chfa enews - housing credit 
March 20, 2025

public hearing on draft amendments to chfa’s 2025-2026 qap and 2025 mihtc plan

CHFA will hold a public hearing in Colorado regarding the 2025-2026 Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (the QAP) and 2025 Middle-income Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plan (the MIHTC Plan). The purpose of the hearing is to receive input on a proposed change that adds a pet-inclusive preference to each Plan. Drafts of each plan and a summary of changes are available on CHFA’s website:


MIHTC Plan: 

In addition, pet policy resources are available on CHFA’s website: 

The hearing will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 26 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm via Zoom. Please visit to register to attend.

If you are unable to attend the hearing, written comments will be accepted up to the hearing date and should be submitted to Kathryn Grosscup.

This meeting will be recorded by the presenter. If you do not want to participate in a recorded meeting, please do not connect to the call. Please be advised that as a political subdivision of the state of Colorado, CHFA is subject to the Colorado Open Records Act, which requires CHFA to permit inspection and copying of certain public records. The recording may be subject to the Act. Please do not share any confidential information if you join the call.

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