At Some Point, You Must Confront Yourself

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

David Whyte, in his book, The Heart Aroused: Poetry and Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America, tells us, “You can blame your mother, you can blame your father, but at some point you must confront yourself.”

I used to carry that quote around with me in my wallet as a daily reminder that at the end of the day, no matter how others have treated me, I must always be willing to face myself first. It is a challenging thing to do. It can be very frightening.

That’s why fear is mentioned so often in the Bible. Someone has said that there are at least 365 times in the Bible that words do not be afraid or something very close to that are found in the Bible. 

In Genesis 15, at the beginning of the story of Abram, who will have his name changed to Abraham, God says to him, “Do not be afraid!” He’s already had some harrowing experiences, some by his own mistakes, but God wants old Father Abraham to leave fear behind. 

In the book of Psalms, an ancient Hebrew poet declares, “Be strong, and let your heart take courage…”

On the day an angel appears to Mary to declare she has been chosen to give birth to Jesus, the savior of the world, he says, “Do not be afraid.”

Jesus repeatedly preaches this same truth to the disciples, “Do not be afraid.”

The Apostle Paul, writing a young pastor, reminds him, “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and of love…” 

Over and over and over again, we hear the call to leave fear behind.

This great truth is also found outside of the Bible. Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher who wrote around the same time as the Hebrew psalmist, declares in the Tao Te Ching, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Maybe that is the word to post on our bathroom mirrors, refrigerators, and doorways so that we see it daily in our comings and goings. 

Where do we get the power to leave fear behind? It comes when we choose to love and remember that we are loved as well. There have been many tough moments in my life, but knowing that I am loved no matter what has given me the ability to move forward even when fear is almost overwhelming. That is the power of love.

MorningSong, This Sunday, June 2

MorningSong is at 9 and 11 am, First Community North.

Please note there is no 10 am South service.

This week in Sunday school

• This summer in K/5 we will learn about and experience many different ways to pray. This week we will read part of the book, Praying in Color- kid’s edition by Sybil MacBeth, then practice making doodle prayers using art supplies.

Rev. Dr. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

One of the joys of being a pastor is the opportunity to hear stories of transformation and grace. Not too long ago, one of our relatively new members, Clinton Ives, who permitted me to share his story, asked for a chance to talk with me. In our conversation, he gave me a little background on his life. Growing up his family was nominally involved in church. They attended on Christmas and Easter, but that was about it. They were not anti-church or anti-religion; faith wasn't a part of their daily lives or conversations.

As he moved into adulthood, he endured a few trials and tribulations (like most of us do). As he took an honest look at his life, he experienced the Holy Spirit, and as a part of that, he decided to live his life in the light of the teachings of Jesus, in the ways of God. Not long after this, he discovered First Community. He loves our open and accepting theology. He enjoys participating in a variety of worship and fellowship events. 

In our meeting, Clinton expressed a desire to be baptized as a symbol of this new beginning. He also specifically wanted the form of the baptism to be by immersion. I was more than happy to baptize him. As an ordained Disciple of Christ pastor, I've had the privilege of performing many baptisms this way. We reached out to the good folks at the Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to see if we could borrow their baptistry. They graciously agreed, for which we are deeply grateful, fostering a sense of appreciation and connection to the wider Christian community. First Community deacon Bill Mead was there to support Clinton on this special day.

Clinton's story is not just inspiring, it's a testament to the living, active Spirit that is generously spreading grace through First Community. It's a reminder that we are not alone in our journey, but are invited to partner with this same Spirit and generously spread God's grace to the world, feeling a sense of awe and reverence.

Yes, the Spirit is at work here!

A Special Message

from Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan

One of our dear members, Mike Thorn, is in need of a kidney transplant from a living donor. At age 4, Mike underwent life-saving surgery for a congenital birth defect that removed his ruptured right kidney and left him with a remaining kidney that was irreversibly damaged. Mike has slowed down the decline in functioning with years of taking the best care of himself he could, but now the time has come for him to join the 90,000 renal patients in America in need of a living kidney donor.

As it turns out, the best way to find a match is to utilize social networks like Mike’s church community. If you or someone you know might be interested in getting tested or have any questions, you may reach out to Mike directly at (614) 349-1283,

All testing is covered by insurance, and health information is always kept confidential.

If you are interested and would feel more comfortable speaking to your pastor instead, please give Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan a call at (614) 488-0681, ext. 227, or email at

Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

The calendar doesn't say it yet, but in our family, Memorial Day weekend is the official kick-off to summer! From reading the church news this week, I see that there are many ways we can all stay connected with each other over the next few months. I'm looking forward to church under the tent soon, and I hope to see you at the All Church BBQ on June 9. I hope you can enjoy your summer days filled with sunshine, family & friends! 

Now, down to business. The Governing Board met as a whole group on May 22. Our business for the month was pretty light with reports and discussions from our Personnel Committee, Operations, Financials, and Rev Miles. The Personnel Committee report highlights that the staff handbook review is going well. The document overall is pretty solid. However, I must give a shout-out to Catherine Adams, Rose Konrath, and Liz Compton for their diligent review of grammar and clarity. Another highlight from the April Financials report is that the church finished the month on budget! Overall, the staff is doing an excellent job keeping to their budgets, and we're looking forward to having a full Akita summer with the hiring of international female counselors. How exciting to have such diversity among our summer counselor staff!

After the meeting, we had a small reception to welcome our new Minister of Mission and Justice, Rev. John Girard. We were delighted to chat with him over wine and snacks. The Governing Board's next full group meeting will be Wednesday, June 24, at 7 pm at North, and we will be taking our summer break in July.

My focus this month is ~ How am I continuing to get better and do better both personally & professionally? 

Peace & Blessings,

April Howe

First Community Foundation

Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation

The Foundation Board of Trustees was busy in May reviewing and awarding grants that support many of the ministries and programs of First Community Church. There was a total of over $104,000 in grants awarded in May. Some of these recently awarded grants included: 

International Sponsor Agencies to recruit international female counselors for Camp Akita. 

  • Fund #53122 – Heffner Akita Scholarship Endowment (Established 2003) 

All-church BBQ 

  • Fund #54085 – Richard L. and Marilyn A. Sims Membership Development Fund (Established 1985) 

 Camp Akita Program Expenses 

  • Fund #51113 – Beatrice P. Shepherd Memorial Endowment (Established 1972) 

Chelsea Garage Lighting Project – First Community Village 

  • Fund #52310 - Lillian and Shirley Wheeler Endowment Fund (Established 1973) 

First Community Village Sustaining Fund to support residents whose personal funds have been exhausted. 

  • Fund #54092 – William and Evelyn Boggs Memorial Fund (Established 2001) 

You can participate in the vital work of the First Community Foundation and the support of the ministries of First Community by creating a fund, donating to an established fund, or remembering the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax incentives available to you now and to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.  


First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church's programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and planned gifts from those focusing on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation assures donors that their legacy gift wishes will be honored and benefit the church.  


The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:  


  • Camp Akita  
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance  
  • First Community Village  
  • Missions  
  • Worship & Arts  
  • Youth Programs  


Please contact Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. You can reach Seth by email at or (614) 488-0681.  

Summer Worship Schedule Begins June 9

New Summer Sermon Series

BBQ Bash - Register Today!

Register Here for the BBQ!

Mary Evans Child Development Center

Now Enrolling

Email Leigh Anne Easterling
Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:

  • June 20 is World Refugee Day and this month’s newsletter explores our far-reaching Refugee Ministry. Learn about donations needed, volunteer opportunities, and the work of our partner organizations, C.R.I.S. and R.I.C.
  • In the Heart to Heart update this month, learn about a new volunteer opportunity that can be done off site using just a phone and your listening ears.
  • The Trading Post will be open Saturday, June 1, then closed for a week of summer vacation. When they reopen Monday, June 10 it’s time for a sale
  • Read updates from the Share and Learn Garden volunteer group as they continue to prep and plant produce for Heart to Heart!
  • Also included in this issue are several small updates from our partner mission organizations!
Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

Refugee Team

by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team Member

"We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams."

Jimmy Carter

The above quote from Jimmy Carter is from his presidential debate with Ronald Reagan in 1976, about the USA not being a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. He further urged"…renewed commitment to civil rights, human rights, domestic and around the world …" Over the years, American society has often been described as a melting pot, which results in every ingredient melting together homogenously, like milk. There are other theories about the amalgamation of our society, including the chili bowl and salad bowl theory. The latter is this author's favorite, that the salad bowl theory maintains the unique identities of individuals that would otherwise be lost to assimilation, which has the advantage of acknowledging the discrete identities and cultural differences of a multicultural society. 

The U.S. Government has projected a 100% increase in the number of refugees for the upcoming year—an increase to 125,000. Since 1983, central Ohio has resettled over 16,000 refugees from around the world, most arriving in the past decade. Since 2002, nearly half of the refugees resettled in Ohio have come to Franklin County. The current events underscore the humanitarian need to help those forced to start over.

First Community's Refugee Ministry Team has a long history of assisting refugee and immigrant families with transitioning into life in Columbus. Since 1977, they have worked closely with resettlement agencies such as CRIS and UsTogether to sponsor new arrivals and to assist with emergency funds for expenses and unexpected costs not covered by federal assistance. They also help special needs situations, such as in-home English tutoring for those unable to attend group classes. The Refugee Ministry operates entirely on donations from the church and community. 

For example, First Community's Refugee Ministry Team is serving or has served in the past families from Syria, a family of ten from the Congo that has lived in a refugee camp in Tanzania since 1997, and a family of six born in a refugee camp. Another refugee, who is now a member of our Church, had her story included in Immigration Nation on Netflix (episode 6) and suffered an acid attack in her homeland. She then fought for five years to successfully bring her children to Central Ohio with the help and support of our Refugee Ministry Team.

First Community Church has begun Refugee Welcome Teams. Team participants have learned the necessary steps to get refugee status in the United States and the challenges resettling families face. Welcome Teams will assist these families in successfully overcoming the challenges of resettling and starting a life here in Central Ohio. 

If you would like more information about First Community Church, its other Mission programs, or are interested in joining the Mission Teams, please email us at

Welcome New Members

Welcome New Members!

Brian and Amy Kelly joined First Community on May 5.


Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk

  • Friday, June 21
  • 8:30-10:30 pm
  • Labyrinth Garden, FC North


Poetry Pop (Nature Poetry)

  • Wednesday, July 10
  • 6-7 pm
  • Labyrinth Garden, FC North

Labyrinth Walk (Weather Dependent)

  • Wednesday, July 10
  • 7-8 pm
  • Labyrinth Garden, FC North

Connecting Conversations: An Experiential Workshop

Led by Barbara Allen

  • Saturday, July 13
  • 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Burkhart Chapel


Ice Cream Social

  • Sunday, August 11
  • 4-5:30 pm
  • Under the Tent, FC North

Poetry Pop

(Topic TBD)

  • Wednesday, August 14
  • 6-7 pm
  • Location TBD, FC North

Introduction to the Enneagram

Presented by Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche of the Enneagram Institute of Ohio

  • Saturday, August 17
  • 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Burkhart Chapel

First Community Marching in Stonewall Pride Parade - Register Today!

Register for the Pride Prep Party and/or to March in the Parade

First Community Closed on June 19

Labyrinth Walk

Family Movie Night

Let Us Pray

Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan, Minister of Pastoral Care

In May, a group of Older Adults spent some time down at Camp Akita. Under the shade of the pines at Vesper Hill, folks chose a ribbon that corresponded to the type of prayer they were asking for themselves. Then they chose another, tying a ribbon and saying a prayer for someone who would be headed to camp this Summer. As we covered the crosses in colorful ribbon, we covered the camp and each other in a spirit of prayer. 

There is so much to pray for: Our world, our community, our church, our families, and ourselves. You’ll notice wooden crosses on display at FC North in the Narthex and FC South in Gallery Court. Take a ribbon that corresponds to the kind of prayer you feel tugging at your heart this day (Forgiveness, Joy, Peace, Patience, Love, Guidance). Let us pray together… 

Holy One,  

There is so much to pray for. Hear the prayers that reside in the depths of my heart. On this day, I pray for _________. Bless me, bless the world, bless your people. In your many names, I pray. Amen. 

Wednesday Morning Fellowship Group

Spring Older Adult Day at Camp Akita

Amidst lousy weather reports, a group of First Community’s older adults made the trek to Camp Akita to soak up the beauty that comes with spring at camp. Veterans of Older Adult Day at Akita and new faces alike enjoyed the great outdoors on a day filled with adventure, fellowship, food, fun, and flowers in full bloom! The group had free time to explore the beauty and wonder of Akita on their own.  

After one of Matt’s great lunches, Andy Frick shared his vast knowledge, doing a presentation of the hopes and dreams for the future of Camp Akita. As the group’s guide, he also treated everyone to a nature walk, providing the experience of seeing and hearing about the various types of flowers native to the area.  

The day wound down on Vesper Hill with a special message from Rev. Mary Kate and an activity of tying various colors of ribbons on two crosses that corresponded with the type of prayer being asked for themselves and someone going to camp this summer. Also, inspirational notes, written by members of the Older Adult Ministry Team and Congregational Care Ministers, were once again given to attendees. 

At the end of the day at camp, raindrops suddenly started to sprinkle on the windshield as the bus was heading out and down the gravel road. The bus driver mentioned how we had gone through the whole day with no rain and perfect weather until we made our exit. 

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

On May 4, 2024, Grandview Heights held its annual "All Community Garage Sale", and the Women's Guild of First Community participated, using the South parking lot to display our wares. 

As the week of the sale progressed to the setup time on Friday, the weather forecast became increasingly more foreboding, with expectations of rain arriving at 4 pm on Friday and continuing for the better part of the day on Saturday. As it turned out, we were so lucky! We were all set up on Friday night with everything under the tents or covered with plastic and tarps before it started to sprinkle, and it never rained hard that night. Again, on Saturday, we expected all day that the rain would come any time, but it didn't come until after everything had been packed off to Volunteers of America, the tents were down, and the area cleaned up! Then, around 6 pm, it poured down. We couldn't have asked for a better outcome. 

THANK YOU so much to everyone who contributed to the success of the 2nd Annual Mini Garage Sale, either as a donor, a worker, or in any other capacity! 


Special thanks go to:    

  • Martha Livingston arranged for tents with Mike Kutsick from Top Dog Events Rental and spent all day cooking and selling hot dogs and brats.   
  • Merci Katz arrived early and stayed all day selling, wrapping, bagging, and doing whatever needed to be done.   
  • Janice Rook staged, priced, and sold the more delicate and expensive items in the Annex. 
  • April Howe, Barbara Wood, and Diane Albrecht came to set up on Friday and returned to work on Saturday. 
  • Joan and Ralph Talmage ran their own Garage Sale and donated all their profits to the Women's Guild Sale. 
  • Jared Caskie, Jon Rohrer, and Roger Albrecht set up on Thursday and Friday night.   
  • Dick Rohrer worked set up on Thursday and Friday and from dawn through final cleanup on Saturday!  

Lastly, thank you to all the other hard-working volunteers who came Friday and Saturday to help unload, sort, set up, cover up, pack up, and clean up! The event couldn't have happened without these dedicated, industrious volunteers and generous donors! 


And now for the results: After expenses, the Women's Guild netted between $2,650 and $2,700! Janice and Martha also rescued several very expensive items, which they took to the Everything But The House Auction House, where we hope to get another $300 to $600 from the sale of those items. 

Music & Mocktail Party for Some

Hot Fun in the Summertime!

Get ready for some summer fun for all ages under the tent at First Community’s Music & Mocktails event on Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-7:30pm at FC North, 3777 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH 43221.

Enjoy the sweet sounds of Grassinine, a central Ohio-based band that includes First Community members, Terry Davis and Tom Krouse, while sipping FC signature mocktails. Food will also be provided. The event will offer an opportunity for a multigenerational gathering that brings together families, neighbors and community members under one roof for fellowship. This first-time event for FC is presented by the Older Adult Ministry Team and sponsored by the First Community Foundation. 

Women's Guild Retreat - Save the Date!

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