. Michael's adopted a portion of the Santa Fe Trail from the Edmondson Trailhead (about a half-mile from the church) north two miles to Ice Lake. We'd love to get some new people involved in this as it's an easy way to get exercise and help the environment at the same time. The best part is you can choose your own days and times to help, and you are not required to participate each month! Click below to learn more and to access the release forms. Contact Rod Sato at v.rodbs@gmail.com with any questions.
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Pikes Peak Pride
June 8 & 9
For this year's Pikes Peak Pride Festival we will be collaborating with six other churches to help with the festival. Click below to sign up as a part of this "Affirming 365" collaboration to support Pikes Peak Pride.
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Or to represent the Episcopal Church in Colorado at the Grace and St. Stephen's welcome booth, click the link below. For more information on either of these opportunities, contact Katherine Brennan at clanbrennan@hotmail.com or Rev. Vicki at vicki@stmikeschurch.com. | |
Care & Share Support
Friday, June 14
AM & PM Shifts
Thanks to your generosity, through our Outreach grants we recently donated $1500 to Care and Share Foodbank for Southern Colorado. To view a gracious thank you video from their CEO, CLICK HERE.
In addition to ongoing financial support, a team of St. Michael's volunteers work at Care and Share for about three hours each calendar quarter. Please join for our next volunteer opportunity on June 14. There are both morning and afternoon shifts available. This is a great way to learn more about Care and Share and to help support our food insecure neighbors in southern Colorado. Click below to sign up using the event reservation code of StMichaels. Contact Justin Morrill at justin_morrill@msn.com with any questions.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Chuckwagon Supper Show
Flying W Ranch, July 18
The Old West is calling! Offering a rousing Western stage show and a classic American chuckwagon meal, the Flying W Ranch is guaranteed to please audiences of all ages. Join a group from St. Mike’s on Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 - 8:30 PM for supper and a musical show featuring the Flying W Wranglers as we create memories of a lifetime. All-inclusive tickets are $35-$70 and MUST BE PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM FLYING W RANCH BY CLICKING HERE. Once you've purchased tickets, click below to let us know you're coming so we can plan for our group. Act fast if you're interested as these tickets will sell out quickly! Contact Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Tuesday, June 4
Our "St. Michael's Active Seniors Happening" (SMASH) group is showing just how amazingly active they are with their upcoming dinner and mini-golf outing! Join for an early dinner at Salsa Brava Fresh Mexican Grill (5925 Dublin Blvd., Unit A) at 4:00 PM followed by mini-golf at Legends Miniature Golf (across the street at 6655 Dalby Drive). Cost for mini golf is $6 per person and will be collected at the facility. Contact Diane at diane@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Rev. Frank Allen Meet & Greet
Sunday, June 9
9:15 - 10:10 AM
Bring your questions, and plan to join us in the sanctuary on June 9 for an informal Meet & Greet to get better acquainted with our Priest in Residence, Rev. Frank Allen. Join live or online.
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Hymn Sing & Ice Cream Social
June 13, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Rev. Frank and Amalia will be leading us in our first ever St. Michael’s Hymn Sing! Traditional, Gospel, Spiritual, Children’s, Modern…anything goes at this fun event followed by an ice cream social. No RSVP required. Don’t miss it! A basket is located in the Gathering Space where you can make a hymn request, or email Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com.
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Summer Yoga
Tuesdays in June
Yoga 11:15 AM / Lunch 12:00
Our first summer yoga class and community lunch will take place on Tuesday, June 4, beginning at 11:15 AM. Join our very own Amalia as we focus on creating space in the body and mind through heart-opening sequences, breathwork, and meditation. All levels are encouraged to join for the class and stay after for a "bring your own lunch" time of fellowship. No RSVP required. Come as you are!
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Spiritual Practices Online
1st Three Wednesdays of Each Month
Beginning June 5, The Well will be offering three meditative spiritual practices via Zoom on the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6:30 – 7:00 PM. These practices will rotate as follows: 1st Wednesday: Contemplative Resting with God; 2nd Wednesday: The Examen; and 3rd Wednesday: Lectio or Visio Divina. These offerings will replace the online Contemplative Prayer currently being offered on Wednesdays at 2:30 PM. Click below to visit The Well’s website page to learn more about each of these practices and to access the Zoom link. The schedule and link will also be available via the parish calendar and under Worship & Online on the website. We hope the pace of summer will present opportunities for you to experience these practices. Join as you can!
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Purple Tea Party
June 20, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Back by popular demand, we will once again be hosting this special event and all are welcome. This is a meaningful time of gathering for parishioners with cognitive decline and their care givers and anyone else who would like to recall the lovely tradition of "afternoon tea". No RSVP required.
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Vacation Bible School
LEGO VBS: Faith Builders
Register by June 3 for T-shirt
Registration continues for an immersive Vacation Bible School experience at St. Michael’s on June 24 - 26 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM. This three night program will educate participants about God, provide fun and engaging games and activities, and create opportunities for bonding and relationship building. And of course... there will be lots and lots of LEGO! Children from 4 years old to rising 6th graders are invited to participate, and 7th graders through graduating seniors are invited to serve as teen helpers. Click below to learn more and to sign up participants and volunteers.
We also need help building/prepping for VBS. See info & link above.
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Parish Retreat & Family Camp
August 9-11
Cathedral Ridge Camp
After an amazing retreat last year where over 80 parishioners participated, we are returning to Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center for a fourth straight year! This fun and faith-filled weekend will include activities, games, and programming for every age. All are welcome! Registration deadline is July 1, but at the rate we're going, spaces will likely fill before then. Click below to get more information and to reserve your spot.
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Birthdays This Week:
May 26 - Ned Bryan
May 26 - Betty Bullard
May 26 - Bob Callihan
May 27 - Daniel de Lourenco
May 27 - Karlyn Greenway
May 27 - Ali Lew
May 27 - Charlotte Mapes
May 27 - Suzi Rowe
May 28 - Kelly Belvis
May 28 - Keira Noble
May 28 - Michelle Somers
May 29 - Chesley Varnet
May 30 - Geoff Bennett
May 30 - Henry Hudson
May 30 - Linda Wilsey
May 31 - Margaret McMullan
June 1 - Pam Callihan
June 1 - Laura Johnson
June 1 - Christine Nestlerode
June 1 - Carrie Petersen
June 1 - Denis Pirio
Anniversaries This Week:
May 26 - Ned & Terry Bryan
May 26 - David & Susan Futey
May 26 - Peggy & Stephen Toldy
May 29 - Eloise & Phil McDaniel
May 29 - Linda & Mark Wilsey
May 31 - Chad & Rachel Stoller
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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