Google is a wonderful tool, but it is just that, a tool. |
When you call 211 Northwest Florida (211 NWFL), you connect to a live human being. 211 NWFL staff are trained and compassionate. They have access to an up-to-date and vetted resource database. Plus, they can problem-solve in real time, something Google cannot do.
Recently a 211 NWFL Specialist fielded a call from a single mother in a rural county with limited resources. The single mother was calling 211 as she was struggling to pay her rent.
She had been working full-time, paying all her bills, but living paycheck to paycheck; like so many in today’s world, she had no savings but was proud to be independent and self-supporting her children. Then, unexpectedly, the business she had been working at full-time for the past 7 years went out of business. She was a competent and qualified technician and found another job, however, did not start for TWO WEEKS and the first paycheck was two weeks after that.
Imagine, no income for 30 days with rent due! On the advice of her pastor, she called 211 where she connected with a specialist who was there to help. After taking a moment to learn of the single mother’s situation and asking a few demographic questions, the 211 specialist researched agencies that might help with rent only to learn there were none in her rural area that helped with rent... Continue reading at
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Happy 211 Month! Did you know? | Last year, 211 Northwest Florida answered 37,138 calls and connected 65,622 individuals to local resources! The top 4 requests for resources were food, rent, utility, and healthcare. 211NWFL received 14,146 requests for food assistance, 28,280 for rent assistance, 23,978 for utility assistance, and 10,429 for healthcare resources. | |
211 Proclamations for 211 Day |
United Way of West Florida staff and board members had the honor of having both the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners present proclamations in honor of 211 Day, February 11, 2024.
To get connected, simply dial 211 from any phone. Your call is free and confidential, and help is available 24/7. 211 Northwest Florida provides services to Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington counties in Florida, however, help is available nationwide, visit and type in your zip code to find your local 211.
#LiveUnited #United4WFL #Team211
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Glitz & Gallop Gala
Join us and help celebrate our 100th Anniversary at the Glitz & Gallop Gala, at PSC Main Campus, on May 4th, 2024. At the event, we will watch the 150th Kentucky Derby as well as host numerous games, and provide opportunities to win big at our Parade of Prizes. This event is also a fundraiser for United Way of West Florida. Tickets go on sale March 1st. To learn more, please visit our website at
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Help ReVITAlize our community!
You can provide free tax preparation assistance to hardworking families and individuals and keep dollars in their pockets and our community!
No prior experience is necessary to volunteer, and free training is provided.
Get started at
VITA appointments are now available, visit to learn more.
Skip the appointment and file on your own at
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Are you 55 or better and looking to volunteer?
Our RSVP program is recruiting volunteers. To learn more, attend an upcoming orientation this new year!
Visit to check it out!
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UWWF is hiring!
Join the United Way of West Florida team and help fight for a healthier, stronger community!
- Development Manager
- 988 Manager
- Call Specialist
For more information, please visit our website at:
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Black History Month Spotlight | |
Celebrating Black History |
Black History Month is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions made by Black heroes throughout history, including the present.
Throughout this month, we will be highlighting some community members who are role models and make an impact locally.
Visit to learn more.
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Join United Way of West Florida in celebrating our 100th Anniversary by doing 100 Acts of Kindness.
Use #100Ways and #UWWFL100th and @UWWFL to share your Acts of Kindness on socials!
The UWWF team would love to see the amazing things you do!
Learn more at
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In honor of the IRS's Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day, we kicked off our 2024 tax season. With the help of our amazing volunteers, we were able to help 24 families get their returns filed bringing in $85,000 into the community.
A big thank you goes out to Loyalty Credit Union, The Florida Blue Center, The Arc Gateway, FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, and Legal Services of North Florida. All of whom came out to support the community.
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Community Employment Opportunities |
Are you or someone you know looking for employment or pondering a career change?
Visit our job opportunities page for information about open positions at nonprofit organizations in our community.
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211 Northwest Florida is an information and referral service that provides one-stop connections to community resources and services.
Dial 211 to get connected
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Call 1-844-MYFLVET
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988 is a suicide and crisis lifeline. This helpline provides 24-hour-a-day, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress.
Call 988 to get help today
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United Way of West Florida | | |
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