Weekly eNews
June 7, 2024
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This Weekend & The Week Ahead | |
Rev. Frank Allen Meet & Greet
This Sunday, 9:15 - 10:10 AM
What are Rev. Frank’s favorite pastimes? When and how did he hear his call to ministry? What are three unique facts about him? Join in the sanctuary at 9:15 AM for a Meet & Greet to hear the answers to these and your questions to get better acquainted with Rev. Frank Allen, our Priest in Residence for the next two months while Matt continues his sabbatical. Join live or online.
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Musical Notes
LEVAS Hymnals & Summer Choir
It was wonderful seeing the Lift Every Voice and Sing (LEVAS) Hymnals being used in last Sunday’s services, but unfortunately some have gone missing. If you inadvertently took one out to your car on Sunday, please bring it back. These are generously on loan to us for the month of June while we enjoy these African-American spirituals and gospel music as a part of our liturgy.
Next, as a reminder, all are welcome to join Summer Choir to help lead hymns and sing an easy offertory anthem during the 10:30 AM summer services. No need to make a weekly commitment - come when you can! Simply meet in the Choir Room at 10:00 AM for a brief rehearsal. Contact Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Pikes Peak Pride
This Saturday & Sunday
"God Paints in All Colors"
Pikes Peak Pride Festival is this weekend, and if you find yourself available to volunteer, it's not too late. Click below to sign up as a part of this "Affirming 365" collaboration to support Pikes Peak Pride.
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Or to represent the Episcopal Church in Colorado at the Grace and St. Stephen's welcome booth, click the link below. For more information on either of these opportunities, contact Katherine Brennan at clanbrennan@hotmail.com or Rev. Vicki at vicki@stmikeschurch.com. | |
Hymn Sing & Ice Cream Social
Next Thursday, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
If you were in church last Sunday, you likely noticed that Rev. Frank is quite musically gifted. He and Amalia will be leading us in our first ever St. Michael’s Hymn Sing on the Pavilion (weather permitting) - followed by another of Rev. Frank's favorites, ice cream - next Thursday evening, June 13, and you won’t want to miss it! It’s not too late to request a favorite hymn….Traditional, Gospel, Spiritual, Children’s, Modern…anything goes! Drop your request into the basket located in the Gathering Space or email Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com.
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Care & Share Support
Next Friday, June 14
AM & PM Shifts
Next Friday, a group from St. Michael’s will be volunteering at Care & Share, and there are still available slots. As you pack food with others from St. Michael’s to be distributed to our food insecure neighbors, you will learn more about the wonderful work being done at Care & Share, you will have some laughs with fellow parishioners, and you’ll leave with a sense of accomplishment! Click below to sign up using the event reservation code of StMichaels. Contact Justin Morrill at justin_morrill@msn.com with any questions.
Summer Yoga
Continues next Tuesday
Yoga 11:15 AM / Lunch 12:00
Summer yoga with Amalia continues next Tuesday. All levels are encouraged to join at 11:15 AM for yoga class and stay after for a "bring your own lunch" time of fellowship from 12:00 – 1:00 PM. No RSVP required. Come as you are!
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Spiritual Practices Online
Next Wednesday, June 12
6:30 - 7:00 PM
The Well's rotating Spiritual Practices Online continue next Wednesday evening. Join on Zoom for 30 minutes to experience The Examen, the second practice in their rotation. Click below to visit The Well’s website page to learn more about each of these practices being offered and to access the Zoom link. The schedule and link will also be available via the parish calendar and under Worship & Online on the website. Join as you can to experience these!
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Young Episcopalians in Service (YES) Trip
Leaving Sunday!
Owen Copps and 30 middle and high school students from across the diocese are headed to Albuquerque, New Mexico from this Sunday to the following Saturday to serve beyond our walls in the community there. Please pray for these young people and adults as they seek to make an impact through their interactions and work while also making new discoveries about themselves, God, and the world during this time of service.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, June 9
Third Sunday After Pentecost
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM No Sunday Forum or Education for the summer months
9:15 AM Rev. Frank Allen Meet & Greet
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour after each service.
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Creation Justice
June E-Tip
Conduct a plastics audit! Consider your daily plastic use and how you can change it. Switch to wooden cutlery sets for travel, metal straws, refillable water bottles, glass food storage containers, and bamboo toothbrushes. Look for eco-friendly packaging and buy items in bulk. Click below to take a "7-day fight plastic waste challenge" and get more ideas.
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Scammers Continue
Widespread Scam Texts Sent
We hope you saw the email from the church on Wednesday alerting you to the widespread scam texts parishioners were receiving from Rev. Matt and Sr Warden, Russ Howell. The church staff have taken a number of steps to protect our information against an occurrence like this one again. But we ask you to please be extra vigilant as well in confirming the sender’s identity before replying to text or email requests, and before opening attachments or clicking on links.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
A Sacred Walk
Labyrinth, June 16, 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Come to the Multipurpose Room next Sunday, June 16 between 9:15 and 10:15 AM to walk and pray. A labyrinth walk may include a prayer for release, centering, discernment, care, or praise. If you have never walked a labyrinth, a brief overview of labyrinth prayer will be offered at 9:15. Otherwise, drop in during the hour as your schedule permits. Our labyrinth is cloth, so please bring clean socks, as we cannot have shoes on the labyrinth.
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Purple Tea Party
June 20, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Our second annual Purple Tea Party is quickly approaching, and we hope you have this on your calendars. Please plan to share in this meaningful time of gathering for all parishioners...but particularly those with cognitive decline and their care givers. Who doesn't love a tea party?!?!? WEAR PURPLE in recognition of dementia/Alzheimer's month (combining the stability of blue and the passionate energy of red)! All are welcome and no RSVP is required.
SJB Docent-Led Viewings
Schedule yours this summer!
Bring your visiting family and friends to St. Michael’s this summer to experience the first handwritten illuminated Bible in over 500 years! The Saint John’s Bible docents are ready and eager to guide small groups in seeing the Bible up close and personal. You can easily schedule a time and date that is convenient for you so please consider adding The Saint John’s Bible to your list of activities. You can contact Linda Page at lindajpage@comcast.net or you can request a time on the St. Michael’s website by clicking below.
Cathedral Ridge Adult/Family Camps
In addition to camps for 3rd graders through high schoolers, Cathedral Ridge has two other camps of which we’d like our St. Michael’s family to be aware.
Intergenerational PRIDE Family Camp, June 13-16: Join for an intergenerational PRIDE Camp open to LGBTQIA singles, couples, and families. The Rev. Tory Moir, priest in the Diocese of Colorado, will serve as chaplain with the theme of "Love without Fear."
Care of Creation Family Camp, June 20-23: Join for a time of "Awe and Wonder" to explore this “wildly, wonderful world” God made and called “good.” In addition to traditional camp activities, they will have two wolf pups to delight and teach about wolves as well as a telescope viewing of the full "Strawberry Moon" on June 22.
Click below for more information or to register, and contact Deacon Linda Brown at codeaconljb2011@gmail.com with any questions.
Electronics Recycling Week
June 24 - 29
Pack up all your old electronics and dispose of them safely at E-Tech Recyclers, 2854 N. Prospect Street. St Michael’s Creation Care Team has partnered with E-Tech Recyclers to provide responsible recycling services at a discount during the week of June 24-29. Televisions, monitors, computers and/or any other corded or battery-operated devices are eligible for this program. But you must have a St Mike’s coupon to qualify for the discount. Click below for more information and to register for your coupon. Contact Jon Numair at jnumair@verizon.net with any questions.
40s and 50s "Fire & Ice"
June 28, 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Join the 40s and 50s group for "Fire & Ice" on the plaza and lawn behind the church. They’ll supply the proteins for the bbq and ice for the coolers. It's BYOB (beverage), BYOC (lawn chair) and a side or dessert to share. This potluck celebration will be complete with lawn games - and rumor has it - the sounds of summer brought to you LIVE! Click below to sign up, and please let us know what you'll be bringing to share.
Altar Flower Donations
Only 5 Spots Left in 2024
If you are interested in sponsoring the Sunday Altar Flowers in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one for a $50 donation, please be aware there are only five dates available for the remainder of 2024. So, act quickly by clicking below. to sign up.
Chuckwagon Supper Show
Flying W Ranch, July 18
We have a great group of roughly 20 strong already signed up to join on Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 - 8:30 PM for supper and a musical show featuring the Flying W Wranglers, but there's definitely room for more! All-inclusive tickets MUST BE PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM FLYING W RANCH BY CLICKING HERE. Once you've purchased tickets, click below to let us know you're coming so we can plan for our group. Act fast as these tickets are selling out quickly! Contact Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Vacation Bible School
LEGO VBS: Faith Builders
Late Registrations Still Available & More Build Days
Even though the deadline to receive a VBS T-shirt has passed, registrations are still open for our immersive three-evening experience available for 4-years-olds through rising 6th graders on June 24 – 26 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Rising 7th graders through graduating seniors are invited to serve as teen helpers. Click below to learn more and to sign up participants and volunteers. BRING YOUR FRIENDS – all are welcome!
Build Days: If you haven’t already seen, the Multipurpose Room transformation into a VBS wonderland is well underway, but we still have two more build days and could use more helping hands. Click below to sign up.
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Parish Retreat & Family Camp
August 9-11
Cathedral Ridge Camp
After an amazing retreat last year where over 80 parishioners participated, we are returning to Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center for a fourth straight year! This fun and faith-filled weekend will include activities, games, and programming for every age. All are welcome! Registration deadline is July 1, but at the rate we're going, spaces will likely fill before then. Click below to get more information and to reserve your spot.
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Birthdays This Week:
June 10 - Shay Anderson
June 10 - Ashlynn Lowenberg
June 10 - Emily McMorran
June 10 - Katie Tompkins
June 10 - Abigail Trevillian
June 11 - Elizabeth Reid
June 11 - Sue Wiseman
June 12 - Jennifer Carpenter
June 13 - Hank Pricenski
June 15 - Leeann Blaskowsky
June 15 - Gerry Forster
June 15 - Gloria Johnson
June 15 - Kay Wettemann
Anniversaries This Week:
June 9 - Mary & Steven Ferner
June 10 - Candy & Ronald Chernak
June 10 - Christopher & Meggie Kean
June 11 - Laura & Tom DiSilverio
June 11 - Carrie Petersen & Ron Rizer
June 11 - Brett & Jennie Wandfluh
June 12 - Jim & Sally Wessely
June 14 - Sue & John Bessette
June 14 - Daniel Foster & Brent Thompson
June 15 - Dean & Vicki Logemann
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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