Dear Residents, Neighbors, and Friends:
In the face of new and persistent challenges to our pursuit of a world where human rights are universally upheld and protected, I encourage you to look towards the enduring legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr for inspiration.
Fifty-six years ago, Dr. King’s quest to achieve racial and economic justice was cut short by his untimely death. Yet, his dream is not confined to a specific time or place. It is an ever-evolving journey that requires our collective efforts to be catalysts for change and justice.
This January, we have another opportunity to recommit ourselves to fulfilling his dream and the dream of many others who have tirelessly fought for a truly just and equitable society. The task may seem daunting, however, in the words of Dr. King, “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor political nor popular, but [must be taken] because [one’s] conscience tells [them] it is right.” Use this month as an opportunity to not only reflect on how far we’ve come, but to reexamine our individual roles in advancing the cause of human rights.
I encourage you to engage in meaningful conversations in your communities and beyond. OHR has developed tools to help you use inclusive language when interacting with others. We also hold trainings, “Listening Labs” and I hold quarterly meetings with community leaders to ensure the Office of Human Rights is standing up in solidarity with our communities and providing effective remedies to those who have suffered injustices. For more information about these trainings and events, check out our website, social media (Facebook, Instagram(@dchumanrights), and LinkedIn) us at Together, we can foster an environment where diverse perspectives are not only welcomed but celebrated. Through meaningful conversations and collective action, we can strengthen our ability to address the complexities of human and civil rights challenges in the District and on a global scale.
Thank you for supporting the work of OHR and your commitment to justice and equity. May the spirit of Dr. King serve to inspire and guide us in the year ahead. And remember, “For when people get caught up with that which is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no stopping point short of victory.”