Call for Self-Nominations

The 2024-2025 Certificate in University

Teaching and Learning Cohort

Register now! 

We invite the CapU Faculty community to self-nominate to the inaugural Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL) Cohort. 

What is it? 

Thanks to the Service Improvement Allocation funding, up to 5 faculty will be selected to form the inaugural Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL) Cohort. Each member of the CUTL Cohort will receive 1 section of release to take part in the CUTL programming during the 24-25 Academic Year. At the end of the program, cohort members will receive a Certificate of Completion, which may give rise towards one step on the pay scale, subject to, and in accordance with, Article 8.4.13. of the Collective Agreement.

What is expected of me? 

From September 2024 to May 2025, all cohort members will be expected to fully engage in cohort activities, which will be scheduled at a regular date and time just like a course. Cohort members will also be expected to share their learning and experiences at the CapU Teaching and Learning Symposium held at the end of April. 

Who is eligible? 

All faculty (i.e., NREG, RLT, RPT, and RFT), including those in the Library, Counselling, and Accessibility Services, are eligible to apply. The section release is not available for overload. If you are loaded for 8 sections in the 2024-2025 academic year, you must be able to drop 1 section. 

How do I self-nominate? 

Complete this form by May 31st! Applicants will be notified by June 10th.



Register now! 

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The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching.