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NIA Hot Topics

March 2023

Welcome to the March edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.

Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at:

In this issue:

  • Spring NIA Membership Meeting
  • In the Know
  • Flea Market is Back!
  • Introducing Naples News Milestones
  • Judy Powell Junior-Writers Scholarship
  • CERT Update
  • Naples Bayside Acadamy Fundraiser
  • Upcoming Naples Calendar

Spring Naples Improvement Association Membership Meeting

Thursday, March 30, 6:00 PM, Long Beach Yacht Club


The Spring Membership Meeting will cover many important issues.  We’ll receive reports on the next phases of the Sea Wall, the work on the Island pumps that the County Flood Control District will be commencing in the coming year, and an update on the pumps that keep the water in Alamitos Bay clean. We’ll also have a report from the LBYC Commodore on the renovation plan for the clubhouse and surrounding facility. 

This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info.

Sidewalk Vending and Food Trucks Plan – Please take New Survey on Food Trucks

We have seen an increase in sidewalk vending in our area as a result of a new State law. Many of you completed the City’s Street Vending survey. Thank you.  The City will be putting together a plan that will both follow the new law and take into consideration the concerns from residents and businesses. The City is now asking for input on Food Trucks. Please take this new survey by April 2.

Blood Drive at LBYC on March 29

The Long Beach Yacht Club is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, March 29 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Naples’ residents are welcome to give at LBYC by following the QR Code to the Red Cross Reservation site. (scan or click image below)

3rd District Newsletter

If you don't already receive the LB 3rd District Newsletter, sign up here!




Saturday, June 24th, 2023!


A fun neighborhood event/happening that benefits all of the vendors and the Naples Improvement Association! Have fun mingling with neighbors and friends while you turn your forgotten treasures into cash!!!


Mark your Calendars and start sifting through your Garage, Kitchen and closets for tools, clothes, household items, jewelry etc. etc :)


The charge for each space will be $50, a win/win as your $ go to the NIA and Flea Marketers will make $ for their wares! Please contact Margaret Malouf @ (562) 221-9495 to secure a spot ASAP!

Take One Quick Step to

Receive Emergency Alerts!

In a disaster, timely and accurate information is critical. Alert Long Beach is an emergency notification system used by the City of Long Beach to issue emergency alerts to residents and businesses. The system has the capacity to send thousands of messages within minutes via phone, e-mail and text.

Naples Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) encourages all residents to sign up by going to the City of Long Beach’s Alert Long Beach site - HERE, or downloading the CodeRED Mobile Alert app.

For more tips, and information on LB CERT-Naples, visit-

Naples Bayside Academy PTA

Our Online Silent Auction for our Casino NIght Spring Fundraiser is LIVE! 

You won’t want to miss out on the fabulous packages our generous families, school staff, and community partners have donated.

Bidding is open until March 25 @ at 8pm, closing right before our Live Auction. (Please note: Live Auction items will only be available for bidding at the event.)

Visit to browse the items and place your bids!

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

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• Mar 30 - General Membership Meeting, 6 PM LBYC

• Apr 7 - Easter Egg Hunt, 10 AM at the Colonnade Fountain

• May 30 - 1st Summer Concert

• June 3 - Pancake Breakfast, Craft Fair, Fun Run

• June 27 - 2nd Summer Concert & Chili Cook-off

• July 25 - 3rd Summer Concert

• Aug 29 - 4th Summer Concert

• Sept 10 - Street Dance Concert

More events to come for 2023!

Is My NIA Membership


Not sure if you renewed

your membership this year?


to view the latest list of active members.


Ready to sign up?

1) Register Online with credit card,

(our encrypted, secure web portal is up and running!)

2) Mail in form with check,

(download a PDF or pull a form from Naples News)

Questions or Corrections?

Contact John Angelo at

NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.